
Hadron Factory Core L v6


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Hadron L Factory

Hadron proudly presents our first L core factory template in our signature voxel style. 2 years and 6 iterations later, our factory core has been optimized to incorporate a clever container bus system for easy manufacturing.

The bus system uses a “master container > transfer unit > bus container” format and was designed in such a way, that by using S Containers on the outer edges of the core, all products and parts (eg. steel, hydraulics, frames) can be distributed to all floors that require them for further production. This method of distribution was intended to support industry for every craftable in the game and requires the minimal amount of effort to do so.

The factory has no voxel walls as it is intended for 4 additional L core shells (joining up at the center of the factory core) to make up the voxel surround. It has been designed this way to reduce lag on the central factory core itself by allowing for you to create your own voxel shell around the factory on these outer “shell cores”.

This allows for additional storage or industry to be added to the free space in these shell cores. Container Hubs placed on these outer shell cores can be moved to the central monitor walls, keeping them separate from the main factory itself, allowing easy access to them from the center of the main factory core.


Ground Floor - Refining and Pure Products
The ground floor comes with a central console for accessing multiple Container Hubs and has 8 Mining Unit holders for on site harvesting of Ore. The Ore is then fed to a series of Refiners and from there, the Pure material gets fed to Smelters, Chemical Industries, Glass Furnaces or Recyclers for conversion into Products or made into Scrap/Fuel.

1st Floor - Intermediary Parts and Complex Parts
The 1st floor uses the bus system to receive the Products from the floor below and has been arranged to support the production of all Intermediary Part and Complex Parts. These Parts are then fed back to the bus for distribution to the floors above.

2nd Floor - Structural Parts and Functional Parts
The 2nd floor uses the bus system to receive all Products, Intermediary Parts and Complex Parts from the floors below. This floor has been arranged to support the remaining Structural Parts and Functional Parts production, completing the entirety of the games most common Parts for distribution via the bus system to the remaining 2 floors.

3rd Floor Exceptional Parts and Warp Cells
The 3rd floor is intended for production of Exceptional Parts. These are specialized parts for use in high tier production and are mostly optional. We advise using this floor for the production of Warp Cells as Exceptional Parts are a key ingredient for those and various other end game items. The floor can however also be used the same as the 4th floor to house Assembly Lines for the production of anything else you choose.

4th Floor - Assembly Lines for Finished Products and Storage
The final floor is a blank slate for your production needs. It has been designed so the bus system can deliver all Products and Parts (created on the floors below) to Assembly Lines of your choice. This allows for easy expansion and linking from the bus Containers (now on all 4 sides of the core) to your choice of Assemblers.

For any questions about the bus system or functionality of the factory , please contact RyanPryde on Discord or visit Hadron HQ for an in-depth explanation and further resources to help you understand and utilize your new factory!

The layout is similar to the M Factory ! so take an look at our video tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJXpXqc4MaI

Visit us in VR: Hadron HQ

Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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1 year ago


m5n303 or sethoiz before you / yourselves with the sweeping of strangers house doors occupy I would suggest you first of all with the own doing and acting to occupy. Often lies in their own actions the reason for your fellow men on the slip feel, and react exactly to it. As it resounds into the forest so it resounds out again.
You are free to express your opinion and criticism, however, it does not really make sense here. Your comment reflects lower motives again or these are as it seems to me emotionally charged. The emotions may seem important to you at the moment, but they seem ridiculous when you let them go through your head again at a later time. We are all here to enjoy our free time and have no interest to deal with such thoughts and hate. No one is forcing you to buy/copy etc here with us. If it bothers you please find someone else.
PS: There is more to growing up than just being loud.

1 year ago


overpriced joke. if you're mad at your money then buy from those jokers, otherwise look elsewhere

2 years ago


Nice build to sort out your factory.

2 years ago


Good morning,
I love the work done (already bought the M factory and the endurance ship), but I find that 5Millions for voxxel is a bit expensive. A small discount (especially for Christmas would be welcome).
Keep it up and happy party to all.

2 years ago


Finally purchased and built (now that 110% of my coal is gone)... thing looks super cool in the middle of my base. Now all I have to do is figure out how to make things cause I usually just buy lol. Thanks man, love all your voxel work.

Im going to watch the M factory video a few hundred times but any advice or direction would help.

2 years ago


I loved this from the moment I seen the finished product and can't build my factories without it. A true design of excellence.

2 years ago


Love it, any chance we could get this with a large space core?

ryanpryde, midacre, mcxerxes, gamboraptor
RyanPryde, Midacre, McXerxes, Gamboraptor
VR: Hadron HQ Alioth ::pos{0,2,-21.8124,122.4975,185.7581}
  • Core
    • L

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Factory