Dual Universe Creators

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Space Force One


Space Thrust: 58 MN

Ask me for token cost as the prices on the market keep changing! Cyclops is a S core DSAT ship with a warp core and beefy engines to be able to really get that weight going. It reaches max speed quickly and has room on the roof for 2 L containers when you and your buddy find the asteroid. This assures you are not wasting extra money on warp cells! Can dock to your M Core container ship when it arrives on the asteroid for easy trips home! Come see us at ::pos{0,0,-313293.9187,978937.8481,-453302.0252} to see our showroom, OR Visit us in VR, Search for "SF1 Showroom" I will place the ship for you if you bring me the parts and the blueprint. I have level 4 placement skills in everything and 5 in a few. I will be at full 5's in February. Feel free to stop back by for handling increases!

BP: 5 Mħ

Inquiry M

Inquisitor Apocalix


Cargo Lift: 5,000 t

PvP Space hauler 5 kt (1g) 10 container L .9 su brakes Battle Bridge + shield L

BP: 2.5 Mħ

Rifter Phalanx

Rifter Inc


Space Thrust: 55 MN

This Is a 2 Medium Gunner Cannon & Laser Meta Relevant Cruiser class PvP Ship. It is Meant to be flown with Support S core ships. This ship has 18Mil CCS and a Large Shield. Comes With Free Buffs For Space and All weapon systems.

BP: 6 Mħ

Viper Mark I



Space Thrust: 1.39 MN

Light cruiser with athmo and space engines 1S + 2XS container Max speed 850 km/h Empty: 20t Visit me via VR Station "Apache Ship Shop" or directly via coordinates ::pos{0,2,2.8112,93.7150,29.7494}

BP: 300 Kħ


Golden Oak Industries


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

The Aurora Medium Core Cruise is the perfect vehicle for transporting a space princess! (Or Cargo!) Equipped with 6 Staterooms which you can decorate any way you like, it sports two large cargo containers (with room to add additional containers for extra volume) along with a centralized Hub. The ship also has medium shields and an onboard Resurrection Node and VR Pod + Two VR Booths.

BP: 1.25 Mħ

"Carrion" S Shuttle Edition by BDC



Space Thrust: 0.697 MN

"Carrion" S Shuttle Edition Elite Dangerous fans I have one for you. I squeezed what should have been a S core into an XS build box. Packed in neatly and made Purdy. Ship is using Custom ARCH Hud and Damage report for screens. Has small living quarters and seats to bring friends with ya. Ship is over Engineered and fly's fantastic. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta.

Token: 6 Mħ
BP: 3 Mħ

Dark Aurora

Dark Forges


Cargo Lift: 960 t

Dark Aourora is a M core Transport Ship I've done a lot of hauling whit this on. it will fly a like a real airplane =D I have flown this with lvl 5 skills on me and managed to lift 960kl to space. Will have Advans Space on it when token now i only have Basic on it. Landig you will fly it like a plain or you will crash whit it and and below 200km/h before you land Discord: https://discord.gg/cTU9sPtnsR BP cords: ::pos{0,2,-1.1524,178.6534,54.5918} VR Dark Forges HQ This ship will soon be available for checking out at DAFO HQ Dark Aurora

BP: 1 Mħ

Dark Scanner v2

Dark Forges


Atmo Thrust: 8.1 MN

Here you have the Dark Scanner v2, a scanner ship with 3 scanners on and cargo for fuel and scanns. It even comes with a landing pad for you to use your pocketrocket, good if you have many DS:v2, a VR and Pod station for easier access for friends and members of your org. One of the DAFO´s best sellers! Voxels: Mostly T1 voxels, with some T3 voxels(Lithium) that can easily change when deploying the Bp. Storage: 2 S containers to store Territory units 1 S container for fuel storage. 2 XS containers for storage of scanns. All attributes are at lvl 5 upgrades and lvl 5 Piloting Discord: https://discord.gg/cTU9sPtnsR BP cords ::pos{0,2,-1.1524,178.6534,54.5918} VR Dark Forges HQ

BP: 250 Kħ

Roid Raider (Pack Fighter)

Creator (Rock Raiders)


Space Thrust: 2.48 MN

[PRICING] - 1 bp's = 250,000h (250Kh total) - 10 bp's = 200,000h (per copy) - (2Mh total) - 100 bp's = 100,000h (per copy) - (10Mh total) The "Roid Raider" is an affordable XS core combat ship for pack hunting. [FEATURES] - (2) XS Cannons - Holds 1,000 rounds of ammo - Advanced Shield Generator S - Shield venting button - Safe Zone (direction) button - sets your waypoint towards safe zone for quick retreat after looting your enemies. - Tier 1 (nanopack craftable honeycomb) - VR for visiting your DSAT to visit other asteroids which have been broadcast publicly. - Mounting zone for adding stolen enemy containers for additional storage during looting. - Small cross sections for increased survivability against larger weapons/ships. (Tokens will not be made available) [DESCRIPTION] What Roid'ers lack in sophistication, they make up for in efficiency, and ability to bounce back from their losses with hunting packs of low cost ships regularly patrolling the asteroids within the Helios system.

BP: 100 Kħ

Stellar Dream 2



Cargo Lift: 7,500 t

This M Core is just a cool looking cargo beast. She will definitely Turn some heads Room Inside for a DSAT if that floats your boat. DSAT not included in Blueprint 3L Containers Contact me on Discord for Token sales

Token: 65 Mħ
BP: 8 Mħ


Golden Oak Industries


Cargo Lift: 1,000 t

SMALL CORE ∙ 4 Large Basic Atmospheric Engines ∙ 2 Large Uncommon Maneuver Engines ∙ 589k CCS ∙ 5.03g/3.46g A/S Thrust ∙ 28.1g/18g A/S Brake Force ∙ 1,741 km/h / 39,946 km/h Max Speed ∙ 13.9g/8.67g L/H Lift ∙ Radar/RezNode/VR Booth/2 Lg Containers + Hub

BP: 1.5 Mħ

Mining Barge

Oasis ShipYards


Cargo Lift: 400 t

When you have Mining flowers with ore to collect from what ship are you turning to? heres the answer forget link range fly your hub around with you on the sleek industrial mining barge this agile ship will cut down time and pain while also making the experience more enjoyable when it comes time to collect ore.

BP: 500 Kħ

Badger Starter Dropship

Titan Aerospace


Cargo Lift: 500 t

DISCONTINUED: PLEASE SEE THE CURRENT BADGER FULL RELEASE This is the starter version of the Badger, all black aluminium honeycomb to help with printing. It can be spawned without things like windows and doors if you don't have them. Basic engines. Its been tested to take a DSAT from Haven with no problems. Anyone that buys this starter version can upgrade to the full version for 500k (1.5m full BP price) once I have them up and running. I upgraded this version for more thrust, lift and brakes to help in early game so those changes need to be retrofitted to the full version once i can print one. The stats listed are for the original badger.

BP: 500 Kħ




Cargo Lift: 3,500 t

ALBA is my first Demeter Compatible M-Core Starship, with no obstructed brakes and retro engines - with a unique style inline with my other ships - this one goes for the "verticality" :) The ship has 10 Large Atmo Engines and a beefy XL Space Engine. It also has a Warp Drive which is nicely incorporated into the silver colored body of the ship. As you can see in the video, I have gone with the nice combination of the crimson red and silver colors. See it in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u7yNkYoFWw ***************************************************************************** The blueprint is available for sale on my territory for 5.000.000 Q. The Token (complete ship!) will be available for 55.000.000 Q. Coordinates: ::pos{0,2,1.3180,77.7294,24.1859} *****************************************************************************

Token: 55 Mħ
BP: 5 Mħ

M480 rev3

Inquisitor Apocalix


Cargo Lift: 1,800 t

SHIELD m (480kl) Arch Hud perfect for mission

BP: 1 Mħ
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