Aerogics S & T Co

HWSS Tranquility Mk2


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Honeycombs Info ***

It is recommended to reduce usage of aluminium as it became heavier. Carbon fiber is the lightest, with wood & brick next. Here is a suggestion on what to change:

black pattern plastic => matte black carbon fiber
galvanized black aluminium => matte black brick
gray aluminium pattern => glossy gray carbon fiber
polished dark gray aluminium => glossy dark gray carbon fiber
polished gray aluminium => this is the main honeycomb, swap for carbon fiber or bricks depending on your preference
glossy red plastic => for the colored strips, the new lumi work good there

The HWSS Tranquility is a very efficient M core hybrid ship, able to fill pretty much every roles:

Hauling & Missions: can lift 7-9kt out of alioth (without AGG, depending on pilot skills), two hubs: one with 10 containers L, the other with 3 containers L (can be increased to 7)

Can be equiped with (elements not included):
- Deep Space Asteroid Tracker, with an easy access from pilot seat, or that spot can also be used as landing pad for a small speeder / warp shuttle
- Anti Gravity Generator, with a dedicated spot in middle of ship
- L Shield on front of ship, using the "enclosed front"
- 3 scanners with several spots all over the ships
Quick placement guides for those elements are included via info buttons

Standard version is T2:
- 20x T2 military atmo
- 2x T2 military XL space
- 2x T2 maneuver XL space

Kit provided allows to change colors and ship front to either:
- Open with landing pad (can fit any XS or a tiny S core)
- Enclosed, to place L shield or 4 extra containers L, and landing pad on top

An insane amount of time has been spent on the voxels! Complexity is about 90% on most chunks
The very first version of this ship is as old as beta and has gone through several reworks. Mk1 became a fairly popular ship, and, Thanks to all owners feedback over time, this Mk2 is a real upgrade on several aspects: more efficient, modular and pretty!

Like all Aerogics ships, comes with lifetime warranty (check profile page for details)

Created 3 years ago
Updated 10 months ago

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10 months ago


I'd love to buy one of these ships. Any stores on alloith?

2 years ago


awesome ship against from Aerogics !!!

2 years ago


I am very very happy with the ship. With level 4 pilot skills and careful flying to get up to speed before ascending, I made it out of Alioth with 7.13 kT of total mass without using the antigrav generator. This is my main mission ship.

I even own their Bigfoot ship and it has served me well before I bought this ship. I would buy from them again :)

2 years ago


Recently acquired one (T2) and have done a bit of upgrading by adding an anti grav, extra containers and a shield. I also added another command seat as I prefer Saga auto pilot especially for going to space stations but I also use Arch hud from time to time. Well designed ship with great lifting capabilities (even more so with the anti grav). Upgrades easy as there are thoughtful buttons scattered about to say place X here etc. Flies well and amazingly I have not managed to crash it yet or run it in to the side of a structure (anyone guess what is bound to happen on its next flight after I have said that). Krengus was prompt in replying to a query I had about it and very helpful.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


One of the best ships I have seen on this game. I bought the Mk1 Tranquility Max months ago and have loved it. Customer service when getting the ship modified/upgraded has been fantastic, and the cargo capacity is more than enough to lift off planets for most of your mining and cargo needs. The scripts included (DamageReport, Ore Distribution Charts, Pipeline Calculators) are extremely useful in diagnostics for the ship and avoiding conflict where possible. On top of that, the Mk2 - which I've just discovered - seems to fix the few issues that the original ship had with the interior design. The spaciousness is incredible on the Mk2, with the closed front option adding even more space to allow more customizability for AGG/extra storage/DSAT/larger shield. And that's not even mentioning the beautiful voxel work throughout the interior and exterior of the ship. Overall one of the best non-PVP ships on the market, I would highly recommend.

3 years ago | Edited 3 years ago


I had the original and paid 25M for the engine upgrade version with a closed front. The customer service from Krengus is the best in the game. Krengus even offered me a choice of accent colors, but I liked the red. I'm very happy with the ship, huge upgrade to the original.

3 years ago


Excellent upgrade to the original. Nice interior.

3 years ago


Pretty nice ship. Easy to handle. Love it

3 years ago


Just wonderfull !!!!

3 years ago | Edited 3 years ago


MKII... even better!! Amazing voxel upgrade and overall change. Love this ship. My only advice... make sure you fuel your upgrade correctly or else... bad things happen.

Detailed buttons on how to change out for various upgrades to customize it.. Buttons have full color photos with coordinates!!!

3 years ago


This ship is a beast!!! Seller is 100% customer driven. He had come to me to assist with a few minor issues... cant say enough about the builder or ship. working on purchasing another ship or 2.

3 years ago


This ship is a piece of art. inside is beautiful, but most important the ship is equipped to be a efficient hauler or mission runner. Loaded with the tools to stay safe during pvp missions, as well as the right engines to save costs on fuel. Currently i have lvl 3 pilot skills and it flys like a dream loaded with cargo. Already falling in love with it. A ship that does what its suppose to do features included, and stylish making you look good soaring over the planet. Asked these guys for a good M hauler suggestion, actually told them id let them know in a few days, however right after looking at the stats and pictures of the ship and insides i instantly knew i wanted it. GREAT BUY FROM A GREAT BUILDER. As always great customer service as well as a speedy delivery. HIGHLY recommended if the stats meet the needs of what you are looking to do.!

3 years ago


Nice ship for mission run with low fuel usage and a great design. I get a custom version with agg and L shields thanks Krengus for your hard work.

3 years ago


Finally saved up and got this beast, love the design and it is a pleasure to fly, thanks guys

3 years ago | Edited 3 years ago


Great design and detailed voxel work. Just purchased myself one.

3 years ago


One of the best ships that I own. If you own this ship then you must buy the Manta Warp Shuttle for a perfect match.

3 years ago


Hello, Your Tranquility has cut my Space Fuel usage on a mission loop in half, which is what I was shooting for. After I VRed and inspected the ship before purchase, I could see the work that went into making the ship balanced. A Balanced ship make handling better and properly placing Adjusters a simple task. The changes you made for me further enhanced what I wanted. Looks is not nearly as important to me as Engineering but to get a cool looking ship at the same time is a real bonus

3 years ago


Bought the AGG version, fantastic ship and fantastic service!

3 years ago


I just purchased one of these and it is superb in every way! Also, fantastic service answering all my questions. If you want a capable M core hauler with plenty of style, this is the ship.

Aerogics S & T Co
Markones#0069 or Krengus#6369
Markones or Krengus (discord prefered)
Alioth Exchange - Yellow Area


Dry Weight:

1,650 t

Cargo Space:

2,689.5 kL


Cargo Lift:

8,000 t

Max Speed:

1,634 km/h

Atmo Hover:

103 MN

Sustentation Speed:

281 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

99.5 MN

Atmo Brake:

410 MN

Wing Lift:

98.3 MN

Atmo Fuel:

52.8 kL


Space Thrust:

164 MN

Space Brake:

274 MN

Space Hover:

61.63 MN

Space Fuel:

52 kL

  • Core
    • M

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space
    • Ground

  • Sold As
    • Token
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Carrier

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp