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Destiny One

Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)


Cargo Lift: 3,000 t

Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}

BP: 6 Mħ


Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard


Space Thrust: 24.7 MN

Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.

BP: 5 Mħ

The Falcon



Cargo Space: 1,344 kL

Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one

BP: 45 Mħ




Space Thrust: 319 MN

Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP

BP: 30 Mħ

Warp Tube



Space Thrust: 1.36 MN

Fully Loaded Alioth - Jago: 10 WCs only! - - - WARP TUBE A stylish, well-designed warp shuttle that holds two XS containers. Everything has been optimized and reduced to minimum to save on weight and thus on warp cell consumption. The hovers function also as low-consumption propulsion that can be used for low distances, and provide above 160 km/h without usage of any regular engine. The Warp Tube also features two diagonal rocket engines (800 L) that help to avert any crashes due to inexperience by giving lift and forward speed at the sme time, and also help lifting off from space platforms. Strong lights illuminate dark areas where you try to land. Last but surely not least, the boat is packed with brakes to such extend, that - to give an example - landing from orbit on Jago's surface does not require any engine thrust! With other words, as part of the weight reduction the fuel consumption has been minimized, too. That leaves more space for cargo. OVERLOAD HINT: The Warp Tube can get into space from Alioth with both XS containers full and the pilot's inventory full too, if you fly an outgoing spiral. :-) See all ships using VR, at "Tropico". Contact at Discord: "Hirnsausen#3973"

BP: 1.25 Mħ

le "Pamplemousse" !!!



Cargo Lift: 600 t

gros cargo fabriqué par Alex peut porter 600 tonnes

BP: 1 Mħ

ETA Crab (Space Only)

Elite Transport Associates Ship Works


Cargo Lift: 0 t

The ETA Crab. This Ship is built for the asteroid Miner. With its industrial design easy maintenance and heavy duty feel. This ship focuses on fuel economic as well as its first person piloting. 4 L Adv Space Maneuver Engine's 8 M Adv Space Freight Engine's 4 S Adv Space Freight Engine's For space and asteroid Docking. Warp Drive. Medium Shield. Albatross HUD. All ETA Ships come with LvL 5 put down skills for fuel tanks, engines, and containers.

Token: 15 Mħ
BP: 5 Mħ

Height Worker



No attributes :-(

A simple height worker that takes you up. Handy to: - Reach the top of your sky rise buildings - Bring your friends and your friends from the ground to your AGG ship - Recover your ships after you crashed them into a space tower - Take nice aerial pictures of your creations How To Buy: - Contact me on discord: taishiryu#6188

Token: 200 Kħ
BP: 100 Kħ


Space Force One


Space Thrust: 3.84 MN

Penance is part 2 of my VTOL Series. It is a small core warper meant for carrying yourself and a few others to another planet as cheaply as possible. This ship takes off vertically and then flips using the gyro to fly straight. Please let me know if you have any questions! Come Check out my showroom in VR at "Space Force One Showroom" or in person on Sinnen at ::pos{0,7,-71.1802,12.5390,155.3475}

BP: 3 Mħ


Aerogics S & T Co


Dry Weight: 400 t

Janus is a space only ship, on S core Made mostly for asteroids, it can carry two containers L along with DSAT, and a spot for warp drive Two extra containers L can easilly be added in place of DSAT Powered with a mix of T2-T3 freight and maneuver engines, it is higly fuel efficient with a max speed of 40k Can be seen on VR: Aerogics Janus *** Honeycombs *** Aged Brown Pattern Wood 2: cockpit interior Glossy Beige Plastic (cold): cockpit interior Matte Gray Platic: main color (white) Aged Gray Pattern Carbon Fiber: secondary color (black) Polished White Aluminium: metal parts Luminescent White Glass: interior and exterior lights (should keep those white unless you really want colored lights everywhere) Luminescent Red Glass & Matte Dark Red Plastic: colored strips, recommended to keep those two HC with same color

BP: 3 Mħ

Skeeter Warp



Cargo Lift: 450 t

A nice Warp Capable Ship able to carry a 125kL / 437.50t Delivery Package off of Alioth or Warp to Talemai to gather some Limestone and Natron efficiently. BP can be located at- ::pos{0,2,19.7052,86.5752,256.3013}

BP: 1 Mħ

No Man's Sky Fighter: Viper



Space Thrust: 7.17 MN

No Man's Sky inspired warp shuttle. 24 cells from Alioth to Teoma If you deploy it without the warp drive it doubles as a high-performance market runner. The stats seen here are after a max handling boost and medium pilot skills. Rare and Advanced parts have been used to make the ship, so keep that in mind before buying a BP. Also, the warp atlas seen on the cockpit xs screen no longer works. I replaced it with a simple logo. I figure you guys can get creative with it and put whatever script or image you want on there. BP's available at the "workshop". For a token just message me on discord (please allow 1-2 days to fulfill the order, thank you). Workshop location: ::pos{0,2,43.3889,93.6289,36.0748} Discord ID: Treble#2588

Token: 20 Mħ
BP: 6.9 Mħ

VIP Taxi Shuttle



Max Speed: 2,250 km/h

This is a special ship, developed to give a lift to up to 10 passengers or crashed pilots in need. What makes this ship so special is its ability to manage over-crowded market platforms as this is what it was designed for: while it cannot protect you from market-caused disconnects and error messages, it however can easily navigate on these platforms as no obstacle is high enough to cause any problem: Unbelievably, it can hover up to one hundred and two = 102 meters (!!!!!!!) above any PLATFORM or CONSTRUCT! Yes, 102 meters were the measured maximum! Otherwise around 30 meters. We measured on the Alioth Market 6 platform which itself is 222 meters above sea level. Please refer to the screenshots. We also made sure it can reach a nice little speed, its possible maximum speed was never measured as we had to limit acceleration to 2,250 km/h (that we now call SMS = Safe Maximum Speed) to avoid damage to elements (one of the front adjustors) that we observed starting to happen at 2,256 km/h. When we shut off all engines at maximum altitude (around 4,600 m) at SMS, this ship is so airworthy it took over 20 minutes to gently glide down and land. As this ship was designed for passengers, it provides a great view thanks to large window areas and special enheightened seats positioning. You will see. And finally, we gave a very unusual yet pleasant shape to this high-speed taxi, partially inspired by those air buses seen on Coruscant, center of the Galactic Republic, in Star Wars. SIDE NOTE We had a big smile when we found out that our ship can give a few minutes of sub orbital experiences to passengers, just like Virgin Galactic's "VSS Unity" (Richard Branson) or Blue Origin's "New Shepard"" (Jeff Bezos). To do that, simply put all engines to full power, and aim upwards in "Ground Object!" mode or "Flying Object" mode. This will get you out of the atmosphere. But of course, gravity will eventually get you back and you then can do it again. So you see, you can now finally become a serious competitor to Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos! AVAILABLLE NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME ON OUR SHIP BP DISPENSERS ON ALIOTH MARKET 6 (BESIDE EDGE OF MARKET BUILDING)

BP: 5 Mħ




Max Speed: 2,434 km/h

If you loved the games, I think you'll love this dragster sled. 2400km/h at sea level. Moltres Shield™. Embrace the flame! Contact seller for details and setup instructions for the Moltres™.

BP: 200 Kħ


Broken Skull Ship Shop


Space Thrust: 93.9 MN

All Tokens will be based on current market prices For Tokens Msg AtrusKage #8484 on Discord At Broken Skull we make ships for effective use not needless elements. To that end we present the Delios a space only asteroid hunter like no other. A unique design, weighting under a kiloton, crafted over time left only with the simplest of needs to get the job done. 4 large containers with room for more storage if needed and the ability for allies to aid in the task. A DSAT ready to tack all asteroids to be drained. 4 large advanced military and 4 large uncommon military engines with a single XL uncommon to speed her along at 13g without effort, and nearly 20g of brake force to lock her down on target. The Delios is not a luxury ship nor filled with frills she is built to last and fly true to get the job done. VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop

BP: 5 Mħ
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