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Phoenix Shop VR ( Market Aleks_1 ) Location here ::pos{0,27,50.2173,-3.6203,14.6138}
DHP hybrid [v2.0.5]
DHP - Darth's Handy Platform This is the hybrid version. Can easily and fast bring you to your space station and also allow you to sniff around the orbit ------------ current software version - 2.0.5 ------------ = Manual = *Modes This version of DHP software has two modes which you can switch by pressing manual button at the bottom of the screen. Those modes are *Manual mode* and *Elevator mode* **Moving [Manual mode] Horisontal movement is only allowed in manual mode! [WASD] for moving in corresponding directions and even strafe with ALT + A and ALT + D by default Also you can double tap [W] if you want to hold your forward acceleration **ECU ECU allows you to release remote control while keep flight. Remember that you can easilly release ECU control or any control you want by pressing [ctrl + backspace]. **Elevator mode In this mode you can see a keyboard and the whole interface are pretty easy to understand. Keep in mind that DHP won't let you crash it with landing. It will stop right at the surface so don't worry and be free to set altitude to 0 or lower if you don't know exact surface altitude. **Important You have to set the correct values to all parameters which you can find in advanced options of your remote controller and ECU: [RMB->Advanced->Edit Lua parameters] If you see wrong numbers on the fuel bar then it's because you did not set correct values to those params. ------------ ::pos{0,2,34.2994,114.1250,183.7602} or VR to "LYB showroom" Don't buy anything in VR!
DHP atmo [v2.0.5]
DHP - Darth's Handy Platform This is the atmospheric only version. Was created to rescue ships and help with building or core placing ------------ current software version - 2.0.5 ------------ = Manual = *Modes This version of DHP software has two modes which you can switch by pressing manual button at the bottom of the screen. Those modes are *Manual mode* and *Elevator mode* **Moving [Manual mode] Horisontal movement is only allowed in manual mode! [WASD] for moving in corresponding directions and even strafe with ALT + A and ALT + D by default Also you can double tap [W] if you want to hold your forward acceleration **ECU ECU allows you to release remote control while keep flight. Remember that you can easilly release ECU control or any control you want by pressing [ctrl + backspace]. **Elevator mode In this mode you can see a keyboard and the whole interface are pretty easy to understand. Keep in mind that DHP won't let you crash it with landing. It will stop right at the surface so don't worry and be free to set altitude to 0 or lower if you don't know exact surface altitude. **Important You have to set the correct values to all parameters which you can find in advanced options of your remote controller and ECU: [RMB->Advanced->Edit Lua parameters] If you see wrong numbers on the fuel bar then it's because you did not set correct values to those params. ------------ ::pos{0,2,34.2994,114.1250,183.7602} or VR to "LYB showroom" Don't buy anything in VR!
(SB) petit carrier M
bonjour petit carrier M miliatrisé avec une grande soute.
DoMoCo Appaloosa
Doodle Motor Company
Speed, heritage, this racing horse will move you. Go where you need to in style and quickly. Able to be compacted, and light on it's feet.
DoMoCo Pioneer
Doodle Motor Company
Ask about DoMoCo financing, starting at 100,000 h down! The Doodle Motor Company proudly presents a light duty hauler. Not as big as the D-Series of haulers, but a capable vehicle able to carry almost 5 times it's mass to space. The pioneer is a compact hauler, able to take 3 passengers and it's pilot on excursions between the planets.
DoMoCo D-150
Doodle Motor Company
Ask about financing starting at 350,000 h down! You're not interested in all the frills, leather interior, shag carpet and the rest. You need one thing, and that's reliability. You need something that you know will take you where you need to go, and never let you down. You need something built Doodle Tough. At Doodle Motor Company, we strive to deliver performance, quality craftsmanship, and service beyond reproach. With the D-Series of Haulers you will find a workhorse of a vehicle. The D-150 is capable, boasting best in class hauling capability according to an unnamed study and customer testimonials.
MCRN Tachi (Rocinante)
S-core Corvette-class light frigate. Equipped with 6 cannons, S shield and a little bit of hull armor (1.36M CCS) Can be used for easy PvE missions. BP dispenser at ::pos{0,27,6.1317,-119.2214,41.9014} To view in person, visit VR: "Tachi Display"
MKS ,Scaner
Scanner Shop VR ( Market Aleks_1 ) You can see the ship here VR ( MKS Skaner ) Location here ::pos{0,27,50.2173,-3.6203,14.6138}
United Empire
!!!Sold out because new version 5 is ready!!! It is a freighter for transport missions. Not suitable for combat. In the ship, the ratio of weight and speed was kept so that you can fly the missions quickly. The blueprint is DRM-free. So you can make your own changes and also copy it. My name in the game is RealBigOS. You are welcome to write me. ::pos{0,27,-31.0350,16.9552,-0.0000} VR: UNE_Base_Haven
Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard
A gallente warp shuttle designed to cater to budding traders, scavengers and can flippers.
Navette Planétaire VTOL (hybride) militaire
bonjour ! je suis tres fier de vous annoncer notre derniere creation !!! comme vous le savez deja, Spaceboys est specialisé dans les vehicule polyvalent. ce vaisseau hybride est a la fois un ascenceur Spatial et aussi un excellent vaisseau de transport hybrid. il peut soulever depuis le sol de Alioth jusqu a 1.000 tonnes en mode vertical ! avec gyro il peut soulever jusqu a 3.000 tonnes avec les fusées depuis Alioth !!! (en mode gyro et avec cette charge il fait parachute ! c est vraiment un vaisseau a tout faire. il possede 998.000 litre de capacité de chargement. stat avec boost 4/5 and skill pilot lvl 4 tout les moteurs sont en avancé manoeuvre (atmo militaire) 4 lance missil precision avancé + 1 bouclier S rare condensateur ont été ajouté. le siege de tir est equipé d un script de combat. bp sell here: ::pos{0,2,49.7917,100.3573,10.3425} Alioth VR: Spaceboys beach Club do not buy in VR comment voler sans ailes ? il vous suffit de monter a 10.000 metre d altitude en quelque seconde grace au moteur verticaux, une fois a cet altitude, vous vous deplacer en mode cruise arch hud (ALT + SHIFT + R) de façon tres ecconomique jusqu au dessus de votre destination, puis vous vous laissez redescendre avec les frein :) info VTOL: n oubliez pas que les moteur VTOL (poussé vertical) ne fonctionne qu a 50% de leur puissance a 90¨ d inclinaison, meme si vous mettez votre gyro, les moteur restent des moteur VTOL a 50% de puissacne ! si vous faites des modification, je suis d accord pour vous faire des copie de BP de votre version customisé pour le prix d un BP normal.
Malak AES 01
Malak, a little sister of the Nihilus. A warp shuttle which does not feel like one. She is agile, strong and fast. Manufactured with maxed out skills. Deployed with default HUD. Share the experience, you won't be disappointed. *************************************************************************************** Please visit our showroom on Alioth. Location ::pos{0,2,38.1670,99.6339,953.7206} Be careful, the showroom is on a glass platform and it might take some time to load when you land there, so land carefully and take your time. ***************************************************************************************
SB rescue copter VTOL pocket V3c
bonjour helicoptere rescue pocketable par Alex77fr cahier des charge par Kormolos can lift 30 tons room for 6 container XS under the ship BP dispenser: ::pos{0,26,-2.4601,-77.7112,0.4765} VR: Sanctuaire Spaceboys n'achetez pas en VR !!! mis à jour le 15.01.2025
PDP Pocket Drone Platform
you need something tiny that fits in your ship ? you want to reach your agg ship ? running between mining tiles bores you ? well what about an compactable mini drone ! it will VTOL only and steer by leaning in flight direction. the plattform can hover up to 2500 meters and thanks to rare freight engines sustain for over two hours. give this little helper a try and feel like ironman :-) give us a visit in VR : Hadron HQ Alioth