
Rebellion Evo II adv. by Chewie and Hagbard


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The Rebellion EVO II is the next generation of the popular rebellion.

Tokens available for the "T3 Advanced" version
BP's are the same price with 6m Quanta.
Token Prices:
Rebellion EVO II Advanced 17.25M Quanta

We tried to make the token prices really competitive.
They should match the prices for the full parts at the markets (+BP Price), so unless you build your own parts and have good talents, you will probably not be able to buy it cheaper on the markets today.
contact Hagbard#8837 on discord for a token.

The dispensers are in the Alioth Marina at this location: ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477}
Tokens will be made available asap.

The Rebellion EVO II is a ship created by Hagbard and Chewie_1. It's predecessor was one of the most popular ships during Beta.
It can be build without having to invest a fortune and is an ideal ship for new and experienced pilots.

The ship technology and Lua was done by Hagbard with efficiency and performance in mind
The great High Quality Voxelwork was done by Chewie_1.
It included a warp drive, 2x uncommon or advanced Atmo engines, 2x uncommon or advanced Space engines.

Free Boost to my placement skills if you visit Hagbard on Alioth.

- Atmo/Space/Warp capable
- 300-1000 tons of cargo depending on pilot and placement talents
- fast, light and designed to be as efficient and easy to fly as possible
- Features Hagbard's flight control script with brake assistant Alt hold and tons of other useful features

Important Note: The Lua on this ship was designed for Input Scheme Keyboard and any Mouse controlled input scheme is NOT supported!

==== Some features for the included HUD ====
- Full Autolevel in space and Atmo
-- In Space choose to autloevel based on nearest planet gravity or choose your own "reference" by pressing a key combination and keep the current leveling
-- when entering the pilot seat in space, the current orientation will automatically be used for autoleveling
- Altitude Hold/Orbit Hold
seamless transition from alt Hold to orbit Hold just by changing target Altitude
-- Fully Automatic re-entry from space to atmo
- Adaptive engine thrust. By default fly with ultra fuel efficient Maneuver engine and hovers. When needed (or manually activated), additional military engine and vertical boosters will be activated automatically
- Collision avoidance
-- when in AltHold and ground is detected, target Alt will be adjusted automatically
-- when falling towards ground and descend speed is too high in the last 100m, brakes and vertical boosters will be used automatically to slow down descend speed
- Can be "flown" underwater.
- Speed Limiter saves you from heat damage automatically
- can be flown by using A/D,W/S and throttle controls only. The ship will control the roll axis (Q/E keys) automatically to avoid sideways drift and allow smooth cornering
- Non obtrusive HUD avoids visual on-screen clutter
-- optionally press Shift Alt 4 to display all HUD Widgets when needed
- Vertical Boosters present but will not consume any space fuel in low load situations, Boosters will be activated automatically when high descend speeds are detected near ground
- Display of brake distance to make your space travel easier

The rebellion was build to make it up-gradable.
- The 4 main engines can be exchanged with higher tier variants easily. Just make sure that those engines which should be "off" by default get an engine tag "2nd"

== Waypoint Mgmt System ==
The Rebellion 1f has >120 built in waypoints included in the Lua.
Press Alt & Cursor Up/Down to access the Waypoint selection
The wapoints are organized in groups. Skip to the next group using Alt & Cursor-Left to go one group forward or Shift additionally for backwards.

== Using custom Waypoints ==
you can create a small Lua file on your PC to define your own wapyoints in the HUD.
The file has to be placed in <Dual Universe Install Dir>\game\data\lua\
Filename has to be poilist.lua

Here is the a sample file content:
-=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=-
local poilist = { version = "Poilist 1" }
function poilist.loadLocations()
p = {{}}
p[1] = {"DCA","Marina Hagbard He", "::pos{0,2,38.3979,62.9920,62.5495}"}
p[#p+1] = {"DCA","Alioth Market 6", "::pos{0,2,36.0044,101.3503,220.0897}"}
p[#p+1] = {"DCA","Haven tile near M20", "::pos{0,27,-24.1271,63.9619,64.4522}"}
return p
return poilist
-=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=-
Use that as a template to create your own POI list. Fell free to add more POIs as needed.
The parameter Order is: "group","Name","POSstring"
The display name in the UI will be "Group"-"Name"

Created 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

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2 years ago


New VR: "Alioth Marina"

2 years ago


VR is "Chewie Base"

2 years ago


vr to see it?

2 years ago


im gonna say that even in beta chewie and hagbard were amazing and as time goes by their skills just get better and better making you want to drool over every ship they build keep up the amazing work boys

2 years ago


Next ship on my list... love the LUA you guys offer. Great looking too. Thanks

2 years ago

Astral Logistics

see the ship in action here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDckQ7Q8rVI&t=15s&ab_channel=Kaneeso



Dry Weight:

257 t


Cargo Lift:

1,000 t

Max Speed:

1,471 km/h

Atmo Hover:

19.3 MN

Sustentation Speed:

261 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

9.87 MN

Atmo Brake:

78.4 MN

Wing Lift:

13.6 MN


Space Thrust:

14.8 MN

Space Brake:

24 MN

Space Hover:

10.49 MN

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Courier

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp