VR to "Davemane42 Shipshop" to browse the ships!
(Dont buy in VR)
Restricted Access Door

for the GitHub, go to https://github.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts#restricted-access-door-script Restric access to certain zones via "locked door" Elements needed: 1x Programming board 1x Detection zone 1x Screen (minimum) Supports multiple screens Instalation: 1. Copy the content of the link below and paste on a programming board lua config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts/master/RestrictedAccessDoor/RestrictedAccessDoor1.0.json 2. Connect Detection zone -> Programming Board Then (in no particular order) Programming Board -> Door and Screen(s) 3. Finnaly, edit the lua parameters (Right click -> Advanced -> Edit Lua Parameters) Add your username between the quotes "" "Davemane42" For multiple user. add comma , between names and no spaces "Davemane42,User2,User3"
Player Logger

for the script go to https://github.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts#player-logger-script Log player activity to a Databank(s) and render to a screen v3.2 tested with 1300 entries with 8 databanks will import older data when upgrading (save the data using the 'dump' command just in case) Elements needed: 1x Programming board 1x Manual Switch 1x Screen 1x Detection zone 1 to 8 Databank(s) Instalation: 1. Copy the content of the link below and paste on a programming board lua config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Davemane42/DU-Scripts/master/PlayerLogger/PlayerLogger.json 2. Connect Detection zone -> Manual Switch -> Programming Board For multiple detection zone: add an "OR operator" (only 1 needed) in between Detection zones and the Manual Switch 3. Programming Board -> Manual Switch (both way) 4. Then do the same for the databank(s) and screen . 5. Finnaly, hit ctrl+L while looking at the board add your username in line 7 of unit.start() rename the location to your liking Activate the board manualy and type "help" in the lua chat for the command list 'clear' [clear the databank(s)] 'dump' [dump the table as JSON in the screen HTML so you can copy it] 'exit' [exit debug mode] 'help' display a list of commands 'remove (indices)' [remove an entry from one of the table] 'update' [Update the screen code]