Dark Forges

Dark Scanner v2


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Here you have the Dark Scanner v2, a scanner ship with 3 scanners on and cargo for fuel and scanns. It even comes with a landing pad for you to use your pocketrocket, good if you have many DS:v2, a VR and Pod station for easier access for friends and members of your org.

One of the DAFO´s best sellers!

Voxels: Mostly T1 voxels, with some T3 voxels(Lithium) that can easily change when deploying the Bp.
2 S containers to store Territory units
1 S container for fuel storage.
2 XS containers for storage of scanns.

All attributes are at lvl 5 upgrades and lvl 5 Piloting

Discord: https://discord.gg/cTU9sPtnsR
BP cords ::pos{0,2,-1.1524,178.6534,54.5918}
Dark Forges HQ

Created 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

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2 years ago

Dark Forges

Thank you OrionSteed! This is why we love the feedback we get, good or bad. We will also look in to that as soon the newest buildingprojects are done.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


I just bought this the other day and assembled it today. Very cool ship. One thing though - I'd probably visit the inertia matrix in build mode to get more balanced. When you turn, it lists backwards something fierce. Still working that out, but overall very cool scanner. I'd highly recommend it.

2 years ago

Dark Forges

ColTom: Thanks for the input. Well all designs are diffrent for all builders in DU. And the best part of the new added feature of the BP deploy system ingame, were you can change the voxels to anyone you whant, and remove elements that are not preferred of the owner. The Dark scanner is one of the Dark Forges best sellers so do not hesitate go get one of the BP.
Vulcore: Yes that would be a good idea to add som more information on the ship, thanks for the input, we at Dark Forges welcome all sorts of input. We get beter and better and we need good AND bad feedback to do the best ships and structures.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago



2 years ago


At first I thought this is what I am looking for. Need more info > is it just hover or can it fly? What size containers and how many? Can we get the level 1 stats? And is there in fact red lithium and plants?

2 years ago


Guys, you have to change this BP. Some of the materials you used are nonsense - painted red lithium? really? Putting plants on it? Kinda silly

Dark Forges
NeXaMo#5880 or Nidhugg#5390
NeXaMo/NexaHexa or Nidhugg


Max Speed:

737 km/h

Atmo Hover:

13.5 MN

Sustentation Speed:

488 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

8.1 MN

Atmo Brake:

46.8 MN

Wing Lift:

5.16 MN

Atmo Fuel:

0.32 kL

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Features
    • Scanner