Dual Universe Creators

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Voxel Sets
Lua Scripts




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A Lighthouse.... Illuminates your way back home. VR to "Alioth Marina" Drm free in case you want to transfer the Lighttower to your own static core, there are full instructions for configuring the lighting included on an info button

BP: 3 Mħ

Consolidated Fuels

Consolidated Aerospace


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Developed by Consolidated Aerospace's infrastructure and Industry Command [I.I.C] this very basic functional factory is designed to make and maintain 8000L if Atmospheric fuel and 8000L of Kergon X2, As long as materials and schematics are fulfilled Required Ore for 8000L of fuels [Estimated] Quartz 2,129.40 Coal 2,059.20 Limestone 3,903.90 totals 8,093

BP: 10 Kħ

Redmatter Bunker XS-01

Redmatter Military Requisitions


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XS Core Bunker. At the Exchange in the Red section or At ::pos{0,2,41.0164,107.5123,75.1163} More Comming Soon!

BP: 10 Kħ

Ikara Factory M1 (DRM)

Ikara Industries


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Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Factory M1" - Elemetns and Script Rework. Produce and rest, then the Ikara Factory M1 is for you. The M core includes - 5 floors for space up to XL machines - 1 basement with the possibility to integrate up to 84 L containers - 1 factory control center with 4 L screen - Door script (RestrictedAccessDoor) provided by Davemane42 - Light Control (ScreenLightControl) script provided by DU_ASTco - Screen Script to set Text to the Lounge and Entry Screen - Large window front - 2 lounges with benches and snack machines. When the production takes longer. - 15 L screens with the Entropy Effect to chill on the top. What else you should know: - Building has DRM - All screens must be turned on once manually. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy ? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (on the Alioth Exchange Yellow Hall) Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.

BP: 6 Mħ

Space Factory



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Full L core space station perfect for your space factory. With 4 landing places (M cores) that perfect Align with the main factory. I can help install everything. The inside is empty. Discount if u buy more 2 for 15 mill 3 for 20 mill 4 for 25 mill Blueprints at ::pos{0,0,13909484.7964,7394236.0528,-249278.5554} VR: Space station Shop

BP: 10 Mħ

Tier 1 Refinery XS (Deprecated)

Warren Industries


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Makes Tier 1 Pures and Product Materials Dispenser Location: ::pos{0,2,-2.8708,-153.1689,26.9338} Token Weight: 113 T Token Volume: 22 kL Features: -All schematics included (with token) -Touch screen interface -Automatic batch calculations -Talent-adapting calculations (with Data Center) -Interior factory power indicator -Exterior factory status indicators -Exterior stock displays -Parcel for hauling missions to/from -Instruction manual at factory entrance (Info Button) For info on how Warren Modular Factories work please see last photo Token prices includes the blueprint, all schematics, and all honeycomb/parts needed to place factory down. Last Construct Update: August 23, 2021 Discord Update Notifications: https://discord.gg/vuqMfr3bCB

Token: 4 Mħ
BP: 750 Kħ

Sci-Fi Fuel Station

Sci-Fi Fuel Station


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I made this Fuel station with Sci-Fi in mind as i love Sci-Fi myself, I hope you like and enjoy, It will make all your Atmos and Space Fuel, And i added Scraps to with dispencers so you can sell what you make to, Have fun all see you in DU :) You can VR to Santa Monica Pier to view all our crazy work, Please don't Buy in VR.

BP: 1 Mħ




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Are you looking for a space adventure that combines comfort, productivity and security? Then look no further than the SKY Aegis M core space station from SKY Industries! This is the ultimate space home for you and your crew, featuring: - A spacious and cozy living area with a panoramic view of the stars - A fully equipped office space with high-speed communication and data storage - A small factory area that lets you craft and repair your own equipment and vehicles - A XS core elevator dock The SKY Aegis M core space station is designed to be modular, customizable and expandable, so you can add more rooms, modules and features as you wish. You can also connect with other SKY Aegis stations to form a larger base. The SKY Aegis M core space station is available now for a limited time offer of only 2.2 million! Don’t miss this opportunity to own your own piece of the final frontier. VR: Aegis Haven Space Station Visit ::pos{0,2,54.7335,109.8047,69.0288} to get your Blueprint today!

BP: 2.25 Mħ

Fuel and Cell Station Space Module

Aerogics S & T Co


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A Fuel and Cell Station Module on M core Small landing pad on top for S core size ship Control tower with 360° view! 4 corridors to connect other modules / space elevator No machine on the blueprint Lower area has several spots for various industry machines, ie: - rounded area can hold up to 20 containers L - 36 refiners / smelters in angled corners - 16 chemicals / glass furnaces in center can be seen on VR: Aerogics Space Station

BP: 5 Mħ

Large Warp Cell Factory 1440 cells 24 hours

VO Industries - theOmega28


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This Large Warp Cell Factory will produse 1440 warp cells every 24 hours with no industry boosting talents It 5 time more in production then my M core warp cell factory I do not have this up for display. I built this for a customer that supplied the industry for me to build. I tore it down for him to pickup after i completed it. This factory is built in my L core Factory Shell. Has plenty of room to add more into this building as you desire. For future reference if you add more into this factory and decide to move your location, i will create you a bp of it under certain circumstances: i would need to see the factory before you tear it down as i will create the core bp at that time, then when you tear it down i will need to come back to the same location and see it no longer exist then i will make you a bp of it at the cost it takes to make the L core BP print. We have several other factories to choose from and some are in space versions. We also have LUA Scripts and Mining Rigs by Credence! VR: VO Factory Sales Located on Alioth ::pos{0,2,26.8385,76.5585,0.9775} Discord: theOmega28.36#1869 Credence#4249 We also have a Discord as we provide details on our factories and notify everyone as new ones are built and ready to sale along with additional information and available to answer any questions

BP: 45 Mħ

3CS Mining Platform 4x (Early Release)



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This mining platform was designed to mine up to 4 ore types using L mining units. While the mining platform will default to one mining unit per T1 ore, this can easily be changed to mine different ore with upgraded mining units. To expand the number of mining units, just link to the additional units to the mining PB and to one of the containers. To modify the ore type, rename the container element and replace the ore with the new ores full name. Adding/modifying the mining units or containers will require the programing boards to be restarted. This is an early release version of the platform, so some of the items have been reduced or removed due to availability or cost. To further save on deployment cost, you can change the honeycomb type to fit your available ore type.

BP: 1 Mħ

Zealot Company Quadcore Landing Pad

Zealot Company


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Tired of pads being too small for your need? Zealot Company has your needs covered with this quadcore landing pad! It has a complete interior for your storage needs and elevators for mobility around the structure. Stop by for an in-game look at ::pos{0,2,-23.5467,16.8591,36.0142}, you can purchase the bp at ADMI Build Store at the Zealot Company dispensers. Note: Due to the snap tool not overlapping element with voxels each pad has its own set of elevators, some will need to be deleted, if you want and then centered.

BP: 6 Mħ

Citadel Station



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The IC Citadel Station is an all-purpose single core space station designed with future PVP in mind. Currently we are only selling Blueprints. The blueprint does not include the Warp Beacon or weapons to make it easier to place. Armor: 4 to 12 meters of Nickel, Copper, and Steel armor. Weapons: 8 Gunner seats with a total of 64 hardpoints for weapon placement Storage: 80 Large containers linked to 8 hubs. Industry: Warp Cell Production ~550 warp cells per 24 hours Fuel Production - Kergon X1, X2, and X3 (or change schematics to make whatever you want) Scrap Production - Tier1 - Tier5 Repair: 4 Repair stations, each linked to 5 large containers

BP: 50 Mħ

ETA M Core Factory Shell

Elite Transport Associates Ship Works


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This M Core Factory Shell will fit Tier 1-3 ore refiners and product plus assembly lines. Fits 1 XL Assembly lines. 1 basic or 1 uncommon. Plus a mix of any lines you want. Makes organizing your production easy. Room for all your containers in the ceiling. BP Requires M Core 1 Basic container XS (schematic container) 1 Detection Zone M 4 Elevator XS 1 Relay XS 2 Screen XS 2 Sliding Door M You can replace concert with brick for almost same effect Location: ::pos{0,2,15.0650,96.8392,0.0000} 6 Square Light M 6 Square Light S 9 Vertical Light M 7 Vertical Light XS 4 Window M

BP: 5 Mħ

Fantasy Building Kit



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If you're like me, you love Dual Universe and the amazing freedom it gives us to build whatever we want. However, some of us are more inclined to fantasy settings over Sci-fi. Others might just want a change of scenery for some of their buildings. If this is you, then check out Stormsteel's Fantasy Building Kit. This kit uses almost entirely t1 honeycomb by default, with the tiniest bit of lumi glass. The Fantasy building kit includes pillars and several wall stylings to build a castle or cathedral-like structure. Various doors and windows allow you to differ your indoor vs. outdoor styling or just have a nice variation all around. The kit also includes several decorative voxel pieces such as crystals and hanging banners. This Kit will continue to be updated, and as it improves the price may rise. However, once you own it, you will never have to pay more to receive the updated versions. See below for current version and Changelog. VR to "Stormhold" to see the Fantasy Building Kit in person, as well as Stormsteel's personal hanger build with it. Blueprints can be purchased via Dispenser at ::pos{0,2,51.3456,99.1264,-0.0000} - BPs can also be delivered to you at any of the District Markets (especially 6). The BP dispenser at the entrance of the hangar. At the top of the stairs pictured above. Current Version: 1.1 Change Log: 1.1 -Basic Blue Ceiling Added (inluding diagonal section) -Added floor tiles to go over diagonal wall peices -Added parapets to go on top of pillars

BP: 2.5 Mħ
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