Dual Universe Creators
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Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard
Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.
Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP
Destiny One
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)
Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}
The Falcon
Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one
Atmospheric or space only hauler, designed specifically as a low cost mission runner. Small cross profile => high speed in atmospheric conditions 4 L containers and light weight => complete missions quick and fuel efficient Not a brick => not a brick Insane braking power => brakes nearly instantly and can land vertical How To Buy: - Contact me on discord: taishiryu#6188
The Wonkavator is the ultimate personal utility craft. Part Pocket Rocket part Magic Carpet with some AGG like qualities. Why settle for either having a surfboard or magic carpet when you can have the best of both worlds, with custom scripting that allows the Wonkavator to stay hovering in mid-air without you being in control. The hover mode frees you up to use your tools, build in the sky or on the water, and repair that ship that managed to clip under someone's agg platform or sky tower. The Wonkovator also has a little fancy startup animation on the screen that is used for the platform that allows you to display your name on it while in flight Currently using Albatros hud for main flight hud until i have time to re-work my hud Standard comes in orange and white Blueprints available at DIA Plaza Neo's Shop @ ::pos{0,2,32.3545,109.1669,140.1945} Best contact via Discord DU Creators Discord or My Community Discord linked in any of my videos on YT or my panels on twitch Tokens Comming again soon!
Mui Mui
Dragons Forge
The 'Mui Mui', a distinctive and capable classic from the off. Designed as a support warp hauler for the new Mining Units, the Mui Mui can service your MU fields with little effort and low fuel & warp cell costs. With both Adv Military & Manoeuvre Atmos engines, you have the best balance of power and fuel efficiency and the Adv Manoeuvre Space engines ensure you are up to speed quickly, without draining your tanks. All brakes obstruction compliant and no element clipping! All stats given with no boosts or pilot talents - capabilities will only get better when you apply your talents. Also now available is a FREE reskin kit - customise your Mui Mui to you tastes with precision Interior, Exterior and Lumi Glass layers.
BSSS Skullrizon
Broken Skull Ship Shop
Skullrizon is a Tribute to the long and well tested Horizon originally made by Capt. Customs..... Major feature changes were made on this model, adapting a AGG and making the design purely utility in nature this ship is crafted with only basic engines and a simplistic cockpit. All Voxels are plastic easy to make in your nanopac. Lighter than the original with lvl 4 and 5 piloting skills. Easy upgradable elements will make the 5kt load even easier than before. Check it out at VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop
K.S.I Raiser
Are you tired of flying a literal box around the verse? Do you find that everyone thinks there good builders cause they can slap a rare engine on a box and call it a day…. Here at K.S.I we calculate the elements needed for the character of the ship before it’s built. Limiting the quanta needed to exceed the task allotted to the ship. This allows the buyer too upgrade the elements without breaking the bank on initial purchase. Do not be intimidated by the price, as of the market Jan 25th 2023 it cost, 16 mil to place one of these. Will probably be the last m core u will own as it hits every mark and flys amazing at full loads. K.S.I Raiser - Available now, Message on discord or in game, and I’ll be happy too show you around this legend. JustKush#4014 (We do not build boxes)
Inter City One
Titan Aerospace
Inter City One by Titan Aerospace is a fun pocket speeder, driven by 3 medium atmo engines for maximum thrust and compactible with a full fuel tank. Even on basic engines top speed is over 1,200 km/h, depending on talents. Built for speed and agility its great to fly and means you'll never be stranded. The engines can be upgraded for even higher speeds.
Large core Cargo Transport. Featuring 20 Large Cargo Containers and a landing pad for a shuttle. Great for Mission Running and Asteriod Mining. A shuttle comes with the purchase of the Hauler. Anti-Gravity allows for entry into atmosphere if needed. Please DM if interested.
Super Powerful Pro Army
The Dart is one of the few "real" Warp-Shuttles available since the release of Dual Universe. It is built for minimum weight while still maintaining a pleasant appearance. Since the weight of the warp drive was increased to 75t, most low-weight shuttles became obsolete. They simply do not produce enough lift anymore to haul the warp drive around. Because this unfortunately affected also our beloved "Needle", the Dart was born. Just 4 warp cells from Alioth to Madis, 15 to Teoma. This is not a racer, flight is docile and leaving Alioth is a bit challenging for a pilot without skills. The handling improves dramatically for a pilot with just lvl2+ talents on engines and wings. Stats are for unskilled pilots, cargo lift depends heavily on pilot skills. This version features all advanced military engines. Blueprint Dispensers available at the Alioth Exchange (Red Hall) ::pos{0,0,-18729.1249,113456.7716,-74341.4425} Surrogate: SPPA Alioth Exchange As our talents improve over time, ask us to meet and buff your ship with the latest talents!
YT-2000 transport
SNS Sentinels
Build by Knight-Sevy#6239 The YT-2000 transport was a model of freighter produced by the shipbuilding industrie of Sentinels. Contact : Knight-Sevy#6239 It is built in such a way as to be as close as possible to the real scale while adding the "DU" dough and as details as possible. Characteristics : The YT-2000 transport is a space cargo model built around an S size core. Unlike civilian freighters, this one has a shield and laser weapons. It has a transport tonnage of 120 kL. The YT-2000 transport has 14 M-sized maneuver engines that allow it to reach its maximum acceleration of 12G in seconds. It can be piloted either by a single man or in a duet with a pilot and a gunner. Role: The YT-2000 is an admirable space freighter for its extensive cargo capacity, strong defensive systems, incredible maneuverability and extensive modification possibilities. Its multiple advantages, its lightweight design and its low purchase cost make the YT-2000 transport a significant asset for any asteroid smuggler. => Sold with 6400 l of fuel and 1600 ammo. => Ship sold with all civil element handling level 5 => Dispenser with BP and all element in. Provide a 52 kL container to be able to take the batch. => You need Few PvP handling talent to use the 4 laser => You can add a warp drive in the main corridor and 2 elevator each side to access to the cockpit. ::pos{0,22,-50.9662,35.4389,5.2612} VR: SNS Sentinels Showroom
This Ship is retired Please look for new Version The Vector is a M Core Tri Scanner. Designed to be efficient and stylish. Just because its a Tri Scanner doesn't mean it cant turn heads. Hit me up if your interested. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6707,91.2553,57.6432} All stats are as boosted with lvl 3 skills. If you boost them higher it will be better. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466
Golden Oak Industries
Herkimer is a VTOL Capable Hauler from Golden Oak Industries. Equipped with Eight Large Atmospheric Engines and a single Extra-Large Space Engine for forward thrust, the Herkimer also has Six Large Atmospheric Engines Downward Facing along with Four Large Space Engines Facing Downward! You can literally hold the space bar on your keyboard and go straight up if you choose to! VERY convenient for leaving market-places! The ship has Full VR Capability with 2 VR Booths and 1 VR Pod as well as a Resurrection node!