Captain Harlock
Captain Harlock Designs
"Let us go together to that sea of stars
Under the flag of freedom"
--DU creators website is very bad i got hacked do not trust it--
All likes removed from my ships
All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server
Captain Harlock

I proudly present the Stiletto and its fully upgraded twin the Stiletto PRO. A new and affordable, luxury hauler designed for all players old and new. Aspiring pilots and veterans alike are guaranteed to find something to love about the Stiletto. Every aspect of this vibrant, medium core ship has been carefully thought out and hand crafted to achieve maximum performance without sacrificing any functionality. You notice right away the incredible voxel work alone justifies an equally well thought out placement of elements, ensuring the performance matches or exceeds that of others in its class. Let’s take a closer look at what each model is capable of. Stiletto The Stiletto comes ready and willing to shift 3KT, rated at 1G on Alioth, to space and back safely. This is possible due to the 6 Basic Large Containers providing over 1000KL worth of cargo capacity with basic talents. It comes with an Anti Gravity Generator, Warp Drive or Shield Generator in its blueprint. There is however room for them and space is marked out for easy placement. Other notable features include XS roof garage and multiple control setup at the bridge. Stiletto PRO After countless hours perfecting every detail and enduring a dozen or more flight tests, this 5KT, rated at 1G on Alioth, tourer can carry up to 2500KL worth of cargo to space without the assistance of AGG.(Auto pilot safe 3KT) This model does however come with anti-gravity placed as the centerpiece of the entrance hall meaning the technical limit is what you can safely lift to 1km from the surface of your current planet. Other notable features include warp capability, rare capacitor shield size M, XS roof garage and multiple control setup at the bridge. Comes furnished throughout with unique voxel decoration. You can find the entrance towards the front of the ship. There you’ll find the force field ramp and entrance to the main hall. On both sides of the hall you will find switches for lights, force fields and screens. At the back of the hall is a placeholder for the shield generator and in the middle is a center console where information about cargo, fuel and ship status can be displayed. By default I have chosen to use the open source LUA coded by Krengus at ASTCo which should remain updatable, Albatross HUD from CodeInfused in the back seat and Arch HUD from Archaegeo in the front main seat that i recommend to use as it flies a lot better Above the console area is a circular landing where an AGG can go and above the bridge, on the exterior of the ship, you will find the housing for easily placing a Warp Drive. The Stiletto was built in anticipation of a game wipe. I wanted the base model to be affordable in terms of elements. The Stiletto PRO is my attempt to push the hull to its limit and create the best performing version of the ship. Please try for yourself and leave me feedback in the comments. I want to hear what you like about it and I’m open to honest criticism. The color of the forcefields it will be normal blue when you spawn it. Special Thanks to FinalX, RyanPryde, Scourgy, fridaywitch, (LUA experts CodeInfused, Krengus, Archaegeo, Koruzarius, RobRocketpants ) Kosmos, Hadron and everyone else who helped me design and create the ships you see before you. // For any information or Token request contact me on discord Captain Harlock#8115 - FinalX#2672 or RyanPryde#8917 - Midacre#3312 // Tokens are available! (upon request) Basic version 50 million quanta Pro version 80 million quanta New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated and and have rgb color picker Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated front seat Jeronimo (Sardini modified hud on the back seat) updated New color picker lua AGG controller script have rgb color picker All the screens - lights and lua reworked to work with the color picker and you can change their colors in both versions Minor exterior voxel rework Pro version containers are changed to advance optimized The basic and Pro version Blueprints will be sold separately All the Buyers of the basic version the can get a Pro version Blueprint for the half price All the elements are buffed with LvL 5 talents VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchange Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}
Captain Harlock

Years of dedication and passion have resulted in the construction of the Calico. Hand crafted with the highest level of voxel detail and deliberate element placement of any ship I’ve made before. The Calico has everything you need in a warp shuttle and so much more. Inspired by the Star Atlas “Calico Hero” and adapted to the mechanics of Dual Universe; the Calico is engineered to rival any small core warp shuttle available in game. Entering the ship from either side will reveal a wide open cargo hold for installing additional containers or securely storing an XS speeder. On the front walls you will find switches for toggling on/off the lights and screens throughout the ship and on the back wall 3 Programming Boards. The top Programming Board enables the Ship Info script found in the cockpit. The reinforced door leads to the cockpit and up the stairs to the two main flight controllers, both of which come with Arch HUD GFN version preinstalled. When seated you will find a screen displaying the Shield Activator Script (written by RobRocketPants and updated by FinalX) and a screen displaying Ship Info (script by Krengus of ASTco) for easy access while flying. The unique glass canopy spanning the length of the ship provides the pilot and passengers with an unparalleled sense of openness and spatial awareness. Towards the back of the ship and either side of the Resurrection Node are access ladders to the living quarters. Upstairs you will find the 3D Augmented Reality Damage Report (script by Koruzarius), 2 passenger seats, the Container HUB and the RGB light control (script by Krengus of ASTco). From the living quarters you have access to the fuel tanks, however 2 hatches on the roof can also be used to access the same tanks from outside. The Calico comes with a mix of Advanced Safe and Military Space Engines varying from size S to L and 4 Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines size L. The default is our recommended engine loadout however you can easily swap any engine using the flat surfaces found behind the engines when removed. Simply align the new engines to the existing voxel designs and remake the links. Art inspiration can be found here: ***The first 25 Ships will be sold as tokens with a custom certificate with the buyers name and number on the ship before the Blueprint will be available as standalone*** I want to say a special thank you to everyone who bought a token of the Calico! I post below the 25 buyers with their certificates 1.Canuckl3head 2.Necormax 3.xSKeevx 4.Lunarzkii 5.Vampskull 6.Sambo726 7.xdracksx 8.Necormax 9.MNC 10.Novalok 11.Poljack 12.Taylorbud 13.snouchie 14.MurderousDeuce 15.Kalri1774 16.RCG Corporation 17.Swervin 18.Hadron 19.Shiromar 20.Necormax 21.Arcuro 22.DominoSugar 23.Braddock 24.Bellwether 25.Maggles Messy Muppets Custom variations with different colors only available as tokens to choose You can change the honneycomb colors when spawn the ship Matte Black brick must stay the same or same matte type Black pattern marble must stay the same or same type LvL 5 Max talents to everything Important Specs Max Cargo Capacity - 192KL Capacity (2X Medium Containers on a HUB) Maximum Cargo Weight - 800T (It will go higher with higher piloting skills) Ship Weight (fully fuelled, no cargo) - 460T Flight Scripts Archhud Geforce version Fuel Tanks 2M Space 2 M Atmo (accessible inside and out) Space Engines, Sizes & Types : 2 L Adv Safe, 4 M Adv Mil, 1 S Adv Mil Atmo Engines Sizes & Types : 4 L Adv Mil Shield Size & Type Advanced XS Top Speed in Space 36,770km/h Landing Lights turn on automatically (scripted by RyanPryde and modified by FinalX) Screens throughout scripted by FinalX Known Specs Light switches, screen switches new color picker Warp Capable Living Quarters Ladder Access Cargo Hold for a small XS ship inside Shield Activator Script Robrocketpants (Programing board Cockpit area) Krengus ASTCO Shipinfo Script (Programing board cargo area the top one) RGB Lightboard ASTCO 3D AR Damage Script Koruzarius Landing Lights (if they are not working try to deactivate the switch in the cockpit under the board then enter the seat) **Important note** While you flying you must have all the programing boards (LUA) off especially the AR damage and ship info script it causes CPU overloads New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated and and have rgb color picker Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated New color picker lua All the screens and lua reworked to work with color picker and you can change their colors New custom version White-red color (Better for recolor more details) blueprint available at Kosmos showroom only! Have fun and enjoy Calico!
Arcadia Albator Warforged (Multicore)
Captain Harlock

All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server The arcadia albator warforged multicore ship (Blue print release Estimated) Video : In the 2013 CGI film adaptation, Arcadia is given its most drastic redesign yet. While superficially from a distance it still closely resembles the classic shape of the older designs, the retro World War II battleship-inspired characteristics of Leiji Matsumoto have been abandoned almost altogether for something quite dominating and alien. It is far larger at double the size and mass, and much more ridiculously defined and grossly detailed, to the point that the skull-and-crossbones feature a lower jaw, hollow eye sockets, and a spinal vertebrae-like structure extending from it across the middle of the forecastle. Ominous red lighting emits from the underside layers and various holes and vents of the ship, including the eye sockets. Instead of three turrets, there are three rings encircling the hull of the vessel mounted with four cannon turrets each, capable of moving along the circumference to cover up any blind spots. There are three "masts", the last of which a Jolly Roger flag is usually flown from. In the place of wings, there are four bony harpoon-like protrusions that point forwards, with the top two being longer and skinnier than the bottom two. More protrusions jut out towards the stern of the ship, with two culminating in hook shapes, and one resembling a short bony tail. The middle of the ship is seemingly built around a large spherical mass. The vessel has an overall rocky or bony texture across the whole body, with some parts looking as if they were warped or fused onto the ship. Perhaps most interestingly of all, this depiction manages to still retain a semblance of the original bridge and superstructure, even the shape of the wood-like galleon stern remains intact. It is now powered with dark matter engines that are hexagonal in shape. The ship is in work in progress
Captain Harlock

The Prodigy is a large core luxury spacecraft. Inspired by the animation art found here: Video Review by Swervin here : Hand crafted with the VPT, the Prodigy took over 2000 hours to complete. It comes with custom LUA made by the amazing RyanPryde and animation by RobRocketpants. The Prodigy includes important elements such as Anti-Gravity Generator, Shield Generator and DSAT (Deep Space Asteroid Tracker located below the front seats for activation while piloting). Over engineered to obtain the perfect balance, the ship is rated to carry 5KT with level 5 pilot talents but can potentially haul more with Anti-Gravity assistance The container hub is located in front of the Anti-Gravity Generator and on the ceiling is the warp container. Maneuvering engines allow for side to side strafing and downwards thrust in space. Includes a spacious hangar for bringing your favorite speeders and 2 XS hangars on top for pocket ships such as the Knox or AWP that can maneuver through force fields on the roof of the craft. For more information use the info button in front of the entrance All the engines have voxel markers and can be swaped to higher tiers very easy. No1 R55BNN / No2 Necormax / No3 Dracks / No4 Cnauclehead / No5 Teylorbud No6 Slanks / No7 God King Hawk / No8 Necormax / No9 MNC / No10 Kbla No11 Orriana / No12 Fridaywitch / No13 Sandman / No14 Warliza / No15 AVANOR No16 Frank / No17 Rocketpants / No18 DaddyShark / No18 Swervin / No19 Geo No20 Reins / No21 Deneriuss / No22 Wilder / No23 Kolden / No24 VenomGW No25 Wolfram / No26 Resource Spreadsheet for the elements and HC New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated and with rgb color picker AGG controller script with rgb color picker Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated front seat Jeronimo (Sardini modified hud on the middle seat) updated Vanilla hud on the right seat Color picker lua updated Minor voxel rework All the screens in the cockpit are updated to work witht the color picker, after you change their colors you need to stay for 2 seconds on the entrance (gates) detection zone. RARE version is fully updated also Tokens sold out and is not available The Blueprints are released to the Kosmos showroom only. Location ::pos{0,2,2.8748,105.5129,67.8113} VR: Kosmos showroom exchange
Captain Harlock

All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server Introducing the Luminaris and Luminaris Pro upgraded version: The personal transport of the future. This XS core, ultra light orbiter was sculpted entirely using the VPT for maximum style. Designed with fuel economy and basic parts in mind, I set out to make a sleek, easy to acquire ship that everyone can enjoy post wipe. The Luminaris has 1 Medium and 2 Small Atmospheric engines with 4 Small Space engines and has a top speed of 49,000km/h+ in space. Feel the thrill as you drift around celestial bodies and stop on a dime when you reach the end of your intrepid journey. The ship wasn’t built for hauling although 6 Basic XS Containers on a hub are provided for light shopping and carrying around your data items, spare fuel and scrap. I hope you have as much fun flying the Luminaris as I had building the ship. Achieving the tiny form factor without compromising on the elements needed to retain its performance was, in some ways, more of a challenge than on the M core Stiletto I built. The Luminaris comes with Arch HUD by default (made by Archaegeo). On top of that I have chosen to use the Container Monitor open source LUA by Krengus of ASTCO as this is a helpful script for checking weight, fuel and inventory at a glance. Special thanks to IGOR, the original creator of the Luminaris model found here: Additional thanks to all my friends at Kosmos, AST CO for the LUA, Archaegeo for the flight HUD and RyanPryde for moral support! I’m truly grateful for all of your support and kind words. Enjoy the Luminaris for me! Tokens are available! Basic version 2 million quanta Pro version 3 million quanta // For any information or Token request contact me on discord Captain Harlock#8115 - FinalX#2672 or RyanPryde#8917 - Midacre#3312 // The basic and Pro version Blueprints will be sold separately All the Buyers of the basic version the can get a Pro version Blueprint for the half price All the elements are buffed with LvL 5 talents! New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Arch hud updated All versions VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchange Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}
Captain Harlock

All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server In the closing weeks of DU’s beta phase, I spent many days producing this industrial warp hauler for us all to enjoy post launch. Using a source image found online, I carefully created the Hyperion in stunning detail. The key was to remain faithful to the concept art and achieve a performance that would rival any ship in its size class. The appearance of this full size S core might deceive you, but rest assured, the handling and capability of the ship will not disappoint. Utilizing 5x Basic Container L the Hyperion can comfortably handle 1KT worth of cargo to and from a 1G planet. This is not the hard limit as with good flight talents and a seasoned pilot, the ship is capable of more than double the recommended weight. The Hyperion PRO comes equipped with 8 Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines and 6 Advanced Safe Space Engines instead of Basics. This is the only difference between the versions. The Hyperion is intended as a warp capable hauler for moving large amounts of cargo efficiently. A shield is included in the blueprint, however, it is not recommended for use in the PVP zone as it has no weapons by default. All engines can be swapped out to increase performance but you can find the recommended engine loadout on the Hyperion PRO (rated for 2KT). Please note that exceeding the recommended weight of the ship may cause brakes and wings to underperform. The inertia matrix has been fine tuned to negate as many unwanted rotational forces as possible, even under extreme load. Once again, I have installed the open source LUA for container content information and element status (coded by Krengus of ASTCo). For the flight script, I opted to use Arch HUD by default (made by Archaegeo). as it provides a clean, customizable interface that is effective at displaying all the information you need as you focus on flying and it has everything you need. Last but not least, a special thanks to everyone who supported my work and helped me achieve everything I have in the last 2 years. If I made a list of names then it would be longer than this description and I’m sure I’d miss a name or two unintentionally. I hope you know who are and post launch, we continue to share many more laughs, knowledge, stories and ships! Many thanks and enjoy the Hyperion! // For any information or Token request contact me on discord Captain Harlock#8115 - FinalX#2672 or RyanPryde#8917 - Midacre#3312 // Tokens are available! (upon request) Basic version 20 million quanta Pro version 40 million quanta New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated still manual rgb Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated The basic and Pro version Blueprints will be sold separately All the Buyers of the basic version the can get a Pro version Blueprint for the half price All the elements are buffed with LvL 5 talents! All my blueprints have 50% discount included in the price till the end of the month! VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchange Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}
Hover Quad
Captain Harlock

--DU creators website is very bad i got hacked do not trust it-- All likes removed from my ships Introducing the Hover Quad. Inspired by the Hoverquad of Star Citizen, this atmospheric personal transport can both hover, fly and glide in the atmosphere. --Updated to MK3 and now is compactable! Special thanks to amazing Ryan Pryde we make a fine polishing to the hoverbike and now you can have it as a pocket. Also it comes with a multicolor kit separate bluprint with no DRMs that you can choose whatever color you like or even make your custom ones! The voxel work was all handcrafted using the Vertex Precision Tool (VPT) and comes with all basic engines, making it cheap and easy to build. // For any information or Token request contact me on discord Captain Harlock#8115 - FinalX#2672 or RyanPryde#8917 - Midacre#3312 // New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Arch hud updated Free blueprint All the elements are buffed with LvL 5 talents! VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchange Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}
Arcadia Death Shadow
Captain Harlock

All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server Old beta creation New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated and and have rgb Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated AGG installed AGG controler script Main power switch at the entrance that activates all the functions and screens Gunner seats and ammo containers installed (you may change the weapons and to different sizes) its for decorations now
Captain Harlock

All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server Since the release of the Calico, I imagined making a partner craft small enough to fit inside the storage hold. Introducing the Knox, a fast and aggressively stylish pocket bike. This sharp looking hover bike was inspired by the Aopoa Nox of Star Citizen and adapted for the mechanics of Dual Universe. The Knox was made as a pocketable atmospheric bike that could reach insane speeds and give the rider the thrill of piloting a highly agile craft. The Knox comes with 2 chair surfaces and a remote controller allowing you to pilot the craft with a passenger. Perfect for flying you around your mining hexes, to your neighbors base or race around with your friends. Equipped with 3 customizable S engines, you can tailor the bike to your preferences giving you full control of the speed, weight, fuel economy and brake force. This way handling can be tuned utilizing various engine configurations. Behind each engine exists a flat voxel to easily swap to your desired combination. Included in the design is a blank programming board giving you options to install a LUA script of your choice. The remote controller comes pre-installed with Arch HUD giving you the option of autopilot and a whole host of helpful features. Visit the Kosmos Exchange showroom or FinalX main Base to view our selection color combinations. The luminescent accent lines and metallic body panels can be coloured to your preference when buying tokens and are available in a range of colors. New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version V2 has a speedometer Arch hud updated You can type in lua chat the command while you flying /G AtmoSpeedLimit 2000 Warning: excessive speed may result in injury, death or tons of fun!
VTOL Gear Rex
Captain Harlock

The Gear Rex personal utility VTOL (vertical takeoff or landing) is a must have for any fleet. Small enough to park practically anywhere and with enough control to take you to your destination with precision and ease; the utility of this vehicle cannot be understated. The vehicle can be flown with a custom LUA HUD or using the default auto config and works great for rescuing ships, reaching hard to reach places or delivering you to the market from a larger AGG ship parked above. The voxel work was all handcrafted using the Vertex Precision Tool (VPT) and all elements are affordable due to their size and grade. For any information or Token request contact me on dicord Captain Harlock#8115 or FinalX#2672 LVL 5 on all elements VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchange Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}
Arcadia Battleship
Captain Harlock

The Arcadia is the Battleship of Captain Harlock and his crew. This design is from 1982 film Arcadia of My Youth anime. The Battleship has withstand the test of time, being alive and still fighting after a hundred years The most common and iconic look of the battleship resembles a cross between an old-fashioned galleon and a World War II-era battleship, uniformly colored in a mossy, olivine, or deep military black. The back of the ship always appears to be made of a material resembling wood, and is in the shape of an ornate galleon stern and aftercastle, complete with gas lanterns and amber yellow lighting peering through its large windows. It is this stern that remains the most persistent aesthetic feature of Arcadia “You may not think much of it, but if you are a true man, you’ll come aboard the Arcadia. And you’ll fight with us under the flag of freedom.” –Harlock. it is not recommended for PvP Museum model More info coming soon New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated manual rgb (Lua parameters) Ship info updated manual rgb (Lua parameters) Arch hud updated New AGG controler manual rgb (Lua parameters) All my blueprints have 50% discount included in the price till the end of the month! VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchange Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}
Police Car K85
Captain Harlock

The K85 is an affordable futuristic police cruiser packed with style and speed. Built with basic elements that can be swapped out for more performance, the K85 comes equipped with one S container for goods and a second seat for a passenger or perhaps even a detainee! LVL 5 on all elements VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchage Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}