Aerogics S & T Co
Dispensers located on Alioth Exchange - Yellow Area
At Aerogics we strive to build practical and fully functional ships: each ship is designed with a specific purpose in mind, and elements are carefully selected and placed to provide the best performances. We tend to avoid the most pricy elements in order to provide the best value for money ships on the market.
No glitch used (ie no stacked elements), as we want to make as sure as possible that our ship will remain fully functionnal over time.
We provide lifetime warranty on all our ships (be it token or blueprint), which includes:
- restoring scripts (according to authors license this might also mean activating drm on seat / board)
- reapplying handling skills
- help with blueprint deployment
- upgrading components (ie if you want higher tiers engines on your ship and provide the elements)
- update to the latest version of your ship, if any
- minor customization requests
- support with ship usage - if you have any issue or even just questions
Release being still very recent, we can not yet provide any token.
S Mining Rig
Aerogics S & T Co

A fancy mining rig on S core: 4 mining units, one container L and one VR node.
Flash Shuttle
Aerogics S & T Co

Atmospheric only shuttle, will carry an easy 200tons with very basic talents. up to 500tons cargo (one L container) and 1500kmh with everything maxed
Aerogics S & T Co

***Release*** With release it is most likely this will be spawned with T1 engines. keep in mind the stats listed below were with T3 engines and average talents. With T1 and basic talents, 200tons cargo should be a good start, with max pilot talents you'll get closer to 500tons. Higher tier engines will then be required for more. ***BETA Version*** The latest evolution of the popular KXS ZETA hauler, now with a warp drive! Cargo capacity: with average piloting talents, 700-800 tons shall be safe (=~ 1 full container L of hematite). It can be pushed up to 1000 tons with maxed talents. Ship has two M container (= 1L) Lots of thoughts and calculations on engineering: adjustors positioning, hub on center of mass, etc. Ship will handle almost the same with or without cargo, with a very stable yaw. For optimization purpose, elements have been selected based on maxed talents. This means ship will get better as your piloting talents go up, and reach full potential at higher levels. The ZETA is powered by two large T3 military atmo and T2 maneuver space engines.
M Landing Pad B Space Module
Aerogics S & T Co

M core with landing area on top Identical to the other M landing pad module but without interiors (uses less honeycombs) 4 corridors to connect other modules / space elevator can be seen on VR: Aerogics Space Station *** Honeycombs *** Black Pattern Aluminium & Polished White Aluminium: metal exteriors Galvanized Black Iron & Glossy Light Gray Platic: interiors Galvanized Light Beige Steel: pipes Glossy Purple Plastic: replace with color of your choice when customizing 3.5k alu 700 plastic 200 iron 100 carbon fiber / steel
Aerogics S & T Co

Janus is a space only ship, on S core Made mostly for asteroids, it can carry two containers L along with DSAT, and a spot for warp drive Two extra containers L can easilly be added in place of DSAT Powered with a mix of T2-T3 freight and maneuver engines, it is higly fuel efficient with a max speed of 40k Can be seen on VR: Aerogics Janus *** Honeycombs *** Aged Brown Pattern Wood 2: cockpit interior Glossy Beige Plastic (cold): cockpit interior Matte Gray Platic: main color (white) Aged Gray Pattern Carbon Fiber: secondary color (black) Polished White Aluminium: metal parts Luminescent White Glass: interior and exterior lights (should keep those white unless you really want colored lights everywhere) Luminescent Red Glass & Matte Dark Red Plastic: colored strips, recommended to keep those two HC with same color
Aerogics L Core Landing Pad B
Aerogics S & T Co

Similar to Pad A, but without the pillars. Designed to be floating in the air with AGG like voxels One interior level for storage / industry / whatever Can be seen at Aerogics Haven HQ *** Honeycombs *** Aged Brown Pattern Wood 3: stairs banister Galvanized Gray Iron: landing area Glossy Blue Plastic: lines on landing area Luminescent Icy Blue Glass: AGG voxels and outside lights Luminescent White Glass: inside lights Matte Light Brick 1: main HC Matte Black Brick: secondary HC Waxed Brick 2: tertiary HC Polished Brown Wood 2: stairs steps Polished White Aluminium: metal struts
Aerogics S & T Co

Light hybrid ship on M core, blueprint comes with 8 atmo L (T3 military) and 2 space XL (T2 maneuver). In atmo, it can carry 2-3kt (depending on handling and pilot talents) out of 1g using conventionnal ways, and much more using AGG (especially if only going to 1000m) Storage is 10 container L on a single hub, with extra room inside for either 3 scanners (and markings for ship positioning when tri-scanning) or DSAT or 10 more container L In space, or using AGG, max weight is virtually whatever you can fit in containers, ie tested up to 8kt (cargo full of hematite): its a bit slow but definitely doable. Can be seen on VR: Aerogics ADAMANT *** Honeycombs info *** default dark theme HC1 (1245m3) - Matte Black Carbon Fiber HC2 (1100m3) - Glossy Dark Gray Carbon Fiber HC3 (300m3) - Polished Dark Gray Aluminium HC4 (5m3) - Luminescent Red Glass example for light theme: HC1 (1245m3) - Matte White Carbon Fiber HC2 (1100m3) - Glossy Black Carbon Fiber HC3 (300m3) - Polished White Aluminium HC4 (5m3) - Luminescent Icy Glass example for black yellow theme: HC1 (1245m3) - Matte Black Carbon Fiber HC2 (1100m3) - Glossy Dark Gray Carbon Fiber HC3 (300m3) - Matte Dark Yellow Plastic HC4 (5m3) - Luminescent Yellow Glass (stats shown are with maxed handling and average pilot talents)
Aerogics S & T Co

Triton is a S core ship, designed for Alien Warfare (pve mission) easy difficulty. 6x Rare Precision Cannon S: you will need handling talents to link all of them (you can contact me on discord and i'll do it for free) 3x Ammo Container S: hold enough to chain 4-5 missions. There is also a S container to store extra scraps / fuel / ammo. Fully fueled ship and all ammo filled will sit roughly at 150tons Advanced Safe Engines L & M and Advanced Military Engines XS can be replaced with basics if low budget. Safe ones allow for shorter warmup which comes in handy for the rare times you actually have to move. Military XS are used as directional engines. Comes with WT Hud installed A few tips for missions: -Bind radar next / prev / identify to keyboard keys (it was added in options not long ago) -Get a maintenance unit to repair voxels -Train some talents: Cannon S Operations to level 2 will take a couple of hours. Dont forget ammo talents as well
M Landing Pad A Space Module
Aerogics S & T Co

M core with landing area on top, and one level of rooms below for decorating / small industry / storage 4 corridors to connect other modules / space elevator can be seen on VR: Aerogics Space Station *** Honeycombs *** Black Pattern Aluminium & Polished White Aluminium: metal exteriors Galvanized Black Iron & Glossy Light Gray Platic: interiors Galvanized Light Beige Steel: pipes Glossy Blue Plastic & Luminescent Icy Blue Glass: replace with color of your choice when customizing 4k alu 1.5k plastic 500 iron 100 carbon fiber / steel
Fuel & Warp Cell Space Module
Aerogics S & T Co

A fully set up fuel and warp cells space module. 72 cells per day without any talent, Kergon, Nitron and Xeron fuels Custom LUA to manage and monitor production Uses two main hub with each 10x containers L: Ore & schematics hub: Input hub for all schematics and ores except pyrite Fuel / Pyrite / Catalyst3: Output hub for fuel and cells. Also used as input for pyrite and catalyst (optional and only used to speed up initialization) To start production, go down to bottom level and run each board (7) until screens go green. Those will set up each machine by selecting recipes and start them with correct maintain values. Special thanks to Captain Ardan and RyanPryde for their voxel kits and Jericho and SilverZero for LUA resources
Aerogics L Core Landing Pad A
Aerogics S & T Co

A landing pad on L core. Built on top of core, with a bit of margin so you can still place biggest elements and / or build a bit, and expand underground. Easy to place with its big pillars Can be seen on VR: Aerogics L Core Landing Pad *** Honeycombs *** Aged Brown Pattern Wood 3: stairs banister Galvanized Gray Iron: landing area Glossy Yellow Plastic: lines on landing area Luminescent White Glass: inside lights Luminescent Yellow Glass: outside lights Matte Light Brick 1: main HC Matte Black Brick: secondary HC Waxed Brick 2: tertiary HC Polished Brown Wood 2: stairs steps Polished White Aluminium: metal struts
Aerogics S & T Co

We are proud to (re)introduce the BIGFOOT S-Core Heavy Cargo. This is a sleek and very capable hauler and was designed with easy flying and lots of cargo in mind. BIGFOOT will carry up several kilotons off 1G planets within its 8 containers L, all with a smile and look good doing it. With a fully detailed interior you can relax after a hard days mining. For solo players or small groups this is an ideal hauler. For optimization purpose, elements have been selected based on maxed talents. This means ship will get better as your piloting talents go up, and reach full potential at higher levels. Your piloting talents will determine max cargo capacity. Hard limit tested with T2 engines for 1g is around 5kt net cargo (and much more on lower g environments), but be warned this has been achieved only with close to every possible maxed talent. So depending on your pilot talents and handling talents applied on ship, the following should be much easier and safer: T1 engines: 1-2kt T2 engines: 3-4kt All elements are visible and can be accessed from outside or engineering room for repair and/or linking (no obstructed atmo brakes!). With Mk2 comes a reworked interior, lighter honeycombs, spot for a DSAT / small landing pad, and spots for 3 scanners. Can be viewed in VR : Aerogics Bigfoot Mk2 Like all our ships / blueprints, comes with lifetime warranty. See details on Aerogics profile
Aerogics Construction Kit
Aerogics S & T Co

A kit with various parts to make buildings and landing pads: walls, stairs, pillars, voxel AGG for "hanging" platforms and various structures parts. This has been used to build Aerogics factory and pads, which you can see via VR on Haven (look for any Aerogics VR) Honeycombs can be changed on deployment to customize (non DRM bp so you can generate your own bp at any time and respawn it with diff honeycombs): Aged Brown Pattern Wood 3: stairs banister Galvanized Gray Iron: landing area Glossy Yellow Plastic: lines on landing area Luminescent Icy Blue Glass: AGG voxels Luminescent White Glass: inside lights Luminescent Yellow Glass: outside lights Matte Light Brick 1: main HC Matte Black Brick: secondary HC Waxed Brick 2: tertiary HC Polished Brown Wood 2: stairs steps Polished White Aluminium: metal struts
Aerogics S & T Co

*** Honeycombs Info *** Change those depending on your color choice when spawning from BP: Primary: Waxed Aged Brick 1 Secondary: Glossy Dark Gray Carbon Fiber Lumi: Luminescent Orange Glass *** New Price: 500k *** Can be seen on VR: Aerogics LWSS Orca Mk2 For this one, i've asked myself what firt ship would i use if i was to start again tomorrow. Wanted something easy on the repairs and building costs, while still providing enough power to be viable in most situations. Result is the ORCA, a light weight ship on a S core. Comes equiped with 9 M containers for storage (so basically half a hub full of L containers), L fuel tanks (M for rockets), warp drive and everything you could need in a ship: VR, res pod, a bunch of scripts and various screen infos. Cargo capacity will vary alot depending on engines tier, handling talents and pilot talents. With all those maxed and using rockets, it should be able to carry up to 2kt out of 1g gravity. More reasonably, with basic engines and low handling / pilot talents, it will start at 300tons. Basic engines will probably cap near 500tons. Keep in mind it was originally designed with T3 engines and average pilot talents / maxed handling. So, for example, with basic engines and talents, it will be able to carry a DSAT out of 1g, but not by very much - if you come back fully loaded you'll most likely just crash. Ship is built on bottom of core with as little elements on top as possible, so you can place a DSAT or 3 scanners. Detailed interior, many hours spent on the voxels (finally used smooth tool!) Mk2 BP currently comes with basic engines and no rockets to make it easier to spawn. Coordinates of upgradable elements are avaliable in an info button for easy upgrade Current Orca Mk1 owners: get your free upgrade! just bring your ship to our Haven HQ and we'll recycle it into newest version
Aerogics S & T Co

A script that provides various info / functions for your ships, using LUA api with multi touch screens. Info & instruction on github:
Fuel & Honeycombs Station
Aerogics S & T Co

Can produce atmo & space fuel and several honeycomb materials, depending on ore provided: Brick, Carbon Fiber, Wood Plastic, Steel, Silumin Aluminium, Iron, Silicon, Carbon 4 Hubs for storage: Ore (input) Refined Materials Products Fuel & Honeycombs (output) Storage: 4x Container M on blueprint to make it easier to spawn, can go up to 6x container L total Best used on a tile with all t1 ore and one t2: with mining units it will auto produce both fuels & all T1 honeycombs Comes with several Aerogics scripts configured plus the excellent Jericho Industry HUD Screens on every machine to help with first run configuration, it won't take more than a couple of minutes to have your own refinery running!
Fuel and Cell Station Space Module
Aerogics S & T Co

A Fuel and Cell Station Module on M core Small landing pad on top for S core size ship Control tower with 360° view! 4 corridors to connect other modules / space elevator No machine on the blueprint Lower area has several spots for various industry machines, ie: - rounded area can hold up to 20 containers L - 36 refiners / smelters in angled corners - 16 chemicals / glass furnaces in center can be seen on VR: Aerogics Space Station
HWSS Tranquility Mk2
Aerogics S & T Co

*** Honeycombs Info *** It is recommended to reduce usage of aluminium as it became heavier. Carbon fiber is the lightest, with wood & brick next. Here is a suggestion on what to change: black pattern plastic => matte black carbon fiber galvanized black aluminium => matte black brick gray aluminium pattern => glossy gray carbon fiber polished dark gray aluminium => glossy dark gray carbon fiber polished gray aluminium => this is the main honeycomb, swap for carbon fiber or bricks depending on your preference glossy red plastic => for the colored strips, the new lumi work good there *** The HWSS Tranquility is a very efficient M core hybrid ship, able to fill pretty much every roles: Hauling & Missions: can lift 7-9kt out of alioth (without AGG, depending on pilot skills), two hubs: one with 10 containers L, the other with 3 containers L (can be increased to 7) Can be equiped with (elements not included): - Deep Space Asteroid Tracker, with an easy access from pilot seat, or that spot can also be used as landing pad for a small speeder / warp shuttle - Anti Gravity Generator, with a dedicated spot in middle of ship - L Shield on front of ship, using the "enclosed front" - 3 scanners with several spots all over the ships Quick placement guides for those elements are included via info buttons Standard version is T2: - 20x T2 military atmo - 2x T2 military XL space - 2x T2 maneuver XL space Kit provided allows to change colors and ship front to either: - Open with landing pad (can fit any XS or a tiny S core) - Enclosed, to place L shield or 4 extra containers L, and landing pad on top An insane amount of time has been spent on the voxels! Complexity is about 90% on most chunks The very first version of this ship is as old as beta and has gone through several reworks. Mk1 became a fairly popular ship, and, Thanks to all owners feedback over time, this Mk2 is a real upgrade on several aspects: more efficient, modular and pretty! Like all Aerogics ships, comes with lifetime warranty (check profile page for details)