De Overheid
Iron Founder, joined Beta and spend too much time playing with space blocks. Now I got something for sale! Part of SVEA
ZXR Spyder mk I
De Overheid

It may not look pretty, but it get's your stuff done, and with grace you won't expect from this brute. It can haul up and over 2 kilotons of your stuff up to space from Alioth with a bit of a seasoned pilot, all in a neatly packed optimised XL container. It uses 8 large atmos engines to do that, I personally love the advanced maneuver versions but you could get more done with different if you prefer. It has enough brakes to safely land with your stuff but some caution is advised because it is not meant to bob up and down on it's boosters with 600 KL of hematite weighing down in it's belly. For your convenience it is equipped with a warp core, a resurrection node and a VR pod for when you feel a bit bored. Sweet bumper sticker. No toilet. Careful when flying empty, at full thrust it will incinerate itself into a crisp right after the engines warm up (2 seconds). To prevent accidental deaths and warranty returns, the ship comes equipped with Arch Hud and set to a max atmos speed of 1200 km/s. It's large fuel tanks can take you on a complete tour of Alioth and it's solar system without refueling. A separate container system can hold your warp cells, scraps for accidental scratches and a couple of litres of fuel. On top of all of that it comes with some handy conveniences like 60.000 lumen landing lights to see what you are doing on the surface when landed, if has two laser guidance beams that only come on during flight to save batteries and has all round navigation lights so no space-nub will accidentally rear-end you. Can be turned off for... I don't know. but you can. When you don't have time to bother with looks, get a Spyder. - Can be retrofitted with any combination of engines/boosters/hovers - Can be tweaked and tuned by our master crafter - Can be supplied as token, please discuss - Dispenser will be set up ASAP, patch notes permitting. - Contact me in game or on discord for now. VR - Overheid's Shoppe - SVEA Location - ::pos{0,2,49.6888,160.3544,52.2589}
Kombat Mining Rig
De Overheid

Here it is! The Kombat Extendable Mining Rig, Landing and Launch Pad system. Build with the custom, patented landing deck. This one does not use fussy zero-G technology but relies instead on trusty steel and concrete to keep everything upright. On deployment you can chose your own building material honeycombs (Primary, Contrast, Metal and Lumi). Comes in four flavours with each it's own distinct role: Barrier - (Bp: 0.9M Token: 2.7M) The basic variant is used as a simple but elegant landing platform that allows any M-core or smaller ship to land safely on it. Guided by landing lights and having a nice elevator down to the ground. Corsar* - (Bp: 1.8M Token: 3.6M) This one comes with a hole in the top! But in that hole fits a Medusa Y-Lift capable of lifting around 600tons on Alioth and up to 2Kt on places like Madis without talents. It comes with a nice ramp that allows you to walk up right to the Elevator seat. Kombat - (Bp: 1.8M Token: 3.9M) Ah, the trusty workhorse of the lot. Why not have you landing pad AND do three tile mining all from the same spot? Comes with 3x basic and 1x uncommon mining units but can be extended or swapped out to any configuration. Comes with all the luxuries of both the Barrier and the Corsar but also spots an Large Container to hold all your ore. Can be deployed to service 1, 2 or 3 adjacent tiles from one location. Stugna* (Bp: 2.4M Token: 4.9M) The big boss. Why not combine EVERYTHING? Have a decent landing pad, a launch pad for your elevator AND have access to three mining rigs all at the same time? Place one of these in the middle of a super-flower, add a few containers and do your weekly mining run with your pocket-speeder, dumping all ores straight into the elevator storage, ready for lift-off. Why spend any more time on dusty rocks while you could be sipping a Pan-Galactic Gargle-Blaster back at home and let the Kombat Rig do it's work? * Comes without the Medusae S-Core Elevator that fits the exact dimension. Can be bought separately (Bp: 17M Token: 24.5M). In order to dock in space we highly recommend the Bogdan Space Dock L-core landing (Bp: 3.8M Token: 15.8M). This doubles as an L-core space landing pad and space station. As nice as pictures are, a visit is worth more than 1000 of them. VR over to SVEA Elevator Showroom and cross it to the North, can't miss it. The Bogdan can be viewed at VR: NSS MADIS VR (this one is being developed right now) Please discuss order and installation. I want to do a first installment myself and discuss all the details, then hand over extra blueprints when needed.
DU Grotesk
De Overheid

DU Grotesk is my first, completed font for Dual Universe. Large, rectangular but rounded letters with just the right Sci-Fi look and feel to them while maintaining readability. It comes in two variants, one straight and one slanted edged version, you can use both together if you prefer some characters It has reactor markers to quickly select a letter to copy and paste into words and has 4 versions per variant: The reactor where you can see how it is built in one quarter voxel deep. A full voxel deep floating one, a full voxel deep embedded into the wall and my personal favorite, a 2 quarters thick floating variant with luminescent background, makes for good readability at night and looks very nice. It also has a full Uppercase and lowercase set and is included with minimal interpunction characters. Let me know if you want something specific. Uppercase is 8 high and 5 wide, lowercase is 5 high and 3.5 wide. The blueprint is almost for free, the materials included in the token are at ore prices, I rather want more people to use it than make a profit. I'd appreciate a note to a VR location where I can see it used and the only thing I do not want is you selling copies for profit, the rest is all yours to create something with. VR - Overheid's Shoppe - SVEA Location - ::pos{0,2,49.6888,160.3544,52.2589}
Mining and landing platform combo
De Overheid

Tired of hanging your ship in between the mining units every few days you visit your gold mine? Why not land in style on this luxury M-core landing pad? The top is flat for easy landing but below the real magic happens. On a lower deck, connected with two smaller cores your mining units will be waiting for you. Easily accessible with two ramps from the flight deck or by teleporter from the ground below. Be in absolute control as you calibrate up to 15 mining units without moving a single step, and before you leave have three Large containers at your fingertips to gather you hard earned ores. If you feel like getting your hands dirty you can use the access hatch to drop down to the bonus ores awaiting pickup. A quick elevator up will take you directly to the the flight deck, onwards to the next stop. If you are really in a hurry, all containers and Mining Units are also in reach from one area on the flight deck. The long and stable legs will make placing these cores a breeze, even on hilly ground. Instructions: Place M-core with the middle edge of the mining platform in the exact middle of three tiles. Then place the Left hand S-core, finally the Right hand S-core. If you mix up the order, it will give a nasty one voxel gap. No returns. VR - Overheid's Shoppe - SVEA Location - ::pos{0,2,49.6888,160.3544,52.2589}
Hovering Landing Pad
De Overheid

Update: Blueprints are now available! VR: Hover Pad - by SVEA for a demo and location. Need a place to land you can't miss? Try our brand new L-Core Landing pad! Comes with automated guiding lights luring you straight to the middle and in case of a power outage also has nice contrasting guide arrows and markers. The pad is build on four extra large hovers so no need to work with messy pillars or other anchors to keep it down. The pad was made from a modular kit I designed, so if you do not like the outline, I am sure we can come up with something that will work for you. (except VERY rude shapes). Can also be stitched and connected to any other platform, including M-Cores. I am more than glad to set them up with you where you need in any configuration. The pad comes is build around 5 types of material you can chose yourself - Base working material, in my case black iron - A highly contrasting colour for the lines and stripes - A metal material for some detailing - primary luminescent voxels (purple) - secondary lumis for the booster rings (can be omitted) No blueprints from dispenser since I'd like to run over every installation myself. Let me know if you do need a few. Price can be discussed. component list for: Hover Pad - by SVEA **L-Core** 1x Static core L - element 4x Vertical lights L - element 48x Long lights L - element 4800 m³ Primary - Honeycomb (matte white plastic) 210 m³ Contrast - Honeycomb (matte dark red plastic) 350 m³ Metallic - Honeycomb (glossy steel) 230 m³ Building lines - (lumi) Honeycomb (red) 50 m³ Hover effect - (lumi) Honeycomb (cyan) Instructions: Gather the required materials, chose your own voxel material (make sure you have none of the originals so you can replace them) and place the blueprint core where you need it. Tip: snap it off your existing base for a nice fit and don't rotate to prevent half voxel offsets. For looks aim to have the 4 hover pads a few meters above ground level so the glow rings do their thing, but anything goes, that is all up to you! VR - Overheid's Shoppe - SVEA Location - ::pos{0,2,49.6888,160.3544,52.2589}
ZXR Spyder mk III
De Overheid

The third iteration of my daily flyer, a monster of a ship strapped to a small core. Easily takes over 2 kT from Alioth with room to spare. Perfect mission flyer and doing all your daily business barring hauling megaton nodes home. A few highlights: - Absurd flight handling. has a great mass balancing and turns like an XS core. Can do flips in mid-air or brake, turn and take off in the opposite direction without a hitch. (see rotation matrix) - Very low profile. Without resorting to angled engines, the front surface is kept to an absolute minimum. Using Seawing's flush wings and carefully placing engines in a staggered formation creates vey low drag. (See max speed, capped at 1250 to prevent burns) - Depending on your final configuration and load, it has a exceptional acceleration and brake force and takes off and lands like an overgrown pocket rocket. 5G thrust empty, drops to 1G at 2200 tonnes - It may not be your taste but I tried my best to cover the elements with voxels and shape something decent out of it. It even has a cockpit which is extremely rare for utilitarian ships like this. - Excellent storage, the bulk of the ship is shaped by the XL container, it provides enough space for anything you want to carry, it will be too heavy before it is full unless you are transporting Lumi voxels. Easy access from all sides by linkes XS containers in the wings and nose. Weight balanced in the rear by the hub. - Only needs one large space and atmos fuel tank for all engines, flies for days when half full, easy to refill from all sides. Feel free to ask for a spin in one of these, I am more than happy to discuss the final setup. Cost will be depending on your configuration but we have stock to deploy your personal ship in any. Even with basics it will outperform many ships out there, just out of luxury and because I use it daily, I equipped it with over the top rare military and maneuver grade engines, boosters and hovers and put in a rare optimised XL container too boot. Comes fully buffed to lvl 5
Medusa S-core Elevator
De Overheid

For when you are too tired or can't be arsed to haul your ores up to space every week after your calibration runs. Or just for when you need to bring stuff up to your space station, here is the Medusa Elevator, equiped with Yoari's Elevator script and comes with all it's perks. ( ). Scxript price is included in the blueprint. This creature was made with a small profile in mind and lands perfectly on a matching launch pad and docks nicely on a custom space platform (see my other statics, Kombat and Bogdan). It is not the strongest elevator but it was made to haul up all the ores you can pump up for a dense ore field in one week. Pluck done one of these elevators in the middle of your field, ride it down from space and do all the calibrations with your pocket rocket, delivering all the ores directly into the elevator. The base doubles as a tri-tile mining rig so those are already done. After you calibrated and picked up the last of the ores for the week, fold up your pocket rocket, jump in the seat of the elevator and let it take you back up to your space only hauler which is waiting on the deck of the Bogdan space dock. Nothing is easier. I will help you set up and plan the optimal configuration for your off-world ore field and discuss all options. Have a look at the latest version here: XMR ALI BAUX 01 Or ask me for a joy ride on Space Mountain, my personal creation, featuring a one mile line tunnel you shoot through at 600km/h with 50 cm to spare on each side. Keep your limbs on board...