Dual Universe Creators
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I got on DUC to update this ship and it turns out I never listed it at all. So here it is, the Admirari. It's an S core and configurable to your needs. designed to support modularity (i made that word up). Pop scanner pods, cargo pods, DSAT pods or just add on up to 6 Container L's on the racks. Hauls around 1kt with moderate piloting skills. I use it for market running because it's fast and powerful. 6 uncommon maneuver Atmo L and 4 uncommon military space L engines. It handles like a champ and didn't have to change anything flight wise when I started updating my ships for Athena. I rearranged the interior a bit to add in a second container M and just make it prettier in general. It's a treat to fly and fairly inexpensive to warp. coming in at just under 500t, 605t fully fueled. Atmo speed set at 1200 with no burning and space capable up to 25k km/h. See it in VR at "Czar in Space"
Flash Shuttle
Aerogics S & T Co
Atmospheric only shuttle, will carry an easy 200tons with very basic talents. up to 500tons cargo (one L container) and 1500kmh with everything maxed
Firespray 32 Prototype 1
Kheras Shipyard
Dear Noveans, it is my first ship and it is still not ready yet. It is a prototype and designed to look like a cheap imperial knockoff of the infamouse Firespray 31 aka Slave I, Bobas/Jangos Ship. rare military engines (all sorts, from atmo to space, hover and vertical), small shield, 2 advanced agile railguns s, a pilot and gunner seat with remote control, Warpdrive, Sagas Autopilot Script. It is a gyro ship, however gyro is only used to land and take off in "Fett"-Style :) I will update this entry with time and progress. Feel free to comment and to donate :)
ETA LH 500 MK2 Advanced Warp
Elite Transport Associates Ship Works
Great Light Warp Huller Build for the space trucker. This ship focuses on fuel economic as well as its first person piloting. The ETA LH 500 advanced is a fully upgraded version of the basic LH 500 Costume Engine Config Available Ship comes with Equip with: 2 Adv Fright Atmo Engine L 4 Adv Fright Space Engine M 2 Adv Maneuver Space Engine L 2 Adv Fright Space Engine S For Easy Space station docking Warp Drive 600t Plus off Alioth Albatross HUD. All ETA Ships come with LvL 5 put down skills for fuel tanks, engines, and containers.
Aerogics S & T Co
*** Honeycombs Info *** Change those depending on your color choice when spawning from BP: Primary: Waxed Aged Brick 1 Secondary: Glossy Dark Gray Carbon Fiber Lumi: Luminescent Orange Glass *** New Price: 500k *** Can be seen on VR: Aerogics LWSS Orca Mk2 For this one, i've asked myself what firt ship would i use if i was to start again tomorrow. Wanted something easy on the repairs and building costs, while still providing enough power to be viable in most situations. Result is the ORCA, a light weight ship on a S core. Comes equiped with 9 M containers for storage (so basically half a hub full of L containers), L fuel tanks (M for rockets), warp drive and everything you could need in a ship: VR, res pod, a bunch of scripts and various screen infos. Cargo capacity will vary alot depending on engines tier, handling talents and pilot talents. With all those maxed and using rockets, it should be able to carry up to 2kt out of 1g gravity. More reasonably, with basic engines and low handling / pilot talents, it will start at 300tons. Basic engines will probably cap near 500tons. Keep in mind it was originally designed with T3 engines and average pilot talents / maxed handling. So, for example, with basic engines and talents, it will be able to carry a DSAT out of 1g, but not by very much - if you come back fully loaded you'll most likely just crash. Ship is built on bottom of core with as little elements on top as possible, so you can place a DSAT or 3 scanners. Detailed interior, many hours spent on the voxels (finally used smooth tool!) Mk2 BP currently comes with basic engines and no rockets to make it easier to spawn. Coordinates of upgradable elements are avaliable in an info button for easy upgrade Current Orca Mk1 owners: get your free upgrade! just bring your ship to our Haven HQ and we'll recycle it into newest version
Cargo Container Cassette L
Makashima Industries
A modular Cargo Cassette, providing up to 648,000 litres of space. Each cassette comes with an Inventory interface for easy viewing of contents, their total volume and quantity, along with the constructs weight. Every Cassette is made on an XS Core and lightweight plastic, allowing you do to dock any of them to any ship suitable and available. Additionally, it is possible to place up to 2 Cassette M or 16 Cassette S in the space of 1 Cassette L, providing more dynamic storage and transportation options. Dimensions: Width - 40vx Length - 60vx Height - 20vx Location & VR: Makashima Industries Shop ::pos{0,26,79.6509,-87.6931,99.0025}
Cargo Container Cassette M
Makashima Industries
A modular Cargo Cassette, providing up to 336,000 litres of space. Each cassette comes with an Inventory interface for easy viewing of contents, their total volume and quantity, along with the constructs weight. Every Cassette is made on an XS Core and lightweight plastic, allowing you do to dock any of them to any ship suitable and available. Additionally, it is possible to place up to 2 Cassette M or 16 Cassette S in the space of 1 Cassette L, providing more dynamic storage and transportation options. Dimensions: Width - 20vx Length - 60vx Height - 20vx Location & VR: Makashima Industries Shop ::pos{0,26,79.6509,-87.6931,99.0025}
Cargo Container Cassette S
Makashima Industries
A modular Cargo Cassette, providing up to 78,000 litres of space. Each cassette comes with an Inventory interface for easy viewing of contents, their total volume and quantity, along with the constructs weight. Every Cassette is made on an XS Core and lightweight plastic, allowing you do to dock any of them to any ship suitable and available. Additionally, it is possible to place up to 8 Cassette S in the space of 1 Cassette M, providing more dynamic storage and transportation options. Dimensions: Width - 30vx Length - 20vx Height - 10vx Location & VR: Makashima Industries Shop ::pos{0,26,79.6509,-87.6931,99.0025}
Cargo Container Cassette XS
Makashima Industries
A modular Cargo Cassette, providing up to 9,000 litres of space. Each cassette comes with an Inventory interface for easy viewing of contents, their total volume and quantity, along with the constructs weight. Every Cassette is made on an XS Core and lightweight plastic, allowing you do to dock any of them to any ship suitable and available. Additionally, it is possible to place up to 8 Cassette XS in the space of 1 Cassette S, providing more dynamic storage and transportation options. Dimensions: Width - 15vx Length - 10vx Height -5vx Location & VR: Makashima Industries Shop ::pos{0,26,79.6509,-87.6931,99.0025}
BSSS Claymore MK2
Broken Skull Ship Shop
All Tokens will be based on current market prices For Tokens Msg AtrusKage #8484 on Discord Updated Version Created originally by Awesomeness and Fembot the Claymore has been redone under Broken Skull with no stacked elements. reducing the original 40 containers down to 16 Advanced Optimized L's and 4 Basic L's giving a more open floor plan for any add in's you would like to have. This ship is a unique and versatile hauler with application's for a wide array of uses. AGG equipped for heavier loads from the space station to planet. Current lift load from Alioth to space is 10kt but with better skills could push higher. Ship was made with 3/4/5 skills across the board to elements. 90 percent of the canvas of the ships is all one color so you can choose the color scheme you would prefer. Plus I couldn't decide what to color it. Special thanks to RyanPryde of Hadron, for helping in some technical changes making this build rewarding. VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop
Zydoron Light
6 container ship for your day to day needs Built to fill that need for a 4kt cargo ship 3.5 with no skills on the safe side
SHWH Artemis
SHWH-Small Hybrid Warp Hauler designed for cheap warpjumps to distant planets hull is made out of pure flourine/calcium honeycomb lots of detail put inside with the VPT easily carries about 1 kT of weight values are buffed, but even without its a sturdy small worker not designed for long trips due to the small fuel tanks bit tricky to fuel it up under the cover, but it works once you know how :) contact me for BP trade Tokens can be negotiated Location: ::pos{0,2,43.2502,115.6811,-5.4705} VR: B0neshredders Showroom
Turtle II
With 300+ hours of "Voxel precision tool" and lua scripting the Turtle II is the ultimate upgrade of an already iconic ship. Designed to maintain off-planet mining sites that are on a 2 week collection cycle. With deep space exploration in mind the ship is capable to be armed with e.g. 8 S-size weapons. - - - Recoloring options: - - - Recolour all screens and lights -> activate switch -> select colour on touchscreen. Activate seat-switch or enter pilotseat for shield and ship monitor sync. Test it at our showroom. Recolour-kit for all accent lines available DRM free. All screens made in lua screen tech and sync with RGB databank. Aditional parameters in programming boards e.g. background and signature. Innertia matrix is trimmed to 3KT cargo. Nearly zero off axis rotation when fully loaded. - Can fit M shield. - - - Ship stats - - - Uncommon military atmospheric / Uncommon maneuver XL space: 1G (alioth to space): lvl5 pilot skills 2500t lvl4 pilot skills 2250t lvl3 pilot skills 2000t (no altitude eff./no warmup opt.) The ship can hover and move with 5600t. Glide reentry works fine. (tested with 3600t) We provide Put down (technican) buffs for every of our Blueprints free of charge as soon as available again. - - - Token options: - - - Green/Red/Purple versions with matching forcefield/door etc. skins! Uncommon maneuver or military XL engines. VR: Hadron HQ Alioth
Wraith Yokai
The Wraith Yokai is a speeder cooperatively created by StoneSpoons and TobiwanKenobi. Free and DRM Free if you can find me on Hondo's server! -StoneSpoons Demonstration Video: https://streamable.com/fxppf1
Vega Hex Industries
Built in collaboration with DotHack, The Confessor is an all-around space only ship capable of PVP, hauling, asteroid hunting and missions, while doing it in style. It contains 12L containers, a DSAT, Anti-Gravity that allows for entry into atmosphere if needed and some maneuvering with the atmo engines in the back, 13 weapons that can be used by 3 players and a full RP interior. It even have a bar to relax. Container pods are also available if you want to increase your total storage capacity Come visit us in VR at Paragon Hex Showroom or in person near market 6 at ::pos{0,2,35.3441,107.0564,-13.1840} DM if you have any questions on discord: vork