Really Enjoyed making my ships and overcoming the atmospheric to space boundary.
Elemental is the favourite of my ships.
Ugly Swan

The Ugly Swan is a medium ship and probably the largest ship I will make in Dual Universe working by myself. This is based on how long it took me to source all the parts (purchased and manufactured). I am please with how it performs as it does function as I intended however, this ship is a great example, of trying to put too much on any one ship and left me with a very small number of choices for arranging the times to fit properly. The functions this ship fulfils are: Warp capable carrier, capable of carrying one small ship on the landing pad and two xs ships in the landing bays on the sides. Though the xs bays do not fit a full size xs ship. Territory scanner ship. Three territory scanners one on each corner. One DSAT for homing in on Asteroids. People transporter with a viewing area (Glass seating area) with a view of space / planet. 1G Atmospheric fight capable Space flight capable. Storage for resources though my really intention was to leave it in space while you shuttle back and forward in one of the docked ships. So the storage capacity is really meant to be on the docked ships. I designed it to carry the Elemental with a full load and carry the xs ships along with the filing its own cargo hold (four times the Elemental's capacity). I have not stress tested this ship, due to time constraints, but I can confirm it can carry the Elemental with cargo in and out of the atmosphere (At least 3.5Kt of cargo). Max speed is speed in space, the max atmospheric speed without burning up is 1000Km/h. The atmo thrust and space thrust values are forward thrust only (I do have thrust in other directions). Also it has four rocket engines because who does not like rocket engines.
View Finder

View Finder is my entry for the 'Build Your Legacy' competition. Since it is meant to be a starter speeder I tried to keep it simple and the only element I really added was glass. It functions as a speeder and I like that it kind of says finish me. I could easily see people adding a back section and more engines to make it the ship they want rather than the speeder I made.
Silver Bee

Silver Bee is the ship I made to run around in PVP space (its the ship I can loose) its not really finished as it needs some balancing however, we are at the end of Beta and I'll probably make an xs ship variant instead of finishing this ship off. Despite not being finished it is quite a fast ship able to exceed 40,000Kmph in space, in the atmosphere it can reach speeds of up to 1050 Kmph without burning up in the atmosphere (Angle dependant). This is also the second revision of the ship as it started out looking more like a normal plane before I decided to make it look more like a Bee, though my voxel skills are not really up to the task.
Under Snowy

My first Sanctuary Structure and probably the only structure, which I have actually used that I will share here. This is because I like to make underground structures and they just look like boxes from the outside. I designed it with a landing pad, public hatch to allow people into what I imagined would be a store when I build it and a private elevator to allow me quick access to the interior, that is locked away from the public. Inside I have a few decorations, separate shower and toilet and one bedroom. Also have below that, what is now a store room but did start out as a factory room. Technically the images are showing the top of a Large static core but I liked the roof so much I recreated it (transferred it) to the large core when I swapped out the XS core (and S core I was using as a factory under, Under Snowy). So basically the reason I am sharing this is the landing pad on top and windows peaking out over the ground surface. Note Snowy is what I called my sanctuary tile because it has some snow in some places. I picked the tile because I wanted to see what the map was showing. It turned out the map was accurately depicting the snowy areas.
Mining Platforms Outpost

This is my entry for the 'Build Your Legacy' competition and while I think it fits the requirements I do not like it as much as the speeder I submitted. I think it is mainly due to the colours as I have not built with Tier 1 ore (Except concrete) for a long time so I only really had the colours provided to work with. It does feature a pad for parking your speeder underneath the structure. My favourite aspect of this design was the stands I setup for the mining units.
Small Freeport

The plan was to test out how to make a space station about 65KM from the planet. Assuming I'd succeed the idea behind the station was to use it for making fuel and basic scrap without having to land on the planet. So I obviously succeeded at making the space station however, the location was completely wrong for the job. It turns out you need to make the space stations away from where your bases are and stock them with resources you need at those locations. That said it was fun doing it for the first time and the views are super.

Mule: Is the first (xs) ship I built myself, which was basically an oblong box with engines and wings. I kept adding items to the structure until I could fit no more on due to space constraints. The ship does fly mostly like I intended it to but it can be easy to overloaded with cargo even when moving ore. This ship was essentially my test ship and allowed me to roughly gauge how many engines etc. you need to atmosphere and space flight for a particular weight of craft and cargo. I have not flown it other than to take the screen shots and I can confirm it is fast ship in atmosphere but other than that I am sure it would need some tweaks and a real stress test to add more stats than I have provided already, given some of the game changes that have happened in the months since I stopped using this ship. Needless to say this ship was used my myself for quite some time until I managed to acquire the parts to start a first version of my ship Elemental.

I am pleased with this ship design, which I called Elemental because I designed it to carry ore (elements) back when underground mining was done on planets. I have kept updating it as game updates so it is fully functional to date though the Adjustors need a little tweaking still since there is a small error in placement after one of the updates to item mass. Considering my 'Voxelmancy' is not as good as it could be I am really happy with how this ship looks. The ship is a small Core 1G hauler designed to carry just over 1KT of cargo (about 2.73 KT of weight including its own weight). I have stress tested the landings with about 1.22 KT of cargo but the landings gets a little bit more like a fall towards the atmosphere / space boundary at around this weight. If a lighter materials was used to build the ship then this could probably increase this carry weight a little (the ship is made of solid silver). The ship also has a Rocket engines to give the ship a bit of a kick into space if you slightly overload the cargo capacity or if you choose an angle that is too step to reach space with normal engines. They do have to be used close to the space / atmosphere boundary since the ship has 1 medium Rocket Fuel tank. The ship also features four downward facing atmospheric engines to provide more lift during landing when the ship is excessively overloaded in a 1G environment and coming in for a landing at slow speeds. LUA is required to allow them to be turned off and on to avoid wasting fuel all the time, though I have given these engines their own fuel tanks to avoid stealing fuel from the normal engines. I have engines facing in all directions for space flight with the majority pointing down wards and backwards, the remaining engines really being intended for manoeuvring. The Atmospheric engines point in every direction except pointing downwards since you have gravity to help you out with that direction. The values of Space and atmospheric thrust for this ship are the forward thrust values and not the total thrust values for all directions. I use a small amount of LUA on this ship since making my own interface is on my list of things to do in Dual Universe, currently I only use it for engine controls, to set the desired altitude and extend / retract the landing gear. Max Atmospheric speed is just 20,000 KM/H in space and 1000 KM/H in atmosphere before you start burning up. Lastly it is of made of solid glossy Silver, because when they released element resistances. Silver was the best basic material with resistance to weight ratio, without having to consider making an alloy. To be honest I actually quite like how it looks so I have been built all my ships out of this material.