
Atlas Femto by Hadron


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Super precise personal transport elevator with rare freight engines.
will only utilize hover engines when possible or free fly with atmo engines.
Engines are only active if the hover turns off.
Desinged to fit in Interiour doors for docking.

Hadron’s signature voxel work and Jeronimo’s feature packed JSE++ have come together to produce our series of tower free space elevators!
Our elevators are tuned to provide lightning fast transportation of goods and personnel, to and from space, with minimal fuel consumption and effort.

What sets our products apart from the competition is our elevators use a number of atmospheric and space brakes to slow the craft rather than using engines to do so which burn a lot of fuel.
By using brakes, a huge amount of cargo can be brought safely down from space.

Damage Report AR (augmented reality) for monitoring fuel and overall weight at a glance

JSE++ elevator script for maximum control and performance tuning

The JSE++ flight script provided by Jeronimo, offers a huge number of parameters for you to tune the elevator to your liking.

Some notable features include:

- Default++ windows system, draggable windows, interactable buttons
- Up to 9 easily adjustable and renamable floors
- Customisable orientations vectors for gravity elevators or shaft elevators
- Various customizable engines settings, approach and travel speeds for empty or full cargo
- Automatic engines power on/off
- ECO Mode (uses gravity to accelerate the elevator back down to the planet)
- Dynamic Augmented Reality floor selection interface
- Hot keys for quick action (ALT + 1...9)
- Admin list for allowing only certain people to adjust parameters
- Blacklist to exclude certain people from using the elevator
- Interface available in 3 languages: eng / fr / ger
- Auto shutoff on endpoints with adjustable telemeter offsets.

-100% autonomous docking in space with emitter / receiver.
-All Elevators are desinged to fit in gates eg. XS ExpL or XL but will also work with sliding doors.

To ensure optimal customer experience, we have developed a concept to provide you with an "all-in-one package". Our mission is a happy customer
On your first ever Elevator you can only get an token or you provide the needed parts. Full Service Installation with one of us is required to make sure everything works 100% perfectly, and you are fully satisfied with our product.
After your first setup you can buy blueprints and use our install guide (VR: Hadron Atlas Guide) or ask us questions any time.

The on site install help for all elevators includes:

Planning and setting up the ground cradle.
Full explanation of all settings in discord with screenshare.
After the ground setup we will fly together up and place your space station core.
Placement and aligning Space core dock.
Integration of the cradle in other space station BP´s.

Quick demo of the elevator (XS MAX): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIesj0XYORU

Call us on discord for an personal tour: ryanpryde / midacre / mcxerxes
Visit us in VR: Hadron HQ Alioth

Created 1 year ago
Updated 10 months ago

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10 months ago | Edited 10 months ago

Armand Reed

Fantastic little elevator for my showroom. Ryan and TicTaq showed up within minutes of purchase and had this little guy installed in absolutely no time. Thanks for the great product and the even better service. Will be buying a few more of these for around my showroom in the future.

Unlike what Sethioz says, I was invited into the discord got in comms and witnessed why they charge 7mil for the token. They helped me with RDMS for the general public to use, double checked all the settings after installing gave me a run down on how to use it and what the settings do. This isn't a 1 second placement type thing,

1 year ago


m5n303 or sethoiz before you / yourselves with the sweeping of strangers house doors occupy I would suggest you first of all with the own doing and acting to occupy. Often lies in their own actions the reason for your fellow men on the slip feel, and react exactly to it. As it resounds into the forest so it resounds out again.
You are free to express your opinion and criticism, however, it does not really make sense here. Your comment reflects lower motives again or these are as it seems to me emotionally charged. The emotions may seem important to you at the moment, but they seem ridiculous when you let them go through your head again at a later time. We are all here to enjoy our free time and have no interest to deal with such thoughts and hate. No one is forcing you to buy/copy etc here with us. If it bothers you please find someone else.
PS: There is more to growing up than just being loud.

1 year ago


bunch of greedy jokers. 5 mil for xs core junk? their extremely high prices are only matches with their arrogance. dont buy from those greedy monkeys, you can get much cheaper stuff elsewhere! try Sethioz or Seawing, they provide extreme performance and art builds for only fraction of a price than these jokers charge

1 year ago


This is a perfect fit for the Titanic elevators. Works like a charm, butter smooth. Thanks again for hanging out to make sure everything works perfectly. 10/10

1 year ago


5 million for this piece of shite?? you guys give a whole new meaning to GREED. according to hadron, you can put a core down and charge 1 mil for it .. because you spent 1 second putting the core down

ryanpryde, midacre, mcxerxes, gamboraptor
RyanPryde, Midacre, McXerxes, Gamboraptor
VR: Hadron HQ Alioth ::pos{0,2,-21.8124,122.4975,185.7581}


Dry Weight:

1.3 t

Cargo Space:

0 kL


Cargo Lift:

0 t

Max Speed:

500 km/h

Atmo Fuel:

0.2 kL

  • Core
    • XS

  • Env
    • Atmosphere

  • Sold As
    • Token
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Courier