Dual Universe Creators

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Voxel Sets
Lua Scripts

The Falcon



Cargo Space: 1,344 kL

Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one

BP: 45 Mħ


Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard


Space Thrust: 24.7 MN

Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.

BP: 5 Mħ




Space Thrust: 319 MN

Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP

BP: 30 Mħ

Destiny One

Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)


Cargo Lift: 3,000 t

Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}

BP: 6 Mħ

Atlas Femto by Hadron



Max Speed: 500 km/h

Super precise personal transport elevator with rare freight engines. will only utilize hover engines when possible or free fly with atmo engines. Engines are only active if the hover turns off. Desinged to fit in Interiour doors for docking. Hadron’s signature voxel work and Jeronimo’s feature packed JSE++ have come together to produce our series of tower free space elevators! Our elevators are tuned to provide lightning fast transportation of goods and personnel, to and from space, with minimal fuel consumption and effort. What sets our products apart from the competition is our elevators use a number of atmospheric and space brakes to slow the craft rather than using engines to do so which burn a lot of fuel. By using brakes, a huge amount of cargo can be brought safely down from space. Damage Report AR (augmented reality) for monitoring fuel and overall weight at a glance JSE++ elevator script for maximum control and performance tuning The JSE++ flight script provided by Jeronimo, offers a huge number of parameters for you to tune the elevator to your liking. Some notable features include: - Default++ windows system, draggable windows, interactable buttons - Up to 9 easily adjustable and renamable floors - Customisable orientations vectors for gravity elevators or shaft elevators - Various customizable engines settings, approach and travel speeds for empty or full cargo - Automatic engines power on/off - ECO Mode (uses gravity to accelerate the elevator back down to the planet) - Dynamic Augmented Reality floor selection interface - Hot keys for quick action (ALT + 1...9) - Admin list for allowing only certain people to adjust parameters - Blacklist to exclude certain people from using the elevator - Interface available in 3 languages: eng / fr / ger - Auto shutoff on endpoints with adjustable telemeter offsets. -100% autonomous docking in space with emitter / receiver. -All Elevators are desinged to fit in gates eg. XS ExpL or XL but will also work with sliding doors. To ensure optimal customer experience, we have developed a concept to provide you with an "all-in-one package". Our mission is a happy customer On your first ever Elevator you can only get an token or you provide the needed parts. Full Service Installation with one of us is required to make sure everything works 100% perfectly, and you are fully satisfied with our product. After your first setup you can buy blueprints and use our install guide (VR: Hadron Atlas Guide) or ask us questions any time. The on site install help for all elevators includes: Planning and setting up the ground cradle. Full explanation of all settings in discord with screenshare. After the ground setup we will fly together up and place your space station core. Placement and aligning Space core dock. Integration of the cradle in other space station BP´s. Quick demo of the elevator (XS MAX): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIesj0XYORU Call us on discord for an personal tour: ryanpryde / midacre / mcxerxes Visit us in VR: Hadron HQ Alioth

Token: 6 Mħ
BP: 5 Mħ

DSD Bruce

Darkstar Divisions


Atmo Thrust: 1.28 MN

After learning that fish were friends not food, Bruce decided to bring his killer instinct and talent elsewhere so he contacted DSD for a little upgrade on the ol' hardware. This pocketrocket is perfect for fast trips to the market, flying over to the dome with a little flare, or full RP immersion with underwater flying on Jago. Whatever your needs are the new and improved Bruce will surely aim to please. This aquatic predator is now looking to rule the skies, it can push speeds over 1400km/h (with piloting talents) with no atmo burn while still managing to stop on a dime and turn like a dream. Get where you gotta go with ease, in style and with speed. All tokens come with lvl 4 and 5 placement skills.

Token: 1.75 Mħ
BP: 500 Kħ


Aerogics S & T Co


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

*** Honeycombs Info *** Change those depending on your color choice when spawning from BP: Primary: Waxed Aged Brick 1 Secondary: Glossy Dark Gray Carbon Fiber Lumi: Luminescent Orange Glass *** New Price: 500k *** Can be seen on VR: Aerogics LWSS Orca Mk2 For this one, i've asked myself what firt ship would i use if i was to start again tomorrow. Wanted something easy on the repairs and building costs, while still providing enough power to be viable in most situations. Result is the ORCA, a light weight ship on a S core. Comes equiped with 9 M containers for storage (so basically half a hub full of L containers), L fuel tanks (M for rockets), warp drive and everything you could need in a ship: VR, res pod, a bunch of scripts and various screen infos. Cargo capacity will vary alot depending on engines tier, handling talents and pilot talents. With all those maxed and using rockets, it should be able to carry up to 2kt out of 1g gravity. More reasonably, with basic engines and low handling / pilot talents, it will start at 300tons. Basic engines will probably cap near 500tons. Keep in mind it was originally designed with T3 engines and average pilot talents / maxed handling. So, for example, with basic engines and talents, it will be able to carry a DSAT out of 1g, but not by very much - if you come back fully loaded you'll most likely just crash. Ship is built on bottom of core with as little elements on top as possible, so you can place a DSAT or 3 scanners. Detailed interior, many hours spent on the voxels (finally used smooth tool!) Mk2 BP currently comes with basic engines and no rockets to make it easier to spawn. Coordinates of upgradable elements are avaliable in an info button for easy upgrade Current Orca Mk1 owners: get your free upgrade! just bring your ship to our Haven HQ and we'll recycle it into newest version

BP: 500 Kħ

Silver Bee



Cargo Lift: 35 t

Silver Bee is the ship I made to run around in PVP space (its the ship I can loose) its not really finished as it needs some balancing however, we are at the end of Beta and I'll probably make an xs ship variant instead of finishing this ship off. Despite not being finished it is quite a fast ship able to exceed 40,000Kmph in space, in the atmosphere it can reach speeds of up to 1050 Kmph without burning up in the atmosphere (Angle dependant). This is also the second revision of the ship as it started out looking more like a normal plane before I decided to make it look more like a Bee, though my voxel skills are not really up to the task.


Anisoptera v4 X2



No attributes :-(

Spaceship, Speeder and Double-Seater - - - --------------------------------------------------- For reference, please also see "Anisoptera v1" to "Anisoptera v3" on this website (the previous versions). The Anisoptera v4 X2 (internal code name: "Gliese") is the latest version of this famous dragonfly-alike designer speedboat and completes the evolution towards a fully space-capable speedboat. The original designs called for a fast boat that could fit many different types of ship hangars, thus the resulting concept was that of a very slender ship hull. That in return resulted in a low drag amount and therefore high possible speeds if powered adequatly. Overheating starts at 1,800 km/h, first damage at around 2,300 km/h inside atmosphere. The version 4 has the following improvements over V3: - even higher speed (same atmospheric 2,300 km/h as before but now towards 30,000 km/h in space) - more brake power And the best is: from the outside there is almost no difference! NOTICE All versions avalable: - NEW! Anisoptera v3 (space-capable superspeeder one-seater) - NEW! Anisoptera v3 (space-capable superspeeder two-seater) - Anisoptera v3 (suborbital superspeeder one-seater) - Anisoptera v3 (suborbital superspeeder two-seater) - Anisoptera v2 (atmospheric speeder one-seater, THIS version) - Anisoptera v1 (atmospheric speeder one-seater, Poor Man's edition) AVAILABLLE NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME ON "Tropico" (VR), ALIOTH

BP: 3.5 Mħ

Isekai Light Unicorn Proto

Isekai Enterprises


No attributes :-(

Want to do very easy PvE missions? This ship is for you! An entry-level ship for players that just want to get started doing PvE missions on Very Easy. A medium engine and 5 cannons should make quick work of the aliens. It's right beside the BEEG shop on Starlantis.

BP: 70 Kħ




No attributes :-(

Whether you’re looking to explore new planets or transport goods across the Helios, our ship is the perfect choice. Blueprints available at: Alioth: ::pos{0,2,54.7335,109.8047,69.0288} Alioth Exchange - Blue corridor VR: SKY Blueprint Store

BP: 2.4 Mħ

Inquiry M

Inquisitor Apocalix


Cargo Lift: 5,000 t

PvP Space hauler 5 kt (1g) 10 container L .9 su brakes Battle Bridge + shield L

BP: 2.5 Mħ

ODYe Cronos



No attributes :-(


Tie Silencer MK2B

Obsidian Paradox


Space Thrust: 5.75 MN

Customization on request, All blueprints and tokens come with free boots for life of the ship. Discord: Bukkwild#5693

BP: 1 Mħ

Atlas Ascension

Obsidian Paradox


No attributes :-(

cargo lift capacity - to order Large Core This is an L core space elevator.

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