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Years of dedication and passion have resulted in the construction of the Calico. Hand crafted with the highest level of voxel detail and deliberate element placement of any ship I’ve made before. The Calico has everything you need in a warp shuttle and so much more.

Inspired by the Star Atlas “Calico Hero” and adapted to the mechanics of Dual Universe; the Calico is engineered to rival any small core warp shuttle available in game.

Entering the ship from either side will reveal a wide open cargo hold for installing additional containers or securely storing an XS speeder. On the front walls you will find switches for toggling on/off the lights and screens throughout the ship and on the back wall 3 Programming Boards. The top Programming Board enables the Ship Info script found in the cockpit.

The reinforced door leads to the cockpit and up the stairs to the two main flight controllers, both of which come with Arch HUD GFN version preinstalled. When seated you will find a screen displaying the Shield Activator Script (written by RobRocketPants and updated by FinalX) and a screen displaying Ship Info (script by Krengus of ASTco) for easy access while flying. The unique glass canopy spanning the length of the ship provides the pilot and passengers with an unparalleled sense of openness and spatial awareness.

Towards the back of the ship and either side of the Resurrection Node are access ladders to the living quarters. Upstairs you will find the 3D Augmented Reality Damage Report (script by Koruzarius), 2 passenger seats, the Container HUB and the RGB light control (script by Krengus of ASTco). From the living quarters you have access to the fuel tanks, however 2 hatches on the roof can also be used to access the same tanks from outside.

The Calico comes with a mix of Advanced Safe and Military Space Engines varying from size S to L and 4 Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines size L. The default is our recommended engine loadout however you can easily swap any engine using the flat surfaces found behind the engines when removed. Simply align the new engines to the existing voxel designs and remake the links.

Art inspiration can be found here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mDV2L8

***The first 25 Ships will be sold as tokens with a custom certificate with the buyers name and number on the ship before the Blueprint will be available as standalone***

I want to say a special thank you to everyone who bought a token of the Calico! I post below the 25 buyers with their certificates
1.Canuckl3head 2.Necormax 3.xSKeevx 4.Lunarzkii 5.Vampskull 6.Sambo726
7.xdracksx 8.Necormax 9.MNC 10.Novalok 11.Poljack 12.Taylorbud
13.snouchie 14.MurderousDeuce 15.Kalri1774 16.RCG Corporation 17.Swervin
18.Hadron 19.Shiromar 20.Necormax 21.Arcuro 22.DominoSugar 23.Braddock
24.Bellwether 25.Maggles Messy Muppets

Custom variations with different colors only available as tokens to choose
You can change the honneycomb colors when spawn the ship
Matte Black brick must stay the same or same matte type
Black pattern marble must stay the same or same type

LvL 5 Max talents to everything

Important Specs

Max Cargo Capacity - 192KL Capacity (2X Medium Containers on a HUB)
Maximum Cargo Weight - 800T (It will go higher with higher piloting skills)
Ship Weight (fully fuelled, no cargo) - 460T
Flight Scripts Archhud Geforce version
Fuel Tanks 2M Space 2 M Atmo (accessible inside and out)
Space Engines, Sizes & Types : 2 L Adv Safe, 4 M Adv Mil, 1 S Adv Mil
Atmo Engines Sizes & Types : 4 L Adv Mil
Shield Size & Type Advanced XS
Top Speed in Space 36,770km/h
Landing Lights turn on automatically (scripted by RyanPryde and modified by FinalX)
Screens throughout scripted by FinalX

Known Specs
Light switches, screen switches new color picker
Warp Capable
Living Quarters Ladder Access
Cargo Hold for a small XS ship inside
Shield Activator Script Robrocketpants (Programing board Cockpit area)
Krengus ASTCO Shipinfo Script (Programing board cargo area the top one)
RGB Lightboard ASTCO
3D AR Damage Script Koruzarius
Landing Lights (if they are not working try to deactivate the switch in the cockpit under the board then enter the seat)
**Important note**
While you flying you must have all the programing boards (LUA) off especially the AR damage and ship info script it causes CPU overloads

New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version
Shield script updated and and have rgb color picker
Ship info updated still manual rgb
Arch hud updated
New color picker lua
All the screens and lua reworked to work with color picker and you can change their colors
New custom version White-red color (Better for recolor more details) blueprint available at Kosmos showroom only!

Have fun and enjoy Calico!

Created 2 years ago
Updated 5 months ago

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1 year ago


very happy with this ship great job

1 year ago


One of my Favorite Ships, so glad I have one.

2 years ago

Captain Harlock

Its in the middle of the showroom

2 years ago


i want a couple.
why can i not see or find a dispenser for the Calico at FinalX

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


After the Stiletto and Hyperion ships we bought and our jaws dropped we saw this....
What can i say for the No1 ship in the game....
When the Blueprints it was available i bought 3 in the first day for my friends!
Absolute outstanding work and performance!
The level of detail that blows your mind...
Everywhere we go we see Calico, Keep up the good work Captain!

2 years ago


Absolutely amazing ship. The level of detail shows the hours of labor and passion put into it. And has more features than I can count. And the customer service is top notch. Thank you money well spent!

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Just want to add a lil more detail onto my last comment since ive had a lil more time with it and say i am LOVING this ship. Voxel work is top tier and flies like a dream. Awesome work to everyone involved!

2 years ago


Simply stunning - the attention to level of detail, as well as being able to fit actually usable and suitable capacity and power into the design.
Will definitely be picking a BP for this as soon as they are available!

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Waiting for the Blueprint. Maybe you can put in a sales timer :D

2 years ago

Captain Harlock

I would like to thank you everyone for your comments i appreciate it!

2 years ago


stay sexy

2 years ago


#16 here. Im really satisfied how this ship came out! Awesome voxelmancy skills on this one, very clean build. It handles very good in Atmo + Space. Unfortunatly i hadnt a chance yet to test it with cargo but i believe in Cpt. Harlocks craftmanship, so this will work for sure too. My Order was processed very fast and i got my ship with full fuel Tanks + Tuning.
Thank you Captain Harlock and FinalX for this great ship, keep up your good work :)

2 years ago


An excellent ship which has been a labour of love to complete. This ship was built on my base and i watched it's progress day after day. Rigorously tested, and excellent customer service from Captain Harlock and his team.

2 years ago


I can't express enough the level of detail that went into this ship and it shows. Not only does it look fantastic, it flies like a dream took off from Alioth like a rocket. Also like to say I'm the proud owner of certificate #1. :)

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Thank you @Necormax! i will save my quanta to buy one BP!
When the blueprints will be available? i want it now! :)

2 years ago


This is one of my favorite ship i saw this when he started building it and i can say this ship is unique !
I have all the ships from captain harlock and Stiletto is one of its kind !
From what i tested i can say is the honest creator in DU and he always recomment lower that his ships are cabable.
Definitely recommend!

2 years ago


This is an amazing creation here i can say i started building with voxels but i saw this ship in a stream and my head exploded!
Wow Captain you nailed this! i hope i can get money to buy this !

2 years ago


Picked this up because look at it. It's beautiful. Happy to report it flies like a dream as well, 100% would buy again. Great addition to the collection.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


I got this ship ASAP. Captain Harlock and FinalX did a great job on this. And after I flew away I directly ordered a second one, and got that delivered within hours.
@Vicdord: It flies so easy! Turns like a charm. Brakes super fast (i didn't have load with me). And it fits the starter speeder car. :P
Saw Skeev get his yesterday. And there was a waiting line there. Both Captain and Final had a busy day yesterday. :)

2 years ago


I have saw a lot of ships in the game visiting VR to other people
This ship is insane good! it makes me to buy now
But unfortunately i dont have quanta now
Sad that i need to wait to get the blueprint but is worth every damn peny
I dont see any comments here from the people who bought it though
How it flies? is it good with the looks?

2 years ago


Incredible ship!
I will buy one for sure to have in my colection

2 years ago


O my god i saw this ship in the stream and visit it to see it up from close
A M A Z I N G!

2 years ago


Im excited to get mine. Fantastic work @Harlock. Makes me as a ship builder step up my game and I love it. Keep it up cant wait to see whats next.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Awesome ship...

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Wow this is incredible it feels like is from another game!
Well done Captain this is a unique masterpiece!

2 years ago


This is freaking awsome ! and i know from now it will fly like a rocket
I want one sooo badly !

2 years ago


I saw captain harlock building this and he did it!
is like exactly like the image art
I love all the designs from him but this is insane!
I just saw it up from close and i say this creator is from another planet for sure XD
I am coming today to get one!

2 years ago


O my god! this is unbelievable
I am big fun of this creator and i have Stiletto and Luminaris
But this is the best ship i have ever see in this game!
I will buy instant now!

2 years ago


Super nice voxel work dude!

Captain Harlock
Captain Harlock#8115
Captain Harlock
Alioth - ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}


Dry Weight:

465 t

Cargo Space:

192 kL


Cargo Lift:

1,000 t

Max Speed:

1,572 km/h

Atmo Hover:

20.9 MN

Sustentation Speed:

238 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

23.7 MN

Atmo Brake:

112 MN

Wing Lift:

39.3 MN

Atmo Fuel:

6,400 kL


Space Thrust:

18.7 MN

Space Brake:

96.8 MN

Space Hover:

12.4 MN

Space Fuel:

6,400 kL

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Token
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp
    • Shield