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Welcome. You found the ship, or did it find you?

Blazing in atmosphere, brisk in space, the Tiger represents Seawing Hypersonics' pursuit of the highest performance level at the lowest price point possible!

Featuring an all T1 loadout leaving ample room for upgrades, the Tiger's carefully tuned layout and minimized cross section achieves (with placement buffs and talents) a top speed of 2,500km/h in atmosphere. The ship comes with a modular XL cargo pod consisting of 3 L containers, which enables the ship to handle 1.8kt delivery missions.

Like all our ships, the X50 prototype was subjected to over 300+ high speed burn stress flights, with adjustments made after every single flight to reduce burning of its functional elements. The cumulative results of this work is a very high degree of heat resistance baked into the hull design, enabling it to shrug off and push through flames that would have long melted rival ships.

The Tiger sits in an ideal middle ground for daily driving. Light enough to handle like a nimble bird when empty, yet with the muscle to move all the ore you'd need to on a daily basis.

Its modest tonnage allows for warps that, while not so cheap as a shuttle, won't break the bank either!

The Tiger comes fully fitted with a cozy space-maximizing interior featuring:

-Functional cockpit switches
-Copilot seat with a full set of controls
-Gunnery station (the ship can easily mount an M shield generator between the front forks for conversion into PvP capability)
-Dedicated server rack to run all your scripts
-Surrogate pad
-VR pod
-Resurrection node
-Pilot quarters
-Dining/lounge area
-Excellent exterior views
-Top and Bottom hatch ingress/egress

If you've been looking for your 'Millenium Falcon', try a Tiger today!

Visit the ship in VR under 'X50 TIGER'

For Heat Shield activation instructions, and hypersonic flight instruction contact Seawing Ingame!

Hotkey guide:

Alt-1: Parking Brake
Alt-3: Hypersonic control mode (use this to prevent overloading the heat shield during speeds > 1800km/h)
Alt-4: Standard control mode (the default it starts in)
Alt-5: Performance mode (maximum pitch/roll rates, do not use during high speed flight, you will overload the heat shield)

++Update 1.14.23++ Voxel art on the top plate completed! You can customize the stripe color during deployment by replacing Glossy Steel voxel. To hide the stripes, simply use Glossy Aluminium.

Created 2 years ago
Updated 11 months ago

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1 year ago


Could you top up the dispensor at your showroom please?

2 years ago


@ArmBob Thank you for your purchase! I'm glad you found the shop, there is a ramp to walk up to it in the back right corner of the cave. For anyone else who is looking for the shop, the 'Seawing Hypersonics' VR station spawns you right alongside it!

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


How can I buy this? I do not see a dispenser at the location and I cannot find Seawing on discord. Looking to buy a BP of the x50

*Update, BP dispenser is located at the very back of the cave and you have to kind of parkour up to it.

2 years ago


seawing contact me ingame please

2 years ago


great ship does what it says on the tin

2 years ago


@JeffersonDarcy2 Wooo! Thank you for your business :D

2 years ago


OMG this is a hoot to fly. Just built and tested with a org m8 ridin shotty. 3180km/h @ 3km altitude on alioth no element damage :). Such fun lol.

Not given


Dry Weight:

464 t

Cargo Space:

10 kL


Cargo Lift:

2,000 t

Max Speed:

2,539 km/h

Atmo Hover:

27.2 MN

Sustentation Speed:

275 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

26 MN

Atmo Brake:

49 MN

Wing Lift:

64.8 MN

Atmo Fuel:

5.6 kL


Space Thrust:

24.9 MN

Space Brake:

30.2 MN

Space Hover:

4.15 MN

Space Fuel:

5.6 kL

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Token
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Courier
    • Racer

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp