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So you're collecting some roid-rage at all the Safe Zone ores you're mining in to your Weird Science mk2.

You're perusing the nearby PVP asteroids that are close by and boy do they look tasty! But you're not interested in risking your DSAT ship. It's a hefty gamble!

Well check out this little tidbit!

An XS Core space-only vessel designed to dock on the side of your Weird Science mk2, this little guy is well equipped to cross the boundary of PVP and chase after that Rare asteroid you saw nearby.

One large container is all you need to get that return on your investment AND pocket a heap of profits! Feeling extra spunky? Take a second one out with you, bring your friends, and try to steal away with 2 large containers! Or double your chances of getting away with some loot. You'll still be able to pay off your losses with money to spare.

Load up the booty, book it back to the safe zone where you parked your Weird Science mk2, and strafe-dock back in to position. Lock yourself in place with the ECU, and hop back over to your main ship.

Just be careful not to get too greedy, otherwise you might have to turn some of that Tier 3&4 in to scrap.

But hey, you can afford to, so who cares?

Created 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

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Dumboiz United


Dry Weight:

151 t

Cargo Space:

128 kL


Space Thrust:

15.6 MN

Space Brake:

20.2 MN

Space Hover:

0 MN

Space Fuel:

6,400 kL

  • Core
    • XS

  • Env
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Token
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Courier

  • Features
    • Radar