Aerogics S & T Co

Aerogics Construction Kit


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A kit with various parts to make buildings and landing pads: walls, stairs, pillars, voxel AGG for "hanging" platforms and various structures parts.

This has been used to build Aerogics factory and pads, which you can see via VR on Haven (look for any Aerogics VR)

Honeycombs can be changed on deployment to customize (non DRM bp so you can generate your own bp at any time and respawn it with diff honeycombs):

Aged Brown Pattern Wood 3: stairs banister
Galvanized Gray Iron: landing area
Glossy Yellow Plastic: lines on landing area
Luminescent Icy Blue Glass: AGG voxels
Luminescent White Glass: inside lights
Luminescent Yellow Glass: outside lights
Matte Light Brick 1: main HC
Matte Black Brick: secondary HC
Waxed Brick 2: tertiary HC
Polished Brown Wood 2: stairs steps
Polished White Aluminium: metal struts

Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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2 years ago


@eckarin catch me on discord if you want and i'll provide another bp

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


this is a nice set just don't do what i did, I deployed it with different colours and then with it being drm free i made a blueprint encase something happened to the original, I would never sell someone else’s I just wanted a copy encase a org mate broke it and someone messed it up to point was not usable cut instead of copied so i thought delete the one i deployed and deploy a copy of the blueprint i made turns out the drm reactivated and was useless as could not copy, so i lost it totally i am posting this as a warning if you create an original of your colours make sure you pick the drm free one i won’t make that mistake again since i will probably not buy from anyone else now as this is not the first problem i have run into buying blueprints and have wasted enough money on it I will make my own designs in the future I am sure this is probably a bug knowing this game

2 years ago


Great looking kit and clearly not a copy of ODY, which is much different than this.

2 years ago


There is one part that was inspired from an old lib indeed, think it was Watanka (the rounded shapes with metal struts). It has been fully reworked / cleared tho, voxel by voxel.
Calling this a copy ? not sure what you were implying but aside from the design of this particular part, everything are original parts with lots of hours put in. I suggest you go a little further than just looking at a screenshot and yelling thief

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Nice ODY copy, or was that Watanka?

Aerogics S & T Co
Markones#0069 or Krengus#6369
Markones or Krengus (discord prefered)
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