Dark Forges
DaFo are a merge of the Forge of Ivalde and Dark RevelantZ.
Forge of Ivalde, CEO Nidhugg and Dark RevelantZ, CEO NeXaMo got togheter and with that started a brand new company with a new vision.
DaFo is not a org, but a company that sells elements, own design structures and ships. But even reselling new and used ships and structures.
And we even have the order system were you place an order, with a downpayment and we contact you when the order are done.
Join our discord to see our projects and new things we build.
Discord (Shop and more)
Dark RevelantZ
Forge of Ivalde
Secret Service
Friends With
The Lemurian Federation
Dark Scanner v2
Dark Forges

Here you have the Dark Scanner v2, a scanner ship with 3 scanners on and cargo for fuel and scanns. It even comes with a landing pad for you to use your pocketrocket, good if you have many DS:v2, a VR and Pod station for easier access for friends and members of your org. One of the DAFO´s best sellers! Voxels: Mostly T1 voxels, with some T3 voxels(Lithium) that can easily change when deploying the Bp. Storage: 2 S containers to store Territory units 1 S container for fuel storage. 2 XS containers for storage of scanns. All attributes are at lvl 5 upgrades and lvl 5 Piloting Discord: https://discord.gg/cTU9sPtnsR BP cords ::pos{0,2,-1.1524,178.6534,54.5918} VR Dark Forges HQ
Dark Forges

The Tellus, a hybrid tri scanner ship. A good ship for searching for those valuable ore without having the need to pack up the scanners, and still be able to break orbit. It has even a small hangar on the top were the X4 300, an updated version of the X4 Surfer will fit. The X4 300 have a system were you can ride the X4 and open the hangar doors and land inside the Tellus
X4 300
Dark Forges

This is an updated version for the X4 Surferbord. This is design to be used with the Tellus scanner ship.
Dark Aurora
Dark Forges

Dark Aourora is a M core Transport Ship I've done a lot of hauling whit this on. it will fly a like a real airplane =D I have flown this with lvl 5 skills on me and managed to lift 960kl to space. Will have Advans Space on it when token now i only have Basic on it. Landig you will fly it like a plain or you will crash whit it and and below 200km/h before you land Discord: https://discord.gg/cTU9sPtnsR BP cords: ::pos{0,2,-1.1524,178.6534,54.5918} VR Dark Forges HQ This ship will soon be available for checking out at DAFO HQ Dark Aurora
[DF] Terran X40 MP
Dark Forges

The Terran X40 MP is a mining plattform for new players. An easy plattform to build and maintain. And easy to check the miners if and when they need to be calibrated. The X40 has 8 basic mining units S. And a M basic container for the ore to store in. This means you can craft the most of the blueprint in your nanopack. Glory to the Terran Empire
TSs1(Tri Space scanner)
Dark Forges

A new addition to the fleet of Dark Forges. Say hello to the TSs1(Tri Space scanner 1). The TSs1 is design to be a light and fast space scanner ship, for scanning operations in non atmosphere planets and moons.
Territory Probe
Dark Forges

The Terran Empire are on the prowl again. Now they are coming for you territory! When scouting a territory, you just throw one of the probes out the loading dock of your ship and keep going to the next one. It´s equiped with a container and a surrogate pod. That alllows you to check out hexes that you are waiting for to be up for grabs! Just name the pod, and have a TU in the container and then just wait!
Digital Engeneering
Dark Forges

Welcome to Digital engeneering Are you someone that like to do LUA, but do not like to build? Or you just need a nice building to work in with your LUA scrips, and then show a new script for the consumer? And even sell the scrips on the main floor. Then is something for you.
[DF] Terran X50 MP
Dark Forges

The X50 is the big brother of the X40. It is uppgraded with a L container and 8 L MU´s, you can mine all that you need. And with the X50 there are coming a an uppgrade that will blow you mind so keep an eye out on this one!
Terran Offworld mining OP
Dark Forges

The Terrans are at it again. With the Terran Offworld mining OP, (OmO), you will get a plattform with a custom LUA script. Were you will know how mutch money your tiles cost you a week/12 weeks by adding the quanta they cost. So that means that you have controll on the tile cost out in the cosmos. There are room for 7 L MU´s AND a small manufactering capability, like fuels och convert the ore directly to pures and so on. And the best part is that there are 8 L containers for the ore your gathering, and 1 L container for fuel storage and 2 L containers for other storage. With this large amount of L containers you will not need to travel that often to empty out the ore.
Mining RigOutpost
Dark Forges

This is my vision of Mining Rig Outpost Whit 5 mining units and one Refiner room 1 Ore Container and 1 Pure Container you have a small landingpad on top for your small cargo ships Discord: https://discord.gg/cTU9sPtnsR VR: this will come BP Cords ::pos{0,2,-1.1524,178.6534,54.5918} VR: Dark Forges HQ
Terran Excavator
Dark Forges

The newest addition to Terran empires buildings. This is the mining plattform Terran Excavator (TE), that are adressed to the new players. But yet at the same time to the experianced player, who can use it for higher tiers of ore due to the low cost. There are room for two (2) Mining units. and a capacaty of mining storage of 48 KL (With talents), in 4 small containers on the roof. There are also room for two (2) small parcel containers outside, if needed to use the mission system. And ofcourse there are even a resnode, vr station and vr pod installed. And there are still more room for you to add more storage. The "TE" is coming in five different tiers of MU´s. Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic The (*) shows witch one are up for a full package sale. We even have the "Territory helper" scrip installed for you to keep track on the cost for your tiles.
Bp Fuel and scrap
Dark Forges

Hey, you! Yes, you need a small and efficant scrap and fuel factory?? And some good script as well? Well check this one out !
X4 surfer
Dark Forges

Need to get your "dude" on, and surf the waves? Then get the Bullet surferboard pocket. An easy transport to have in your nanopack. And a cool one.
Dark Guardian
Dark Forges

Dark Guardian is a carrier ship! You can use this ship to give your fleet the support it needs when fighting far away. This ship should preferably not be directly into battle, but it should be able to take a few hits and hopefully the rest of the fleet will have time to protect it before it breaks. This is still a work in progress and pls come in VR and see it for you self VR: Dark Guardian more info on the Attributes will come when it is finished
Sound View
Dark Forges

A nice litle house for you to relax in, or have it as an office away from office. And when you just need to chill, why not cook a nice steak on the grill on the deck, looking out over the sea.
Dark Forges

Welcome to DarkWarp. A S-core warpcell´s factrory. Used by the Terran Empire. If you can fuel the little monster, it gives 16 WC/H. An awesome small factory for personal use, but also for selling warpcells, it will give you aprox. 380 WC/day. And thats more that enoght to earn some quanta. Come on by VR: Dark Forges HQ to check it out.
The Scrapyard
Dark Forges

Welcome to the Dark Forges Scrapyard. VR: DARK FORGES HQ The idea of the Scrapyard is that new players can come and buy elemets that you had on your constructs that's totally destroyed and do not have the quanta to buy/make a new one. Or for the old experienced player that are building new stuff and need to test and experiment with maby a new heat shield etc, so instead of buying/making new stuff, you can save some of your hard earned quanta by paying us a visit. The DAFO think with this idea you bring more to the game, yes you can dismantle an element. But you never know what you will get out of it due to the random component you get. And so to sell the element or even a ship, you can get more out of it. Because face it, you will have more of use of an UNC.atmo L engine, even if you just can repair it 1-2 times more, than one UNC.reinforced frame in your pocket. And yes. We even sell ships at the Scrapyard. We sell them either repaird, with elements that do not have full repairtimes on them, or unrepaird so you can get it cheaper and need to repair it your self. We even buy elements that's broken, the repairtimes are what determines the price of the element/ship that we are looking at to buy. So if you are a scavanger come by and show us what you have. If you are a new or old player looking to save some quanta come on by and check whats in stock. For the best updated prices, head on over to DAFO discord, and check out the Scrapyard chanel. !REMEMBER! The items at the Scrapyard change all the time. So you will need to check out the discord, or visit to see whats in stock!!