Dual Universe Creators

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Crimson Talon

Dark Forge


No attributes :-(

Release Date and Token price TBD - Will produce a limited run of tokens for this L core Warship.


Aphelia's Lost Ships ( DRM Free)

Shadow Union


No attributes :-(

Looking to add to your space wreck collection? Then cast your eyes on these. We have the Bullet, Stiletto, Pigmy, Hydra, and Halea XS ships. The Condor S core, and The Argos M core Ship. (Aug 2023) updated and added the DRM Free Copies of the Kepler, Clydesdale, and Shuruken. (FEB 2023) Now Adding the Kepler, Clydesdale, and what we believe is the Shuruken the vertical s Core they currently have DRM protection Some are space only, Some are ATMO only, and or hybrid so look closely. prices start at 100k and go up to 2.5mil based on rarity and size, all are DRM-FREE. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,45.8939,92.0647,15.9195} poc tracen#3479 We are looking to add more to the fleet! contact in Discord: tracen#3479 if you can help out, let's work a deal.

BP: 1 ħ

BSSS Logis xs

Broken Skull Ship Shop


Max Speed: 786 km/h

All Tokens will be based on current market prices For Tokens Msg AtrusKage #8484 on Discord The Logis series was originally a concept brought to life by Ragnok Industries...now it has been left in the hands of Broken Skull Ship Shop...the first is the Logis xs a light weight transport warp shuttle for easy travel with fuel effective power. BP's can be bought at the show room. VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop

BP: 2.5 Mħ

BSSS Logis S

Broken Skull Ship Shop


Space Thrust: 6.48 MN

All Tokens will be based on current market prices For Tokens Msg AtrusKage #8484 on Discord The Logis series was originally a concept brought to life by Ragnok Industries...now it has been left in the hands of Broken Skull Ship Shop...the first is the Logis S a light weight transport warp capable small hauler. BP's can be bought at the show room. VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop

BP: 7 Mħ

Basic Betty

Nosferatu Ship Designs


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

The Basic Betty is a great hauler for those who are early into their Dual Universe adventure and want to start looking into a hauler that performs really well for the cost (both in terms of the elements required or the amount that the token goes for). This ship was what i made my initial fortune using (over 1 billion quanta) from running missions in the PvP zone. She is designed so that if she is lost it doesn't hurt your wallet, and after one run you've already paid for her. Hit me up on Discord if you are interested in a token. Visit the Ship Showroom on VR under Nosferatu Ship Showroom Blueprints can be purchased at ::pos{0,2,47.9913,99.1516,1.1197} Tokens are collected from Alioth Moon 4

Token: 10 Mħ
BP: 500 Kħ

Bigger Betty

Nosferatu Ship Designs


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

The Bigger Betty is a slight improvement on the Basic Betty (https://du-creators.org/makers/Nosferatu%20Ship%20Designs/ship/Basic%20Betty). The idea being the ship now has 4 Basic Container L's, in addition to 1 Basic Container M. This will allow it to carry two Very Large packages. The same principles apply however, keep things cheap so if she is lost in the PvP zone she won't hurt your wallet to replace. Visit the Ship Showroom on VR under Nosferatu Ship Showroom Blueprints can be purchased at ::pos{0,2,47.9913,99.1516,1.1197} Tokens are collected from Alioth Moon 4

Token: 12 Mħ
BP: 750 Kħ




Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

Welcome. You found the ship, or did it find you? Blazing in atmosphere, brisk in space, the Tiger represents Seawing Hypersonics' pursuit of the highest performance level at the lowest price point possible! Featuring an all T1 loadout leaving ample room for upgrades, the Tiger's carefully tuned layout and minimized cross section achieves (with placement buffs and talents) a top speed of 2,500km/h in atmosphere. The ship comes with a modular XL cargo pod consisting of 3 L containers, which enables the ship to handle 1.8kt delivery missions. Like all our ships, the X50 prototype was subjected to over 300+ high speed burn stress flights, with adjustments made after every single flight to reduce burning of its functional elements. The cumulative results of this work is a very high degree of heat resistance baked into the hull design, enabling it to shrug off and push through flames that would have long melted rival ships. The Tiger sits in an ideal middle ground for daily driving. Light enough to handle like a nimble bird when empty, yet with the muscle to move all the ore you'd need to on a daily basis. Its modest tonnage allows for warps that, while not so cheap as a shuttle, won't break the bank either! The Tiger comes fully fitted with a cozy space-maximizing interior featuring: -Functional cockpit switches -Copilot seat with a full set of controls -Gunnery station (the ship can easily mount an M shield generator between the front forks for conversion into PvP capability) -Dedicated server rack to run all your scripts -Surrogate pad -VR pod -Resurrection node -Pilot quarters -Restroom -Kitchenette -Dining/lounge area -Excellent exterior views -Top and Bottom hatch ingress/egress If you've been looking for your 'Millenium Falcon', try a Tiger today! Visit the ship in VR under 'X50 TIGER' For Heat Shield activation instructions, and hypersonic flight instruction contact Seawing Ingame! Hotkey guide: Alt-1: Parking Brake Alt-3: Hypersonic control mode (use this to prevent overloading the heat shield during speeds > 1800km/h) Alt-4: Standard control mode (the default it starts in) Alt-5: Performance mode (maximum pitch/roll rates, do not use during high speed flight, you will overload the heat shield) ++Update 1.14.23++ Voxel art on the top plate completed! You can customize the stripe color during deployment by replacing Glossy Steel voxel. To hide the stripes, simply use Glossy Aluminium.

BP: 1 Mħ


Blackstone Inc


Max Speed: 1,700 km/h

Xenon Pocket Ship Blueprint and parts now available at Blackstone Inc. High altitude cruise speed 1700 km/h or more depending on engines and skills. Comes as standard with 2 Uncommon Atmospheric M Engines and fitted with Atmo Radar. Your choice of any colour combination available. Uncommon Engine Fit 2 Million. Advanced Engine Fit 2.2 Million. Special Edition Rare Engine and Hover Fit 5 Million.

Token: 2 Mħ


Dark Forges


No attributes :-(

The Tellus, a hybrid tri scanner ship. A good ship for searching for those valuable ore without having the need to pack up the scanners, and still be able to break orbit. It has even a small hangar on the top were the X4 300, an updated version of the X4 Surfer will fit. The X4 300 have a system were you can ride the X4 and open the hangar doors and land inside the Tellus

BP: 5 Mħ

Asteroid Hopper - Ray Style



No attributes :-(

Tiny disposable asteroid hopper matching the design philosophy of The Ray (https://du-creators.org/makers/mark-o-solo/ship/The%20Ray%20Executive%20Edition). The hopper comes with all necessary equipment for asteroid mining sessions, all while remaining minimalistic to the core to allow quick reassembly when unplanned spontaneous disassembly might occur. In particular, it is equipped with a Archhud autopilot, VR pod, radar and good lighting. A large space engine allows for rapid recovery of the mined goods. Where to find: The Hopper is currently exposed alongside The Ray at the Dome, with AngryDad's kind permissions ::pos{0,2,35.9876,105.1131,0.0000} VR: The Ray Executive Serenity Shipyards also offers customization and individualized Editions, please contact CEO mark-o-solo (Discord: god#0275) for development. Yours truly -mark-o-solo, CEO Serenity Shipyards

Token: 690 Kħ
BP: 69 Kħ

X4 300

Dark Forges


No attributes :-(

This is an updated version for the X4 Surferbord. This is design to be used with the Tellus scanner ship.

BP: 50 Kħ




Space Thrust: 15.5 MN

A spaceship for ride into the PVP zone and digging asteroids. Can drive away the opponent. Can protect itself from a single pirate. A ship with pumped fuel tanks and guns. One of the features of the ship is that you can get to the pilot's seat from the interior. When exiting the cockpit, in this case you get inside the ship, from where the landing in the cockpit was performed. The main chair is the - "Gunner", where the screen is located. With it, the control of the ship in solo and the ability to shoot. Speed 44k, with full tanks Type in VR "Tachi" and come to our store!

Token: 15 Kħ
BP: 2.5 Mħ

Sparrow MK2

Dark Forge


Dry Weight: 17.9 t

The Sparrow MK2 is a high performing pocket ship that travels at 1400 in Alioth atmo without burning up (ARCH reports burn speed is 1900). 2 Adv Military Atmo M 1 Adv Military Atmo S Or deploy without engines and place basics to start and level up over time. No Skills: 7.02g thrust 11.4g brake force Lvl 4-5 skills: 12.3g thrust 23.5g brake force Vertical Cross Section - 97.4 m2 Frontal Cross Section - 19.3 m2 Lateral Cross Section - 25 m2 - Created by DeltaEon How to find: - VR - Search for "DSI Dark Forge HQ" (do NOT buy a BP in VR!!) - ::pos{0,2,21.9994,107.1816,6.5935} - Dispenser is here Near Alioth DM7

BP: 150 Kħ

BSSS Logis M

Broken Skull Ship Shop


Space Thrust: 38.9 MN

All Tokens will be based on current market prices For Tokens Msg AtrusKage #8484 on Discord The Logis series was originally a concept brought to life by Ragnok Industries...now it has been left in the hands of Broken Skull Ship Shop...the third in the line Logis M a powerful hauler, warp capable and AGG installed. BP's can be bought at the show room. VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop

BP: 12 Mħ

Skeeter Warp



Cargo Lift: 450 t

A nice Warp Capable Ship able to carry a 125kL / 437.50t Delivery Package off of Alioth or Warp to Talemai to gather some Limestone and Natron efficiently. BP can be located at- ::pos{0,2,19.7052,86.5752,256.3013}

BP: 1 Mħ
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