Aerogics S & T Co



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We are proud to (re)introduce the BIGFOOT S-Core Heavy Cargo. This is a sleek and very capable hauler and was designed with easy flying and lots of cargo in mind. BIGFOOT will carry up several kilotons off 1G planets within its 8 containers L, all with a smile and look good doing it.

With a fully detailed interior you can relax after a hard days mining. For solo players or small groups this is an ideal hauler.

For optimization purpose, elements have been selected based on maxed talents. This means ship will get better as your piloting talents go up, and reach full potential at higher levels.

Your piloting talents will determine max cargo capacity. Hard limit tested with T2 engines for 1g is around 5kt net cargo (and much more on lower g environments), but be warned this has been achieved only with close to every possible maxed talent.

So depending on your pilot talents and handling talents applied on ship, the following should be much easier and safer:
T1 engines: 1-2kt
T2 engines: 3-4kt

All elements are visible and can be accessed from outside or engineering room for repair and/or linking (no obstructed atmo brakes!).

With Mk2 comes a reworked interior, lighter honeycombs, spot for a DSAT / small landing pad, and spots for 3 scanners.

Can be viewed in VR : Aerogics Bigfoot Mk2

Like all our ships / blueprints, comes with lifetime warranty. See details on Aerogics profile

Created 4 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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2 years ago


Just deployed bigfoot so will do a few test flights to get use to albatross. This was the next step up as I now have 1 mega liter mining pickups to haul.

2 years ago


I'm loving the big foot. It's my main ship for scanning and asteroid missions and part hauling.

3 years ago


Love the Bigfoot, handles like a dream and great service from these guys recommended AAA+

3 years ago


Got one of these and have done a lot of trips, Aloith - Thades. Ship flys very well and I am enjoying flying this ship. I am finding getting into Aloith a lot easier.

3 years ago


My new favourite ship! Such a great looking s-core. Really clean voxel work and they've paid as much attention to the interior as the exterior. The use of space is so well thought out. It flies beautifully, can't fault it at all. Sellers both really friendly and helpful, will definitely look at their other ships in future.

3 years ago


i bought this a few days ago... a very good ship...easy to fly...hard to fill :-)
i talked to Krengus... he explained a lot and was very friendly. and the service is good as well.

4 years ago


Un des meilleurs vaisseaux de sa catégorie qui va vous permettre pour un prix très raisonnable de réaliser des transports à 5 000 tonnes voire un peu plus si vous êtes téméraires.

Deux contacts très disponibles ; un francophone et un anglophone courtois tous les deux. J’ai pu avoir une visite détaillée du vaisseau qui m’a été livré sur ALioth.

Un très bon investissement pour les mineurs ou les transporteurs qui va vous ravir pour de nombreux mois.


One of the best vessels in its category that will allow you for a very reasonable price to carry 5,000 tons or even a little more if you are reckless.

Two very available contacts; a French speaker and a courteous English speaker both. I was able to get a detailed tour of the ship that was delivered to me on ALioth.

A very good investment for miners or carriers that will delight you for many months to come.

4 years ago


l'm late in posting my review of this ship purchase (damn Valheim!) But I have to say it exceeded my expections by a mile! Flies like a dream and tracks perfectly. Easily handles full loads and has brakes for days. Very impressed by the ship guys...this was just what I was looking for!

4 years ago | Edited 4 years ago


After further testing, ship is actually even better than we thought, with a new max cargo capacity achieved of 5kt!
Test being leaving alioth atmo and going in space (20-30km atl), then entering back and landing - thanks Merihim for the tests.
This requires having most talents maxed.

Yeah 5000 tons on a S core.

Bigfoot: Simply The Best =D

4 years ago | Edited 4 years ago


bought the Bigfoot today and i am impressed.
It flys really good, brutal power for a s-core.
- Every element is placed in a way so you can easily reach it (for repairing purposes or else)
- the interieur is very cozy - a fantastic little mobile home :)
- the round shapes are absolutly flawless. Especially impressive on the dark matt plastic.
- neat little gimmics like extra small containers for everyday stuff like scrap or something
- the power values are very good balanced.

This ship with the zeta hauler seems to be an outstanding combination for solo-players and little groups.
With good piloting talents and the reduced container mass, this ship is able to lift off easily over 1 ML of hematite on 1g environments.

4 years ago

Revo Ships And Statics

damn this thing looks so sexy

Aerogics S & T Co
Markones#0069 or Krengus#6369
Markones or Krengus (discord prefered)
Alioth Exchange - Yellow Area


Dry Weight:

849 t

Cargo Space:

1,344 kL


Cargo Lift:

5,000 t

Max Speed:

1,864 km/h

Atmo Hover:

65.8 MN

Sustentation Speed:

202 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

61.6 MN

Atmo Brake:

272 MN

Wing Lift:

68 MN

Atmo Fuel:

28.8 kL


Space Thrust:

52.3 MN

Space Brake:

155 MN

Space Hover:

37.32 MN

Space Fuel:

28.8 kL

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Token
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Carrier

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp