Dual Universe Creators
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Outer Rim Exploration

PUBLIC VR OPEN! VR: Outer Rim Black Market (Under Construction) Visit us at the OR3 Command Tower on Alioth near Market 12 (You can see it as you land!) The Astero is your little market buddy. Need a BP from somewhere? Need it light and fast? This is your warp shuttle. All of our ships are fully boosted. An Eve Online replica done on an XS Core (and thus snub-nosed, not a perfect replica!) Warp drive capable and preinstalled with res node, atmo and space engines (Atmo Only version available also with 24kL cargo capacity). This ship holds 10.2kl of cargo in hybrid form, or , for your emergency runs and blueprint Jumps. All of our ships have full 3D navigation engines in space. Update: The engines have now been upgraded to Advanced Military across the board (Space/Atmo Engines and Boosters). Should you choose a token, these ships are also now available in any color or theme you like, or any eve-themed skin. You supply the materials and we will build it. Standards are Gold, Red, Yellow, and Blue cell, along with a polished black carbon fiber and more. See new photos. ** There is also a space-only version of this ship. ** There is a tiny version coming with combat ability and shields. The Astero's big brother, the Stratios, is in final development.
Quanta Hunter

The newest addition to the Underdun Arcade. Based on the classic Boulder Dash, on the Commodore and Amiga. Featuring all 20 original levels! Come check it out at the Underdun Arcade (VR) ::pos{0,2,38.0744,106.5346,114.9047} ** RULES ** Move your character with the arrow keys. You can dig through dirt, and push boulders. Collect as many coins as specified in each level, at the loading screen, within the time limit. Once you have enough, the game background changes, and the Exit opens up. Gathering more coins than needed, grants extra quanta. Collecting 500 quanta worth of coins, grants an extra life (you start with 3). Coins and boulders roll off each other, and off walls. If they land on your head, you die. You can safely dig under a stationary boulder. Butterflies and Fireflies kill you on touch. Drop a boulder on them to kill them. Butterflies generate coins when they explode. Fireflies do not. Amoeba spreads like a virus through the level. It kills Butterflies and Fireflies, but it only blocks the player. If it grows too large, it will turn into boulders. Encasing the Amoeba using boulders, coins or the player so it can't grow, turns it into coins. The Magic Wall turns boulders into coins and vice versa. Activate it by dropping a boulder on it. It has a set time limit. CTRL+F9 hides your UI so it's easier to see the game. Type "kill" in the LUA chat if you get stuck. You can choose to start on any of the 20 levels, by typing "level <number>" in the LUA chat.
Obsidian Viper - ADMI
Gray (GrayLeader)

Will be updating store location for release in weekish atm emladra#8532 is available if you wish to purchase anything. Hoping to be setup with new store on madis in a week possibly 2 depending on resources lol.
United Empire

Now download for myDU: https://united-empire.de/forum/index.php?thread/8-realbigos-blueprints-for-mydu/ It is a freighter for transport missions. Not suitable for combat. In the ship, the ratio of weight and speed was kept so that you can fly the missions quickly. The blueprint is DRM-free. So you can make your own changes and also copy it. My name in the game is RealBigOS. You are welcome to write me. ::pos{0,27,-31.0350,16.9552,-0.0000} VR: UNE_Base_Haven
Atlas L Pro by Hadron

Hadron’s signature voxel work and Jeronimo’s feature packed JSE++ have come together to produce our series of tower free space elevators! Our elevators are tuned to provide lightning fast transportation of goods and personnel, to and from space, with minimal fuel consumption and effort. What sets our products apart from the competition is our elevators use a number of atmospheric and space brakes to slow the craft rather than using engines to do so which burn a lot of fuel. By using brakes, a huge amount of cargo can be brought safely down from space. Damage Report AR (augmented reality) for monitoring fuel and overall weight at a glance JSE++ elevator script for maximum control and performance tuning The JSE++ flight script provided by Jeronimo, offers a huge number of parameters for you to tune the elevator to your liking. Some notable features include: - Default++ windows system, draggable windows, interactable buttons - Up to 9 easily adjustable and renamable floors - Customisable orientations vectors for gravity elevators or shaft elevators - Various customizable engines settings, approach and travel speeds for empty or full cargo - Automatic engines power on/off - ECO Mode (uses gravity to accelerate the elevator back down to the planet) - Dynamic Augmented Reality floor selection interface - Hot keys for quick action (ALT + 1...9) - Admin list for allowing only certain people to adjust parameters - Blacklist to exclude certain people from using the elevator - Interface available in 3 languages: eng / fr / ger - Auto shutoff on endpoints with adjustable telemeter offsets. -100% autonomous docking in space with emitter / receiver. -All Elevators are desinged to fit in gates eg. XS ExpL or XL but will also work with sliding doors. To ensure optimal customer experience, we have developed a concept to provide you with an "all-in-one package". Our mission is a happy customer On your first ever Elevator you can only get an token or you provide the needed parts. Full Service Installation with one of us is required to make sure everything works 100% perfectly, and you are fully satisfied with our product. After your first setup you can buy blueprints and use our install guide or ask us questions any time. The on site install help for all elevators includes: Planning and setting up the ground cradle. Full explanation of all settings in discord with screenshare. After the ground setup we will fly together up and place your space station core. Placement and aligning our DRM free L Space core dock including optional Gates. Integration of the cradle in other space station BP´s. Cargo @1G (Alioth/Haven/Sanctuary) with (Uncommon Atmospheric Engines) and lvl5 Pilot talents: 10000t going up to space 15000t going down to surface Quick demo of the elevator (XS MAX): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIesj0XYORU Call us on discord for an personal tour: ryanpryde / midacre / mcxerxes Visit us in VR: Hadron HQ Alioth
Dragonfly MKI By BDC

The DragonFly MK1 Modeled from STAR CITIZENS DRAKEs Dragonfly. This hybrid is perfect for light market runs. This lil guy cruises @ 1700 kph with 5% atmo and 1300 kph on ground level. Will travel and work well on a Moon. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BooNDocK Customs" @ Infinity Corporation Spaceport ::pos{0,2,7.8000,80.4210,89.9976} ****OR**** VR Station name "BooNDocK Main Showroom" ::pos{0,2,-25.9879,106.3613,5.8710} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta.
UNSC Pelican

NEW LOCATION ON ALIOTH ::pos{0,2,39.3165,100.6868,175.0857} VR - Kyo Ship Shop A Pelican from the game Halo. Modified to work in Dual Universe. I have hauled 1000 tons so far without issue. 1 L container, the 8 xs containers are mainly to complete the look but they are linked to the hub. Took about a month of voxel shaping with two people working on it. Has all the toys. Ress node, VR station, warp drive, it has engines facing down, and up for maneuvering in space and both types of radar. VR to Kyo UNSC to check it out.
PX70 Aznable Tiger

"Three times faster" WIP Hypermaneuver Prototype from Seawing Hypersonics. The sequel to the X50 Tiger. Built with basic parts, lv5 placements(some 3's) and lv 4-5 piloting talents.

Designed by AtmoCorp, a subsidiary of Infinity Corporation. The SCARAB M Core Hauler with Warp Drive, AGG, M Shields and an Advanced Expanded Gravity-Inverted Container XXL *ship stats measured with T5 handling talents, advanced engines, and 4000t of cargo Capacity ----- 622 kl Atmo Thrust - 1.12 G Atmo brakes - 7.01 G Space Thrust - 2.52 G Space Brakes - 5.33 G V Boosters -----1.16 G Wing Lift ------ 1.38 G Max Speed ---- 20,000 BLUEPRINT - 10,000,000 SHOWROOM - 7km south of Market 7 ::pos{0,2,19.3915,97.2582,147.7494} In VR search for "AtmoCorp Alioth" Contact [IC]Atmosph3rik on Discord with any questions.
Dot Eros AX
Dot Hack

Dot Eros is the second ship part of first series of Dot Interplanetary of ships that is being introduce after the release. Dot Eros is a very low cost warp ship and 7800L of cargo space. Update: All ships come with T5 buffs, just message me in discord to find a time.
Mantis 3 two seater (PvP)

Due to the construction and choice of elements, the Mantis 3 two seater is the optimal PvP ship for two or small group actions! But the Mantis 3 can also shine in bigger fights and doesn't need to hide here. The Mantis 3 Token will delivered completely tuned, fully fueled and ammoed up. You don't have to worry about anything! - 590 k CCS Capacity (40 m³ Mangalloy Honeycomb) - 35 m² Frontal cross section (Heavily focuses on keeping the front/rear as small as it can be. By facing the narrowest side to the enemy you can greatly reduce incoming DPS.) - 18.4 g max thrust - 29.2 g brake force - 44 878 km/h max speed - 6 Rare Precision Cannon S - 4 Rare Precision Railgun S - 4 Rare Freight Space Engine L - Rocket Engine S (Only use the rocket to temporarily increase max speed) - Rare Capacitor Shield Generator M - 2 Rare Phased-Array Space Radar S - Dead's PvP Script Suite (version 4.1.10) The token will fully supplied with the following components: - Max. Fuel - 1 Dynamic Core XS - 50 Vanadium Scrap, 50 Sulfur Scrap and 300 Silicon Scrap - 1600 Cannon Heavy Ammo (800 Thermic/800 Kinetic) - 800 Railgun Heavy Ammo (400 Antimatter/400 Electromagnetic) Also check out the Mantis 2 as a single seater version: https://du-creators.org/makers/Garegon/ship/Mantis%202%20single%20seater%20%28PvP%29 BP dispenser located on Alioth at - ::pos{0,2,20.3521,99.5788,18.0258}
PDP Pocket Drone Platform

you need something tiny that fits in your ship ? you want to reach your agg ship ? running between mining tiles bores you ? well what about an compactable mini drone ! it will VTOL only and steer by leaning in flight direction. the plattform can hover up to 2500 meters and thanks to rare freight engines sustain for over two hours. give this little helper a try and feel like ironman :-) give us a visit in VR : Hadron HQ Alioth
Mantis 2 single seater (PvP)

Due to the construction and choice of elements, the Mantis 2 single seater is the optimal PvP ship for solo or small group actions! But the Mantis 2 can also shine in bigger fights and doesn't need to hide here. You can switch between seats in flight and operate cannons and stasis weapons as a single player. The Mantis 2 Token will delivered completely tuned, fully fueled and ammoed up. You don't have to worry about anything! - 590 k CCS Capacity (40 m³ Mangalloy Honeycomb) - 35 m² Frontal cross section (Heavily focuses on keeping the front/rear as small as it can be. By facing the narrowest side to the enemy you can greatly reduce incoming DPS.) - 17.4 g max thrust - 28.2 g brake force - 44 707 km/h max speed - 6 Rare Precision Cannon S - 2 Stasis Weapon S (To maintain constant slowing, use the spare while the first is reloading) - 4 Advanced Freight Space Engine L - Rare Capacitor Shield Generator M - 2 Rare Phased-Array Space Radar S - Dead's PvP Script Suite (version 4.1.10) The token will fully supplied with the following components: - Max. Fuel - 1 Dynamic Core XS - 50 Vanadium Scrap, 50 Sulfur Scrap and 300 Silicon Scrap - 2000 Cannon Heavy Ammo (1000 Thermic/1000 Kinetic) - 80 Stasis Ammo Also check out the Mantis 3 as a two seater version: https://du-creators.org/makers/Garegon/ship/Mantis%203%20two%20seater%20%28PvP%29 BP dispenser located on Alioth at - ::pos{0,2,20.3521,99.5788,18.0258}

Introducing the SKY PIX XS MAX HYBRID a XS Core Spaceship - the perfect vessel for adventurers and explorers alike! This compact and nimble spacecraft is designed with versatility in mind, making it the ideal choice for those who crave the freedom of the open universe. Built with top-of-the-line materials, the XS Core Spaceship boasts impressive maneuverability and speed, allowing you to easily navigate through even the tightest of spaces. Whether you're exploring uncharted territories or traveling between planets, this ship will get you there in style. The interior of the XS Core Spaceship is expertly crafted with the latest technology, providing a comfortable and spacious environment. The ship features cutting-edge systems, including advanced navigation and communication tools, ensuring you're always one step ahead of the competition. So why wait? Take control of your journey with the XS Core Spaceship today. With its compact size, impressive capabilities, and sleek design, you'll be the envy of the universe! Come visit at Alioth: ::pos{0,2,54.7335,109.8047,69.0288} VR: SKY Blueprint Store Notes: Stats with piloting talents Token on request

F-22J - aircraft replica Practical light hauler/run about, ready for atmo combat. Fun to fly, highly maneuverable. Complete Cockpit interior. Air and Space, all rare military engines. Length 81 - Width 56 - Height 22 Tokens and BP available at ::pos{0,2,5.1779,91.5441,2.7838}