Dual Universe Creators

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Rebellion Evo II adv. by Chewie and Hagbard



Cargo Lift: 1,000 t

https://du-creators.org/makers/Hagbard/ship/Rebellion%20Evo%20II%20adv.%20by%20Chewie%20and%20Hagbard The Rebellion EVO II is the next generation of the popular rebellion. Tokens available for the "T3 Advanced" version BP's are the same price with 6m Quanta. Token Prices: Rebellion EVO II Advanced 17.25M Quanta We tried to make the token prices really competitive. They should match the prices for the full parts at the markets (+BP Price), so unless you build your own parts and have good talents, you will probably not be able to buy it cheaper on the markets today. The dispensers are in the Alioth ::pos{0,2,-21.4557,122.4885,170.6865} The Rebellion EVO II is a ship created by Hagbard and Chewie_1. It's predecessor was one of the most popular ships during Beta. It can be build without having to invest a fortune and is an ideal ship for new and experienced pilots. The ship technology and Lua was done by Hagbard with efficiency and performance in mind The great High Quality Voxelwork was done by Chewie_1. It included a warp drive, 2x uncommon or advanced Atmo engines, 2x uncommon or advanced Space engines. Free Boost to my placement skills if you visit Hagbard on Alioth.

Token: 17.25 Mħ
BP: 6 Mħ


Golden Oak Industries


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

Artemis is the sister ship of the Dagda, but with a twist. Anti-Gravity Capable! The ships hull is primarily Carbon Fiber with some Aluminium and Icy Blue Glass Voxel making for a very lightweight hull with a wide view Canopy Windshield allowing for an excellent field of view when piloting first person. Exposed flight elements are minimized allowing for a less cluttered ship exterior. The cargo and fuel storage are all Tier 3 skilled (may be upgraded after deployment.) Features - ∙ 12 Large Uncommon Maneuver Atmospheric Engines ∙ 2 Extra Large Uncommon Maneuver Space Engines ∙ 4 Large Cargo Containers (at 665.6KL with T3 Skills/may be upgraded) with room to add more ∙ Command Seat, Two (2) Auxiliary Workstations, and Additional Seating for Four (4) Passengers ∙ Small Anti-Gravity Generator with Six Pulsars ∙ Medium Shield Generator ∙ Small Space Radar ∙ Secured Elevator Upper Deck Entry System ∙ Two (2) VR Booths for Off-ship embarkation ∙ VR Pod for Incoming visitors ∙ Onboard Resurrection Node

BP: 6.15 Mħ




No attributes :-(


BP: 3 Mħ

Strike Fighter



No attributes :-(

My first real ship I did, It's not much use tbh I was just trying to learn how to build. Let me know your thoughts on it :)

BP: 500 Kħ

Faster Than Blight



No attributes :-(

An elements-only hyper fast hauler with 10 S-cores. Warp drive and space engine capable. This ship allows you to haul 10 S-cores from anywhere to anywhere at low cost and high speed! How to buy: - Get the BP and/or the parts from dispensors on Alioth: ::pos{0,2,27.7649,109.7211,76.6542} - Visit through VR: The LaLiLuLeLo Ship Shop - Contact me on discord: taishiryu#6188

BP: 100 Kħ

Atlas Femto by Hadron



Max Speed: 500 km/h

Super precise personal transport elevator with rare freight engines. will only utilize hover engines when possible or free fly with atmo engines. Engines are only active if the hover turns off. Desinged to fit in Interiour doors for docking. Hadron’s signature voxel work and Jeronimo’s feature packed JSE++ have come together to produce our series of tower free space elevators! Our elevators are tuned to provide lightning fast transportation of goods and personnel, to and from space, with minimal fuel consumption and effort. What sets our products apart from the competition is our elevators use a number of atmospheric and space brakes to slow the craft rather than using engines to do so which burn a lot of fuel. By using brakes, a huge amount of cargo can be brought safely down from space. Damage Report AR (augmented reality) for monitoring fuel and overall weight at a glance JSE++ elevator script for maximum control and performance tuning The JSE++ flight script provided by Jeronimo, offers a huge number of parameters for you to tune the elevator to your liking. Some notable features include: - Default++ windows system, draggable windows, interactable buttons - Up to 9 easily adjustable and renamable floors - Customisable orientations vectors for gravity elevators or shaft elevators - Various customizable engines settings, approach and travel speeds for empty or full cargo - Automatic engines power on/off - ECO Mode (uses gravity to accelerate the elevator back down to the planet) - Dynamic Augmented Reality floor selection interface - Hot keys for quick action (ALT + 1...9) - Admin list for allowing only certain people to adjust parameters - Blacklist to exclude certain people from using the elevator - Interface available in 3 languages: eng / fr / ger - Auto shutoff on endpoints with adjustable telemeter offsets. -100% autonomous docking in space with emitter / receiver. -All Elevators are desinged to fit in gates eg. XS ExpL or XL but will also work with sliding doors. To ensure optimal customer experience, we have developed a concept to provide you with an "all-in-one package". Our mission is a happy customer On your first ever Elevator you can only get an token or you provide the needed parts. Full Service Installation with one of us is required to make sure everything works 100% perfectly, and you are fully satisfied with our product. After your first setup you can buy blueprints and use our install guide (VR: Hadron Atlas Guide) or ask us questions any time. The on site install help for all elevators includes: Planning and setting up the ground cradle. Full explanation of all settings in discord with screenshare. After the ground setup we will fly together up and place your space station core. Placement and aligning Space core dock. Integration of the cradle in other space station BP´s. Quick demo of the elevator (XS MAX): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIesj0XYORU Call us on discord for an personal tour: ryanpryde / midacre / mcxerxes Visit us in VR: Hadron HQ Alioth

Token: 6 Mħ
BP: 5 Mħ

SWG Guild Hall Sith-themed



Cargo Space: 768 kL

After designing the other guild halls I wanted to try one in a more sinister style. Celebrating the darker, and richer side this blueprint uses upgraded engines, drastically increased lift and cargo capacity (for use as an everyday mission runner) and more elegant texturing in its striking appearance. Blueprint contains all furniture and screens for art gallery shown here. *Like the other guild halls, this is a FLYING BUILDING. FEATURES: -Large open spaces perfect for countless uses, make a vendor mall, make a lounge bar, make anything! -5 Large Sub-level rooms: great for storage, bedrooms, trophy-sets, art galleries, etc -2 Side rooms with extra storage room/ staircases to top pad -Top landing pad fits full S-core ships -Full art gallery of hand-picked screenshots featured by Sony Online Entertainment. -Plenty of power and lift if you want to use for common casual hauling. (8 Large Atmo Engines, 4 Large Space)

BP: 3 Mħ




Cargo Lift: 300 t

Mule: Is the first (xs) ship I built myself, which was basically an oblong box with engines and wings. I kept adding items to the structure until I could fit no more on due to space constraints. The ship does fly mostly like I intended it to but it can be easy to overloaded with cargo even when moving ore. This ship was essentially my test ship and allowed me to roughly gauge how many engines etc. you need to atmosphere and space flight for a particular weight of craft and cargo. I have not flown it other than to take the screen shots and I can confirm it is fast ship in atmosphere but other than that I am sure it would need some tweaks and a real stress test to add more stats than I have provided already, given some of the game changes that have happened in the months since I stopped using this ship. Needless to say this ship was used my myself for quite some time until I managed to acquire the parts to start a first version of my ship Elemental.


Starjumper Mk6



Cargo Lift: 500 t

After 5 other major iterations since beta, the starjumper is my entry into the S core hauler market and is being sold as a blueprint with DRM removed. The starjumper was designed to haul 500t, and has room for one L container in the cargo bay. In testing, I was able to lift 900t to orbit (with rare vertical boosters). Upgrading the elements, it can easily push more than 500t of cargo. Blueprint comes with Advanced Military Atmo and Military Space engines (2 L each). There are two M Space and Atmo tanks inside as well. Location - Atlas Dynamics building in Nitro City (VR to "Pure Velocity - Nitro City". Travel two blocks south off of the main street. Do not buy in VR) Coords- ::pos{0,2,39.3368,63.7078,0.0000} Tokens made upon request.

Token: 7.5 Mħ
BP: 1 Mħ




Max Speed: 1,700 km/h

//!WARNING!// //You are accessing a UEF Government authorized information system, which includes (1) this computer, (2) this computer network, (3) all computers connected to this network, (4) all devices and storage media attached to this network or to a computer on this network, and (5) all cloud services and hosting environments supporting this information system. This information system is provided for UEF Government-authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action, as well as civil and criminal penalties. By logging in and using this information system, you understand and consent to the following: -You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding communications or data transiting or stored on this information system. -At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, communication between the user and this information system, data transiting to/from the system, or stored on this system is subject to monitoring, interception, and search. -Any communications or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose. //Acknowledge?// Y //User ID: *********** //Password: ************************** ... //Welcome, submit query// Crow Feathers //1 File Match// Download //!WARNING!// //Clearance required. Authenticate// Whiskey-Sierra-Four-Four-Tango //Access Granted// //File Copy in Progress// //Ventral...............................Done //Quarter.............................Done //Performance...................Done //FlightTest......... //!WARNING!// //UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS// //Link Terminated//


Phase 1

Space Force One


Cargo Space: 192 kL

Ask me about tokens, market prices keep fluctuating! Phase 1 is a S core 1 L container Hauler. It is meant to be a quick hauling ship and it is basic for that reason. It has a top speed of 44,308km/h and can attain that speed in 2SU. Great for getting out to asteroids or for going and salvaging wrecks. Come see us at ::pos{0,0,-313293.9187,978937.8481,-453302.0252} OR Visit us in VR, Search for "SF1 Showroom" I will place the ship for you if you bring me the parts and the blueprint. I have level 4 placement skills in everything and 5 in a few. I will be at full 5's in February. Feel free to stop back by for handling increases!

BP: 1 Mħ

The Prospector



Cargo Lift: 450 t

Easy to handle and fast, perfectly balanced. Simple and convenient to build. This ship allows you to scan the entire safe zone with a very small investment. Great for DSAT or as a small hauler, with a container M provides enough space for a good load. Talent level at least 3 recommended BP: Dispenser location in Alioth. :: pos {0,2,13.8418,104.1626,23.9106} TOKEN including the 3 scanners. PM me

Token: 25 Mħ
BP: 2 Mħ

Just For Fun



No attributes :-(

BSG - Just For Fun RIDER - S - 20.000.000 VIPER MK VII - XS 10.000.000 BlackBird - XS 12.000.000 Planes - Just For Fun F/A - 18 - S 10.000.000 F - 22 - S 15 15.000.000 F-14 ; F-16 ; F-35 - XS - 10.000.000

BP: 10 Mħ


Dark Forge


Space Thrust: 96.2 MN

The Cysteria is a ( S ) core PvP brawler created by Firestorm. It was hand crafted before shields were introduced to the game and has room to add a shield. This ship was originally designed from the ground up for fleet vs fleet combat early in DU. If you need a ( S ) core that has survivability, built to weather the storm against larger core targets, and look good doing it... then look to the Cysteria. She is invaluable in the field, providing damage soak, DPS support for your fleet and a great ship for collectors. Includes a custom voxelmanced ship interior only found in Dark Forge designs created by Firestorm himself. You can see an example in the photos above or when you VR using the link below. With the changes to Blueprints, you'll be able to use the honeycomb you desire and exclude elements you can live without. Or swap out lower tier elements for higher tier, etc. Custom orders - If you want a custom exterior/interior color or specific changes please include details when you contact Firestorm for your purchase, Prices may differ depending on desired changes. (FireStorm#4004) How to find: - VR - Search for "DSI Dark Forge HQ" (do NOT buy a BP in VR!!) - ::pos{0,2,21.9994,107.1816,6.5935} - Near Alioth DM7 - Alioth Exchange Market - BLUE HALL - LOT 05

BP: 1 Mħ

Starline XS Warp Shuttle [Free Blueprint]



Space Thrust: 3.73 MN

I decided to made all my blueprints free, because I'm not really interested in making credits in game. So here you go, guys. You are busy man and you need to get from point A to point B as fast as possible? Starline XS warp shuttle is what you need. Maybe it isn't handling as a racing ship, but it's fast in straight line and will get to to your destination in no time. Although military engines it's cheap, usually it's not a problem for succeseful novean which this vehicle is made for. VR SquareBunny Workshop (Don't buy BP in VR! You will loose it!) Dispenser location at Haven ::pos{0,27,-84.8597,76.6146,375.0862} I can deliver blueprint to Alioth. Just message me at Discord. Discord: SquareBunny#3589

BP: 1 ħ
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