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Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)
Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}
Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard
Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.
Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP
The Falcon
Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one
ETA Crab Light Freighter
Elite Transport Associates Ship Works
ETA Crab Light Freighter Built for the space trucker. This ship focuses on fuel economic as well as its first person piloting. Great for safe zone missions and Hulling. Ship comes Equip with: 4 L Adv Atmo Freight Engine's 4 L Adv Space Maneuver Engine's 4 M Adv Space Freight Engine's 4 S Adv Space Freight Engine's For space and asteroid Docking. Warp Drive. Albatross HUD. All ETA Ships come with LvL 5 put down skills for fuel tanks, engines, and containers.
Whippet Mk3
The perfect Day 1 pilot planet hopper, designed to deliver a small amount of cargo from surface to surface - now offered completely FREE ! Make use of the S container to get that vital element or industry, mount a priority rescue of a fuel stranded org-mate, or just go sightseeing around our beautiful moons and asteroid belts. With its distinctive open frame cockpit, this is a fast and cost efficient vessel for your interplanetary needs. All stats are given with no placement and day 1 pilot talents - stats will only improve with talent training.
The Argo - Deep Space Transporter
RCG Corporation
The Argo is a Deep Space Transporter. It has got 6 Container L and an L-Shield for superior Protection. 2 Advanced Military XL Engines & 4 Uncommon Military L Engines providing lots of thrust to get to max speed in a short time and will also make you able to fill up all the 6 containers with heavy cargo, without the loss of many thrust. It is perfect for hauling ore between a carrier and your space station. It also has a warp core and a small Hangar in the front for a small hybrid XS flyer. Thanks to RobRocketpants the Argo comes with his great Fox Status Report Script. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
ETA LH 500 MK2 Advanced Warp
Elite Transport Associates Ship Works
Great Light Warp Huller Build for the space trucker. This ship focuses on fuel economic as well as its first person piloting. The ETA LH 500 advanced is a fully upgraded version of the basic LH 500 Costume Engine Config Available Ship comes with Equip with: 2 Adv Fright Atmo Engine L 4 Adv Fright Space Engine M 2 Adv Maneuver Space Engine L 2 Adv Fright Space Engine S For Easy Space station docking Warp Drive 600t Plus off Alioth Albatross HUD. All ETA Ships come with LvL 5 put down skills for fuel tanks, engines, and containers.
Golden Oak Industries
The Bogdan is an extra small courier shuttle. Ultralight weight with tremendous lift capabilities for its size! Just the right ship for those runs to the moon or down to the planet from a larger ship! Carbon fiber hull and seats 3. Can reach speeds in space up to 47,068km/h. An excellent little grocery getter or for quick trips to the market as well.
IWAC Implausible S
Wicked Wonderland
Wicked Wonderland and IWAC are proud to present the Implausible S, the second in a line of innovative ships that push the boundaries of traditional design logic. Whereas the Implausible XS delivered an incredible micro hauler that defies the constraints of an XS core, the Implausible S seeks to reinvent the quaint S core hauler. With a teeny tiny profile, this ship impossibly, or should we say Implausiblly, mounts 16 Uncommon Military Engines! Stylishly tucked away on the sides of the ship, it maintains a sleek and speedy frame. This design choice gives the ship unrivalled power for its size, capable of lifting 3Kt off Alioth with sufficient piloting talents. This ship will get your cargo where it needs to go.
OLD Fury-class
SNS Sentinels
Build by Ch3w8a (Shenluan#8552), Akcroma#9718 and Nikto#8099 According to demand, there may be a waiting time for orders The Fury-class Imperial Interceptor was a starship used by the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War and its resultant Cold War. Fury-class, with our Arquitens, is one of our Star Wars ship for Scifi events, it has already been tested many times in great battles so the first big Star Wars event against BOO. It represents the first collaboration between HOZ and ATS which will later form SNS Sentinels. 8 Advanced Precision Laser L 8 Advanced Precision Railgun L 10 Container L 8 Uncommon Military Space Engine XL 8 Space Fuel Tank L Warp Drive L Homemade PVP and piloting script Honeycomb Gold 195m3 Iron 18169m3 Steel 50.3m3 Nickel 615m3 Luminescent Glass 4.27m3 High level weapons handling Other elements full 5/5 buff
SNS Sentinels
Visible at the showroom SNS Sentinels
F36 Matador
Shinra Shipyards
Introducing the F36 'Matador', a medium core all-purpose hauler. Key features include: Capable of 3KT lift off Alioth Warp drive Shield generator 8 Large Containers Carbon fibre build, with some plastic for light weight frame Excellent handling at full weight, with balanced centre of gravity Easy to swap out rear engines for more space thrust or high-altitude lift if desired VR: F36 Matador Location: ::pos{0,2,61.1961,88.0853,520.3715} Contact: Shredder#5614 Appreciate any and all feedback!
A6M2 Zero
Japanese WW2 fighterplane. Flies pretty well, top speed is about 900 Kph. You can roll and loop yourself dizzy with it. Location: ::pos{0,2,33.8833,110.2308,89.3031}
Dot Hermes v2 MAX
Dot Hack
Dot Interplanetary presents the Dot Hermes v2 MAX. Ship is equipped with 72 large atmo engines, 6 XL space engines, Tri Territory Scanner, Deep Space Asteroid Scanner, Docking Collar, Hanger Bay with Maintenance Unit and a Bar . Pick up your Dot Hermes today!