Dumboiz United
DBI was born from the allegiance of slaves to one another and against their captors. Tricked in to mining upon their arrival to Alioth, they rose out of their bondage while their overlords slept, pieced together a light atmospheric hauler, and repossessed the spoils of their toil.
From that fateful night, DBI was born. They gathered their meager wealth and set out for themselves to make a new home on Madis, away from the vengeance of their former 'employers'. There, they have risen to a young and fruitful organization that seeks to empower the masses so that no one need suffer the struggles that they themselves once faced.
Free token deliveries within Safe Zone. (Delivery times may vary)
You can now visit our Ice Industry location by searching the VR system for:
Dumboiz United
or fly in for BP's to:
Dumboiz United

The DBI SPLASH (Space Capable Light Atmospheric Scanning Hauler) is an efficient scanning vessel for those players looking to get in to scanning. This Small Core ship comes equipped with a single Basic Container Large and enough power to move it when fully loaded. As a Space-capable model of the LASH-1, the SPLASH is well equipped to efficiently scan across the Helios system. Scan tiles, harvest surface ore to pass the time, and move along to the next scan site. Even if you don't find that T3 ore site, you won't be coming back empty handed! If you're not scanning, the single large container allows you to utilize the ship as a handy market runner or flower harvester! (Listed stats utilize t4/5 talents for handling AND piloting -- message isyron#4015 for stats for a 0-piloting skill player)
Dumboiz United

So you're collecting some roid-rage at all the Safe Zone ores you're mining in to your Weird Science mk2. You're perusing the nearby PVP asteroids that are close by and boy do they look tasty! But you're not interested in risking your DSAT ship. It's a hefty gamble! Well check out this little tidbit! An XS Core space-only vessel designed to dock on the side of your Weird Science mk2, this little guy is well equipped to cross the boundary of PVP and chase after that Rare asteroid you saw nearby. One large container is all you need to get that return on your investment AND pocket a heap of profits! Feeling extra spunky? Take a second one out with you, bring your friends, and try to steal away with 2 large containers! Or double your chances of getting away with some loot. You'll still be able to pay off your losses with money to spare. Load up the booty, book it back to the safe zone where you parked your Weird Science mk2, and strafe-dock back in to position. Lock yourself in place with the ECU, and hop back over to your main ship. Just be careful not to get too greedy, otherwise you might have to turn some of that Tier 3&4 in to scrap. But hey, you can afford to, so who cares?
Highway Star
Dumboiz United

Highway Star is a compact, XS core, hauling vessels capable of quick travel under full loads. Each token holds 10 small containers of volume, pushed through the atmosphere by two large basic engines. And when it's time to hop between planets, travel at nearly 48k kmh after your 4 Medium and 1 Large space engine are finished doing the work. A roomy cockpit fits two passengers and maintains the sleek and sporty appearance that keeps the Highway Star looking like anything but a hauler. Fill this ship to the limit with Hematite or Kergon and you'll still find yourself taking off without effort, and landing just as smoothly. Truly one of the best outfitted XS haulers available, and one that's willing to work to earn its keep. This thing is perfect for Aileron mission running, and even the 900k special missions! Alioth Friction Burn - Safe cruising at 1580kmph around Alioth Free token deliveries within Safe Zone. (Delivery times may vary) You can now visit our Ice Industry location by searching the VR system for: Dumboiz United or fly in for BP's: ::pos{0,2,72.7772,45.7586,205.5058} (Side note, 4500km/h reentry yields some minor damage, but you'll live! Just brake before you hit the ground...)
Dumboiz United

The DBI LASH-1 (Light Atmospheric Scanning Hauler) is an efficient scanning vessel for those players looking to get in to scanning. This Small Core ship comes equipped with a single Basic Container Large and enough power to move it when fully loaded. As an atmospheric ship, the LASH utilizes a very open and minimalistic design aesthetic, reminiscent of construction vehicles once used on Earth. Scan tiles, harvest surface ore to pass the time, and move along to the next scan site. Even if you don't find that T3 ore site, you won't be coming back empty handed! Even if you're not scanning, the single large container allows you to utilize the ship as a handy market runner or flower harvester! Modifying this ship to be space-friendly would be a piece of cake, given the extra room and open design. A few space engines, a few retro-rocket brakes, and you'll be scanning all around Helios in no time. (Listed stats utilize t4/5 talents for handling AND piloting -- message isyron#4015 for stats for a 0-piloting skill player)
Weird Science mk2
Dumboiz United

The DBI (Dumboiz United) Weird Science Mk2 is an M-Core ship designed around the DSAT and your crew's ore-hunting needs, whether you're a crew of one or many! Whether you're flying solo or in a group, using the DSAT is a breeze due to its convenient front-and-center placement. You don't even need to leave the pilot seat, making copying coordinates right in to your Auto Pilot LUA a breeze. 2 large containers provide plenty of storage capacity for multiple asteroid trips, so while the rest of the Roid Raiders are filling up their meager ships, you and your team can stay behind and have the asteroid all to yourselves. Fly at a max of 30k kmph and don't worry about braking until you're 1.9su away, meaning you can fly faster for longer. And don't worry about getting up to speed, because with an XL and 2 Large space engines, you're going to be hitting that max lickity-split! The interior offers ample room for activities and boasts a well manicured, clean, open floor plan with easily accessible elements hidden from view. Fly in first person with a wide triangular glass front, or enjoy the meticulously refined exterior from 3rd person. We might be Dumboiz, but our ships are smart, and you'd be smart to have some in your own fleet. Free token deliveries within Safe Zone. (Delivery times may vary) You can now visit our Ice Industry location by searching the VR system for: Dumboiz United or fly in for a BP to: ::pos{0,2,72.7772,45.7586,205.5058}
DBI Uruloki
Dumboiz United

The Uruloki's sleek and slender design is anything but small. Complex angles bring the main body from a width of two exquisitely displayed XL engines, to just barely wider than a single large adjustor. The unique brake design is an experimental engineering that hopes to outlast any future airbrake complications, but more than that, it offers a unique aesthetic to the nacelles. Each nacelle is equipped with 3 Basic Large Containers with room for 1 more, offering a total cargo capacity of 8 Large Containers when maxed out. In the spirit of showing off elements and evolving this draconic mission hauler, the 12 Large atmospheric engines and 2 XL Space engines are easily swapped to fit your needs: Military, Manuever, Freight -- whatever the job, the Uruloki is ready to adapt! Elevators allow your engineers to move around the ship quickly. Hatches let the engineers in to each nacelle when the elevators break down. Ladders and platforms and informative voxel designs guide the crew around the ship by utilizing the high contrast black and luminescent design. Ship Info screens provide the pilot details about the ship. An AR damage report HUD helps you find your broken parts. Floor-space is available under the fuel tanks for more cargo boxes. A small shield sits primed and ready to earn its keep. A warp drive sits nestled in the back by the engines, providing expeditious movement to the next mission pick up location. Dumboiz United spent time working on this ship, and we're sure you're going to love having it in your fleet! The stats listed are for t4/5 piloting skills. If you're interested to know the stats with lower skills, contact isyron#4015 (Isyron in game), and he'll get on his 0-talent alt. @ 5.25kT of cargo (2 special mission packages and some excess cargo): > Sustentation Speed: 357km/h > LAL: 1.02G > HAL: 1.49G > Atmo Thrust: .68G > Atmo Brake: 5.25G > Space Thrust: 1.19G > Space Brake: 1.89G
DBI Thumper Mining Laser
Dumboiz United

Step up your mining ops with a Thumper Mining Laser from Dumboiz United. This S-Core mining unit is here to do some work! 4 mining units converge at a singular point, making gathering your surface harvest easier than ever! One large container is neatly stored up top, with a VR platform and container hub placed conveniently at the ground level. The core itself sits on the floor of the build box, making placement easy, and cleanup a breeze. Quit wasting time at your mining units! Calibrate 3/4 of your mining units from one spot, harvest all of the surface ore from one spot, and find your mining station from from a kilometer away with the scale and light emitted from this laser! Everyone has a platform, now. Everyone's going to have a Thumper. (Currently equipped with Basic Mining Units -- if you want to upgrade your laser, message isyron#4015, bring 4 upgraded units, and he'll do the swap and give you the BP!)