Dual Universe Creators
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Join DiscordY-Wing BTL-B
SNS Sentinels
Build by Knight-Sevy#6239 The BTL Y-wing starfighter was a fighter-bomber built by the shipbuilding industrie of Sentinels. It is built in such a way as to be as close as possible to the real scale while adding the "DU" dough and as details as possible. Real cockpit. Sold with 1600 l of fuel and 800 ammo S. The Y Wing BTL-B is a godd ship for training space combat in Dual Universe with friends. To use the four Missile, you need "Missile S Capacity Handling" (Weapons => Seat Capacity Handling => Gunner Module S Capacity Handling) (Weapons => Missile Capacity Handling => Missile S Capacity Handling) And then apply them on your construct (Right clic => Construct => Reapply talents on construct) BP dispenser located on Moon 4 at - ::pos{0,22,-24.0681,158.4720,64.3307} To view in person, visit VR: " SNS Showroom Public DSAT" https://youtu.be/H_ZWIZ_wUF0 No talent max stats : 8.65g MAX THRUST 10.8g BRAKE FORCE 26m² Frontal cross section 49 143 km/h MAX SPEED
TIE Hybrid Mini-Hauler
DU Creators
DM Deravi#6100 on Discord, currently based out of Haven 14. I made this version after launch to be as affordable as possible. It doesn't inspire in any one category but it drags a good weight across a planet's surface and can lug a little over 100 tons into space at an angle. It works in first and third person views and is made from brick and carbon fibre so it's quite light. It ALMOST fits on an XS core but those foils are a bit tall. Has 2 S containers, 3 XS. A TIE Fighter isn't the most efficient design for a primarily atmospheric ship (those scattered S space engines are just enough to brake gravity and not much else) but it looks great and is very safe and fun to fly.
The 400i
Southern Cross High Guard
Inspired by The 400i from Star Citizen. The 400i is a warp capable haul craft with 2 large containers and a stunning full interior. To do those market trips in style. The 400i has: - Bridge (Pilot and two Co-pilots) - 2 Bedrooms - 1 Bathroom - Kitchen and dinning area - Large entrance VR: SCHG Ship Sales - Madis ::pos{0,1,81.7469,5.7865,545.1833}
Giga Chad
Giga Chad THE sky rider, clouds driller, space lover! Let you embark on this manly dream flying roadster, designed with love and equipped with the best tech with its double S military Rare engines and more... The Giga Chad is mainly for the pleasure of fast and precise planetary travels (9.25g atmo thrust). A piece of high engineering and mechanics understanding, and a must have for luxury spacecraft collectors. Engines details: - 2 S Rare military atmo engines (forward thrust) - 3 XS Rare military atmo engines (forward thrust) - 4 XS Uncommon military atmo engines (forward thrust) - 1 S hover engine - 1 S atmo fuel tank (800l) - 1 S Uncommon maneuver space engine (forward thrust) - 2 XS Uncommon maneuver space engine (lateral thrust) - 3 XS Uncommon maneuver space engine (vertical thrust) - 1 S v-booster - 1 S space fuel tank (800l) Construct is fully buffed to level 5, including elements HP of basic and uncommon elements *2 XS containers. ** Hull colors and material fully customizable, BP includes material editing templates
Vector Triscanner MK2
The Vector has been updated and this is the latest version. With updated engines and rebalanced she flies better than ever. Also did some asthetic upgrades to the body to give it some personality and converted it to lighter materials, mostly carbon fiber and alum. It does now include a AGG setup along with the three scanners with elevator access for quick scanning with out having to land. It also still includes directional engines for use in aligning your self for scanning with out having to turn the ship or re approach. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6500,91.2477,72.4814} you can Also VR to "Seripis Castle" All stats are as boosted with lvl 5 skills. The blue prints were made in VR and do carry the Boost with them. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466
Cruise in style with the beautiful, yet efficient, Adventurer. It has 2 Medium Atmo Engines and its frontal cross section is barely larger than that. Ensuring as little drag as possible while still allowing you to enjoy looking at your ride while you fly. Stormsteel Guarantee: All Stormsteel ships come with max boosts to all piloting elements. When you buy a Stormsteel ship, you can always bring it back for updated Boosts if you add or move elements around and need them re boosted. Blueprints can be purchased at ::pos{0,2,51.3456,99.1264,-0.0000} I will also deliver BPs to you at any of the district markets, free of charge.
Tonag v2
In the middle of a move, contact me via discord to arrange a sale. Czar industries is Proud to present a new line of progression ships for newer players. Reasonably priced, easy to build and all with great functionality. The Tonag is now at v2. It is the perfect first S-Core hauler for newer players. It handles well, flies true, stops on a dime, and carries a crazy amount. Easily carries 1.5Kt off of Alioth and I almost got 2Kt with the 10 Maneuver Atmo engines and 4 Maneuver Space Engines. Reentry with 2.5Kt is a breeze with plenty of braking power. Plenty of interior space and access to almost all of the elements from inside. Cargo is 4 Container L's with 716Kl of storage. Shiny, reliable, efficient.....it's still my favorite ship to use! Warp capable and only 30cells Alioth to Madis with empty cargo. Switches installed to turn everything off and open doors when not in use. Demo model not yet deployed
ZEAL Prefect
Zealot Company
Here is your shoot and loot pvp ship! Upgraded to 6 Advanced Precision Cannon S a medium ammo can and a respectable cargo space able to haul 1.5 kt of spoils. She is set up to solo or for two player fun with a with cross sections at 212m, 74.1m and 273m; you will have a ride to remember! This is a space only construct, to view VR to ADMI Build Store and head to the cyan pads.
Dot Apollo
Dot Hack
Dot Apollo is the Third ship part of first series of Dot Interplanetary of ships that is being introduce after the release. Dot Apollo is the big brother of the Metis and Eros. Apollo is the hauler in the series that is able to lift 2kt of cargo into space. With 8 large atmo and 6 large space engines, Apollo has the power to take you where you need to go. Update: All ships come with T5 buffs, just message me in discord to find a time.
Baxton Aeronautics
ANDARTA_V3 ship with all parts in basic S core S shield S radar 4 missile S 3 L space engine NO HUD NO DRM CCS : 8.64M | 35% all resist in full T1 you can increase your ccs by replacing the mesh with a higher quality mesh > T1 : carbon, silicium, iron, aluminium T1.5 : plastic, steel, silumin, duralmine etc... U can visit me in VR "baxtonAeronotics" Renember, dont buy in VR !!! BP dispencer available at this position : - ::pos{0,27,13.7133,23.1457,54.8997} Have fun
Dragonster dragon - L size huge flying dragon. -Atmo, Space, Warp Drive Ask for token price contact in game : LordSaygon discord: LordSaygon#5819 twitch : LordSaygon
This Ship is retired Please look for new Version The Vector is a M Core Tri Scanner. Designed to be efficient and stylish. Just because its a Tri Scanner doesn't mean it cant turn heads. Hit me up if your interested. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6707,91.2553,57.6432} All stats are as boosted with lvl 3 skills. If you boost them higher it will be better. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466
C~H~A~I~N~E~D Arcade game With built in highscores and sound effects! Switch added, to be able to play in VR (without sound) Come check it out at the Underdun Arcade (VR) ::pos{0,2,38.0744,106.5346,114.9047}
Crane VarA Mk I
LUF Industries
The "Crane VarA Mk I" is an atmospheric Pocket Ship. It travels with up to 1,700 km/h, depends on Elements and skills. The ship contains: 1x Atmospheric Engine M 2x Atmospheric Engines S You can look at the ship in the Surrogate VR "LUF Showroom".
Pocket Ball
Need some Nostalgia fueled flight? Try the Pocket Ball by Stormsteel! This vanity pocket ship is a beautiful edition to any collection. Although it's basic small engines keep it rather slow, the Pocket Ball handles beautifully and makes for a comfortable joyride. Consider upgrading the engines to give it a little more speed! The Blueprint will default deploy with Polished Red Steel to create the classic look. The Pocket Ball is also available in more premium looks. The Great and Ultra Ball BPs are 100,000 quanta. The Master Ball BP is 150,000 quanta. Stormsteel Guarantee: All Stormsteel ships come with max boosts to all piloting elements. When you buy a Stormsteel ship, you can always bring it back for updated Boosts if you add or move elements around and need them re boosted. VR to "Stormhold" to see the Pocket Ball in person. Blueprints can be purchased via Dispenser at ::pos{0,2,51.3456,99.1264,-0.0000} Tokens are available! Please contact Stormsteel#9179 on Discord to place a token order. Custom Colors can be done with T1 Honeycomb