
Turtle II


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With 300+ hours of "Voxel precision tool" and lua scripting the Turtle II is the ultimate upgrade of an already iconic ship.
Designed to maintain off-planet mining sites that are on a 2 week collection cycle.
With deep space exploration in mind the ship is capable to be armed with e.g. 8 S-size weapons.

- - - Recoloring options: - - -
Recolour all screens and lights -> activate switch -> select colour on touchscreen.
Activate seat-switch or enter pilotseat for shield and ship monitor sync.
Test it at our showroom.
Recolour-kit for all accent lines available DRM free.

All screens made in lua screen tech and sync with RGB databank.
Aditional parameters in programming boards e.g. background and signature.

Innertia matrix is trimmed to 3KT cargo.
Nearly zero off axis rotation when fully loaded.

- Can fit M shield.
- - - Ship stats - - -
Uncommon military atmospheric / Uncommon maneuver XL space:

1G (alioth to space):
lvl5 pilot skills 2500t
lvl4 pilot skills 2250t
lvl3 pilot skills 2000t (no altitude eff./no warmup opt.)
The ship can hover and move with 5600t.

Glide reentry works fine. (tested with 3600t)

We provide Put down (technican) buffs for every of our Blueprints free of charge as soon as available again.

- - - Token options: - - -
Green/Red/Purple versions with matching forcefield/door etc. skins!
Uncommon maneuver or military XL engines.

VR: Hadron HQ Alioth

Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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1 year ago | Edited 1 year ago


Purchased a BP today, upgraded all engines to advanced after deployment, upgraded all containers to Advanced Optimised, set it up with 2 command chairs because that is "The Way".
A very nice ship to fly, and the workmanship is superb.
My driver in obtaining this ship, is the cargo capacity and very lean usage of Warp cells for its class and size.

Love it!

1 year ago


Fantastic ship! Its the backbone of my industry and looks great!

1 year ago


m5n303 or sethoiz before you / yourselves with the sweeping of strangers house doors occupy I would suggest you first of all with the own doing and acting to occupy. Often lies in their own actions the reason for your fellow men on the slip feel, and react exactly to it. As it resounds into the forest so it resounds out again.
You are free to express your opinion and criticism, however, it does not really make sense here. Your comment reflects lower motives again or these are as it seems to me emotionally charged. The emotions may seem important to you at the moment, but they seem ridiculous when you let them go through your head again at a later time. We are all here to enjoy our free time and have no interest to deal with such thoughts and hate. No one is forcing you to buy/copy etc here with us. If it bothers you please find someone else.
PS: There is more to growing up than just being loud.

1 year ago


15 mil for this junk? WHAT exactly are people paying for? hadron prices are only matched by their arrogance! dont waste your money on those jokers. you get much better stuff for cheaper. xarius is one of those toxic trolls, its one of their alt accounts. they rate their own builds and drive up their own vr usage in game. they are total greedy joke and scammers.

47mil for ready ship? WHY? what are we paying for? if you do the math and check parts on market, this ship costs no more than 20 mil to build. so what is that 27 mil for???? they just put 10-30 mil on top of prices. they are so greedy. makes me sick. and they constantly whine in chat when someone sells stuff cheaper. total joke org. dont waste your money. go look up other sellers that charge only fraction of a price for much better ships.

also those clowns dont even know how to place adjustors, absolutely 0 common sense from hadron. only greed and arrogance.

2 years ago


Purchased the Turtle II this morning from Ryan, and I have to say, I have never flown a ship that is so smooth and responsive. It is powerful, beautiful, feature packed and will stop on a dime.

Ryan took the time in Discord to give me a tour of the new ship and explained all the features to me, along with the story of how he built it. A True labor of love for ship building and Dual Universe.

I would recommend this ship to anyone, any day, and any time.

2 years ago


Why is it blue? It should be green

2 years ago


I always fly Ryan's ships. They are the best over-designed ships in the game! I will be picking this one up tomorrow when he gets up!

2 years ago


Just bought this ship, ran a mission flawlessly, This ship is awesome!

2 years ago


what a nice ship, excellent voxel work, some very nice touches like the res node on a seperate core and the multiple places to access the containers. Flight charactistics are excellent and the ship stops so fast I found myself kissing the inside of the windscreen every time I hit the brakes :). Ryan gave me a full audio tour around the ship as part of the sale and explained all the extra touches availabe, plus how the colour picker works. I can't believe such a good looking/flying tokenised ship is availabe at less than some BP's cost.

2 years ago


Very well designed and built. My go to general purpose ship right now. I will definitely be looking for RyanPryde after release. Great to work with and great ship.

2 years ago


After a couple of weeks with my purple Turtle II I have only good things to say.

- it looks very good and you can have customised colors!
- it flies like a dream
- it is practical and carries a lot
- the separate core with res pod is very useful if you ever crash ;-)

I also must say that the support from RyanPryde is outstanding.
It is worth a lot to have a guided tour and to have scrap and fuel already loaded when you get it.

2 years ago


Great ship. Extremely well-balanced hauler that will get your shit where it needs to go. Unique and impressive voxel work and lua stuff. This ship is underpriced at 60m. Buy it now. @RyanPryde ty sir

2 years ago


This ship is a dream. So many features, from a custom designed and fitted res pod on its own core, to a colour picker, to customisable LUA and features everywhere. It's the best ship I've ever seen or flown. Absolutely love it.

2 years ago


This ship flies really well and all the features are great. I am so glad I got one!

2 years ago


I dont even know where to begin... this is probably the most detailed voxel work ive seen to date.

The details are insane, from lua to lights to everything. Even comes with a second res core.

Its quick and agile. Perfect for <3kt hauler... I cant say enough good things about the ship or the seller. He got on discord with me to go over details of the ship. There is an RGB light
picker that lets you change all the screens and LED's at once. Freeking amazing.

I own 50+ ships and this is #1 in many categories I almost dont want to fly it... afraid to crash lol!!!

Keep up the good work.

2 years ago


stunning work mate :)

2 years ago


create work with lua screen and voxel work, also the ship performance. Thanks for fast provided token service

2 years ago


Nicely Clean Detailed voxel work handles like a Race car brakes like a dream

2 years ago


Great ship awesome detail ....my new daily driver

ryanpryde, midacre, mcxerxes, gamboraptor
RyanPryde, Midacre, McXerxes, Gamboraptor
VR: Hadron HQ Alioth ::pos{0,2,-21.8124,122.4975,185.7581}


Dry Weight:

741 t

Cargo Space:

1,344 kL


Cargo Lift:

3,000 t

Max Speed:

1,100 km/h

Atmo Hover:

62.9 MN

Sustentation Speed:

181 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

37 MN

Atmo Brake:

243 MN

Wing Lift:

89.1 MN

Atmo Fuel:

25.6 kL


Space Thrust:

44.6 MN

Space Brake:

159 MN

Space Hover:

49.1 MN

Space Fuel:

28.9 kL

  • Core
    • M

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Combat
    • Hauler
    • Courier

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Weapons
    • Warp