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Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)
Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}
The Falcon
Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one
Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard
Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.
Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP
Corvette Reaper
*** Built in Beta, was working fine up until the wipe*** Introducing the Reaper Corvette, dedicated pvp ship for a crew of 3. Designed for that solo pirate life or for a wolfpack hunting down its prey, either way this little beast is super fun to fly. Its cheap cost means you wont be backing down from many fights which means more fun for all. Packing 6 medium rails guns and armoured with meters of steel and gold, there wont be much around this size that you wont be able to take on. Location Alioth: ::pos{0,2,28.7970,80.7528,532.2103} https://media.giphy.com/media/3oUkfoGwZyEeorAgwf/giphy.gif *** Built in Beta, was working fine up until the wipe - not tested, previous cost 10M BP***
Cerberus MK1
First ship in DU! Made it to carry whatever I needed handles good even fully loaded. You can put more cargo containers on it I just currently have not much use for more than 2 large. I have token available now also :) Does have some military grade engines
The completion of the Moltres heat shield project has allowed new designs that would previously have destroyed themselves seconds after opening up the throttle. The result is a dragster muscle ship that (with lv4 piloting talents) can hit 3000km/h at sea level using only basic engines, has 19Gs of high altitude lift with full fuel, can withstand the fires of a 5000km/h reentry, and can comfortably haul 500t anywhere in the system while maintaining a low starter-friendly build cost. It is certified for hypersonic flight up to 10,000km/h in upper atmosphere! Moltres™ heat shield equipped. Contact the seller after your purchase for free hypersonic flight tips, and activation instructions on the Moltres shield!
Donaris Space AGG
LordRapineurX and me are proud to present you the DONARIS Our first ship take Many weeks to create All Stat are for a LVL 0 PILOT Ship is FULL LVL 5 Handling This Version Only space Withh AGG With 4 XL engines Manoeuver can take near 15kt of fret without problem and 4 basic engine to move on atmo with AGG With its set of brake you will travel safe We add a bunch of Atmo brake so you can enter on atmo and if the AGG brake or if you forgot to activate it, you can land Safely This Ship is avalaible in 3 versions Hybride cargo and AGG Hybride with AGG for CARGO Space AGG you can visit US and find BP on Locura Shipyard or you can simply visit US in VR "Donaris"
Ak-sel (for mission aphélia)
##### This part is Out Of Date, will be update soon ##### Ce ship a été crée pour réaliser les missions Aphelia en solo. Ce vaisseau peut sortir de Alioth 2 Kt avec une capacité de 3 conteneurs L. Ce modèle est le premier à ses options: - Shield L - Warp - Full moteur advanced - radar spatial et atmo Pour un prix compo de 18 millions de quanta ce qui vous fait un vaisseau optimisé pour seulement 23,99 millions de quanta (composant + BP) TTC mais si cela est trop cher il y a plusieurs versions qui peuvent être updradées par vous même. ##### BP price are Up To Date ##### 1er prix 5 000 000 le BP - no Shield - No Warp - Full moteur Basique - 3 conteneurs L et radar Ce ship peut sortir 1 Kt d'Alioth pour un prix compo d'environ 6 millions. 2éme prix 5 600 000 Le BP - no Shield - No Warp - Full moteur advanced - 3 conteneurs L et radar Ce ship peut sortir 2.1 Kt d'Alioth pour un prix compo d'environ 12 millions. !!!Attention les stats marqués sont ceux du Ak-Sel Heavy!!!
Southern Cross High Guard
Inspired by the Battlestar Galactica Viper. The Viper is pocketable. VR: SCHG Ship Sales - Madis ::pos{0,1,81.7469,5.7865,545.1833}
A highly functional mission runner and heavy hauler designed for auto-pilot mission running. It doesn't look like much but it is capable of lifting 7KT gross cargo weight off Alioth with level 5 handling and level 4 piloting skills. Features: -ArchHUD 0.015 so GeForce Now users can use the HUD right away. -An Advanced Shield Generator L for running missions through PVP space. -4x Basic Space Engine XLs - easily upgradeable with the placement coordinates below. -20x Uncommon Military Atmospheric Engine Ls. -10 Large Containers. -Over 2Gs of space thrust while fully-laden with mission packages. -The ability to land vertically on all planets while fully-laden with mission packages. The approximate build price on December 3, 2022 is: 27M Space Engine XL placement coordinates: Top Left: -17, -27, 14.5 Top Right: 17, -27, 14.5 Bottom Left: -17, -27, -14.5 Bottom Right: 17, -27, -14.5 Note: Shift+Scroll wheel will allow you to adjust the camera zoom. Can be viewed through VR at the Nunki Ship Showroom.
Bantam Standard
Blueprints now available for purchase at Hadron HQ Alioth. ( ::pos{0,2,-21.7618,122.5465,114.3602} ) Contact Midacre#3312 on Discord for a token purchase. Get your choice of colors and Aileron skin with token. Token price varies with ore costs. Check back often. Warp cells cost dearly. If you haven't got valuable cargo to transport, warping is often too expensive to justify. The Bantam is a personal craft for planetary travel, market runs and nanopack-sized purchases, transit between the surface to your space station, or an occasional joyride to a nearby moon. It takes off quickly and accelerates to max speed in seconds. The sleek, low-cross-section profile allows re-entry or cruising in high atmosphere at up to 2000 km/h without damage. Albatross HUD makes piloting a snap. Because it weighs less than 10 tons, it can accelerate to 50,000 kph max speed. On a round trip it will use about half of the XS fuel tank with no talents. Plenty of reserve for emergency turn-and-burn braking if necessary! This little ship is a lot of fun to fly and can get you to any place in the solar system quickly and cheaply. The Standard Edition has Uncommon Maneuver Engines for space and atmosphere, giving it extended range by economizing fuel. Space thrust is augmented by two Advanced Military Space Engine XS. The blueprint has level 5 placement for space, atmo, tanks.
F-35F - aircraft replica Light fighter, ready for atmo combat. Fun to fly, highly maneuverable. Complete Cockpit interior. Air and Space, all rare military engines. Length 52 Width 38 Height 14 (gear extended) Tokens and BP available at ::pos{0,2,5.1779,91.5441,2.7838}
Aerogics S & T Co
***Release*** With release it is most likely this will be spawned with T1 engines. keep in mind the stats listed below were with T3 engines and average talents. With T1 and basic talents, 200tons cargo should be a good start, with max pilot talents you'll get closer to 500tons. Higher tier engines will then be required for more. ***BETA Version*** The latest evolution of the popular KXS ZETA hauler, now with a warp drive! Cargo capacity: with average piloting talents, 700-800 tons shall be safe (=~ 1 full container L of hematite). It can be pushed up to 1000 tons with maxed talents. Ship has two M container (= 1L) Lots of thoughts and calculations on engineering: adjustors positioning, hub on center of mass, etc. Ship will handle almost the same with or without cargo, with a very stable yaw. For optimization purpose, elements have been selected based on maxed talents. This means ship will get better as your piloting talents go up, and reach full potential at higher levels. The ZETA is powered by two large T3 military atmo and T2 maneuver space engines.
XVX PHANTOM and Wraith Scout Combo
The Phantom is an M Core Hauler designed to be versatile. It comes with a Large Shield, Warp and plenty of cargo. 6 Large containers and 14 small containers. The primary container hub holds exactly 1200KL for 3 save zone missions. The secondary is for warp cells and scraps. The blueprint and tokenized versions both come with the Wraith Scout XS core ship. This ship is designed to fit into the main ship securely and function as a utilitarian ship for scouting out planets for un claimed structures. VR to XVX PHANTOM to check her out. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6707,91.2553,57.6432} All stats are as boosted with lvl 3 skills. If you boost them higher it will be better. Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466