
Hadron M Factory


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-- Can be viewed in VR: Hadron HQ Alioth ---

Introducing the Hadron M Factory

The factory shell has been laid out for production of all T1 to T3 pures, products, parts and elements, with plenty of room to install T4 + T5 if needed. Comes with 5 floors and 6 mining units connected to the Jericho mining script.

Comes with programming boards preinstalled for augmented reality labels, allowing you to quickly locate industry on any floor and easily read the layout of the factory at a glance.

The container hubs are placed on customizable screens so you can neatly organize your storage to your needs.

The blueprint uses T1 voxel and luminescent glass exclusively.
No industry units or containers are included in the blueprint as the augmented reality makes installation of industry easy. This is so you can choose what to produce when you want or need it.

The images alone aren’t enough to showcase all the detail our factory has to offer so please visit us in VR but remember to purchase in person!

VR: Hadron HQ
To showcase the factory and explain the layout we made an video tour of the factory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJXpXqc4MaI

Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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7 months ago


I can't find the distributor to buy the BP. THANKS

1 year ago


m5n303 or sethoiz before you / yourselves with the sweeping of strangers house doors occupy I would suggest you first of all with the own doing and acting to occupy. Often lies in their own actions the reason for your fellow men on the slip feel, and react exactly to it. As it resounds into the forest so it resounds out again.
You are free to express your opinion and criticism, however, it does not really make sense here. Your comment reflects lower motives again or these are as it seems to me emotionally charged. The emotions may seem important to you at the moment, but they seem ridiculous when you let them go through your head again at a later time. We are all here to enjoy our free time and have no interest to deal with such thoughts and hate. No one is forcing you to buy/copy etc here with us. If it bothers you please find someone else.
PS: There is more to growing up than just being loud.

1 year ago


DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY on hadron garbage, they sell everything 10-50x more than its worth. they literally just put 0 or 00 in end of the normal price. they are the worst scammers in game.

1 year ago


totally greedy jokers. hadron's insanely high prices are only matched by their childish arrogance. they are scammers and they just sell other people's stuff for 10x more. that's total joke, they dont know how to even build. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!

2 years ago


By dint of shooting in this great big factory, I found the distributor:


Thanks :)

2 years ago


Hello, I am in front of the M factory, and I am looking for the distributor of the M factory...
Could you please give me the address so that I can leave with a BP from factory M.
Thank you

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Found the dispenser.

2 years ago


The Hadron M Factory is fantastic! Well laid out and the VR is nice when planning the layout. Also found your YouTube video walkthrough helpful as well, thanks for that. I opted to go with a different material scheme, a darker look but the building looks great (can be seen here - ::pos{0,2,28.3176,106.4663,1.7457}).

2 years ago


Good evening,
I just bought the Endurance BP and I think this ship is amazing and very scalable.
However, it is a pity that the BP of the M factory is so expensive, I know that there are hours of work but 10MK for an M too for me and surely for others.
Small promo would have been nice
Otherwise great job keep going like this.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Just watch the video and really like it. Like i said wish I had 10 mill to get this. will be working towards this

2 years ago


Useful and pretty, really impressive work!

2 years ago

Captain Harlock

Very nice! it just blows your mind how much details has in it
even AR LUA for all your needs, definitely recommended!

ryanpryde, midacre, mcxerxes, gamboraptor
RyanPryde, Midacre, McXerxes, Gamboraptor
VR: Hadron HQ Alioth ::pos{0,2,-21.8124,122.4975,185.7581}
  • Core
    • M

  • Env
    • Ground

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Factory