Dual Universe Creators

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The Falcon



Cargo Space: 1,344 kL

Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one

BP: 45 Mħ


Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard


Space Thrust: 24.7 MN

Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.

BP: 5 Mħ

Destiny One

Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)


Cargo Lift: 3,000 t

Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}

BP: 6 Mħ




Space Thrust: 319 MN

Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP

BP: 30 Mħ


Vega Hex Industries


Max Speed: 1,381 km/h

The Oryx is an XS hybrid ship that is really fun to fly and bring you to your destination in style. Whole body is made of titanium and it comes with all rare military engines around. Tokens are fully boost to LVL 5 talents. Custom colors on demand. If you decide to buy a BP, come visit our installations and we will boost the ship free of charge. Come visit us in VR at Vega Hex Showroom or in person ::pos{0,2,-21.6898,12.6947,-0.0001} DM if you have any questions on discord: vork or .dothack

Token: 4 Mħ
BP: 3 Mħ

NB Space Truck V1

NB Creations


Cargo Lift: 4,000 t

Selling an old truck, may have had its best times in the 90s. High mileage some scratches and wrinkles but it got a good polish. The engine isnt leaking oil , smells good and drinks a lot. Brakes ok and 1946 Kl of space for ur smuggler loot isnt bad. Suspension takes up to 4000t, belongs to your driving skills. Repairs are expensive cause its a lot of special parts, actually its in a good condition. one cryo pod is giving red warning light, may need repairs, havent looked into it... ill read the manual that comes with it. If interested check its position in VR: "NB Space Truck V1" BP dispenser is onboard or at LYB Showroom ::pos{0,2,34.2102,114.3456,0.0000} all values are fueled and with good skills

BP: 24 Mħ

The Wedge V2

Deep Space Corporation


Cargo Lift: 5,000 t

Introducing - The Wedge V2 New Version of the "Workhorse". The Cargo lift depends on the configuration (e.g. basic/uncommon/advanced Atmos) The Ship inherits 12x L Container - 10x for Cargo & 2x for misc items. There is room for an S Antigrav and an M Shield. Ship is fired by 18X L Atmo Engine and 2X XL Space Engine If you need a different Engine configuration we can support you by doing so. All Engines can be changed easy. The measures are with uncommon military atmos and basic space engines. We are located on Alioth at Market 19 Check it on VR: DECO

BP: 5 Mħ

M480 rev3

Inquisitor Apocalix


Cargo Lift: 1,800 t

SHIELD m (480kl) Arch Hud perfect for mission

BP: 1 Mħ

Piranha PVE-S (9.47 G thrust / 10.5 G brake)



Space Thrust: 13 MN

bonjour ! Spaceboys est fier de vous présenter la variante PVE de notre Piranha !!! compatible avec GEFORCE NOW j ai tester en mission S facile, et il me restait 50% de bouclier une fois la mission terminé ! utilisez bien les raccourcie de clavier dans votre menu commande setting pour bien gagner du temps. c'est important. il vous faut les buff niveau 4 au moins et les skill canon operation niveau 3 minimum. Vous ne pouvez pas perdre le vaisseau, meme si vous echouer la mission, le vaisseau reviens a la porte d entré. pensez a faire une deconnexion et reconnexion du jeu, sans fermer le jeu, a chaque fois que vous voulez lancer une mission, ça prends 5 seconde. pour eviter des bug eventuel durant la mission. il y a deux type de mission, soit vous prenez des vagues d ennemies sur vous, soit vous avez 5 ou 6 poche a aller visiter. Vous pouvez farie 5 mission a la chaine avant de devoir retourner a la base pour recharger en carburant et munitions pensez bien a reprendre la gate une fois la mission terminé. ce vaisseau est conçu pour les mission S small easy (petite facile) equipé de moteur spatiaux atypic de manoeuvre. tout confort interieur, y compris un frigidaire ! radar atmo pour approche base spatiale ou lunaire booster vertical et train d atterissage. moteur sur le toit pour atterissage hors gravité 6 canon agile rare 1 bouclier a capacité elargie rare. ecoutille d access sur le toit, automatique pour rentrer. le siege et la telecommande sont sans protection DRM, vous pouvez mettre les script de votre choix sans rien demonter. livrer avec script DeadGunner et Deadremote minimal compatible GEFORCE NOW le poids est donné avec tout l equipement et carburant munitions a bord. PS: ce vaisseau peut etre utiliser en PVP, equipé d un transpondeur et d un periscope. BP dispenser: ::pos{0,26,-2.4601,-77.7112,0.4765} VR: Sanctuaire Spaceboys n'achetez pas en VR !!! mis à jour le 15.01.2025

BP: 1 Mħ

Freyr Class AES 01 (a.k.a. Ente 04)



Cargo Lift: 4,000 t

Chewie_1 - 02/11/2023 3:47 PM "Ich weiss jetzt wie ich den Fluch der 04 breche... ich mach mit der 05 weiter ^^" So the Ente 04 was doomed to never be finished. Saedow was not willing to accept the fact Chewie had abandoned this cursed Ente 4 project, so he went to see Chewie while he was working on the Ente 05 [which eventually became the Ente 06 and finally the Ente 07]. Saedow asked Chewie "would you mind if I revive it without your help? put an AESIR twist to the ship?" and Chewie replied "here is a drm free blueprint, do whatever you want with it". That was on the 3rd of April. Today, the 23rd of May, the ship is finally finished after 50 days of work and love. AESIR named it the Freyr Class. The Flying Dutchman would also have been an appropriate name... Come and see, all you Noveans; this ship that should not be! *************************************************************************************** Please visit our showroom on Alioth. Location ::pos{0,2,38.1670,99.6339,953.7206} Be careful, the showroom is on a glass platform and it might take some time to load when you land there, so land carefully and take your time. *************************************************************************************** Special thanks to T1mb0h and Krienas for all the support they gave me finishing this difficult project. And of course special thanks to Chewie, who let me inherit his "verfluchte" project.

BP: 7.5 Mħ

Swooping Swallow



Max Speed: 6,200 km/h

The Swooping Swallow is a tailored autopilot mission runner. Carry up to 5 packages for the 160kℏ Ailerons mission. Flight time 4m 30s for a single package, 4m 55s for 5 packages. Pickup, Dropoff, Home, and altitude are customizable and precise. Blueprint available at ::pos{0,2,42.5991,94.4443,189.7354}

BP: 7 Mħ

Switch Blade MK1



Space Thrust: 4.59 MN

Designed as a light transport for cheap travel. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6707,91.2553,57.6432} All stats are as boosted with lvl 3 skills. If you boost them higher it will be better. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466

BP: 1 Mħ

millennium falcon



Space Thrust: 90 MN

the force is strong with this little one be sure to be the best and the quicker driver with this ship. easy to fly, the agg S is perfect for ilimited lift. diferent price - normal Edition: 70m -pvp edition: WIP Original designe by: @Karenlacorn for token or bp: visite our showroom ''penrose showroom'' or discord: Thibz#1965

Token: 70 Mħ
BP: 45 Mħ

Hermes Mk2



Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

A heavy-weight warp hauler, designed specifically for running - and surviving - the Aphelia missions! The Mk2 has been updated with a Large Shield Generator and XL Space Engines for even more survivability in these congested space lanes. Rated for a base 2000T (1.0g), this vessel has not only the capacity, but the protection required to get your mission package to its destination. With a multi-layer armoured command deck, easily accessible and strategically placed elements, as well as an XS core ship-bay, this ship will make your mission running a walk in the park. UPDATE: This ship can accommodated a DSAT into the upper bay space, to convert this able mission runner into a formidable asteroid hunter ! All stats are given with no placement and day 1 pilot talents - stats will only improve with talent training.

BP: 2.5 Mħ

Hornet VarAC Mk I

LUF Industries


Max Speed: 1.701 km/h

The "Hornet VarAC Mk I" is an atmospheric Courier with space for small Cargo. If you want to buy some elements on the market and you need them quick - this is the answer. It will fly fast enough to do its job quickly - up to 1,700 km/h and lift more than 50t. You can transfer it easily to a pocket Ship - just let the containers away. The ship contains: 8x XS Container 2x Atmospheric Engines M Atmo Radar You can look at the ship in the Surrogate VR "LUF Showroom".

BP: 500 Kħ
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