Playing since Alpha.. You might now me from the original Hagboard, working Boats & Sailboats, all kind of atmo speed records and other fun stuff ;-)
Whoever buys a BP from me can get that ship boosted to my current talents afterwards. just contact me.
The Escobar / Speedboat by Hagbard & Singularity

Do you live near water? You need this! The Escobar is a new Version of the Speedboat with a great hull designed by Singularity. (thx for that!) **LIMITED OFFER** For the first weeks after Release the BP is only 1.5m instead of the previous 5m. Dispenser is at the Alioth Marina near M17 ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} Test Ride Video: https://youtu.be/JvYPuHn7mYY It has the latest Version of my LUA Code for Speedboats which was optimized to re-create that real "boat feeling" in DU. - Feel the waves! When riding this boat you can "feel" the ship being moved by the waves. Get faster and crash through the waves. - Get out of the seat on the water without the ship "sinking". the ECU will keep the ship afloat. - up to 730kmh (depending on pilot and placement skills) - almost no fuel consumption. the used Hover Engine Tech assures that you will almost never have to refuel it. At full speed, the used xs fuel tank lasts for 2-3 days This is a boat, so except using the hover engine to hop on your dry dock for some cleaning etc., it is not capable of flying over ground surface. You can hover from a platform to the water surface by using "space" and some thrust. i recommend to first cut throttle and hold brake key until the boat stabilizes ( stops going up/down). then accelerate and have fun. Trim Feature: if you want to go max speed, you can "trim" the boat. Just hold the left shift key whilst flying to take the bow of the boat down a bit and get max speed **Blueprint Instructions:** There is one manual step required after setting the BP. - Go to build mode and right click the backward facing hover engine. - under Advanced=>"disable thrust along gravity" has to be selected for both hover engines if you want to have the original light colors, set back left to "255,0,0" and back right to "0,255,0" front light: enable blinking and set on duration to 0.1 Tokens will be made available again soon(TM)
The Levante - "real" sailboat

The Levante by Hagbard "A person without dreams is like a boat without sails..." The Levante is a sailboat that allows you to experience the wind, the waves, the ride and heeling of a sailboat in DU. Big portions of the voxelwork for the hull was done by Singularity org. **IMPORTANT: read the BP placing instructions below!** BP Dispensers are at Marina Hagbard: ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} I am offering this BP a lot cheaper then usually as i want to see the seas of our planet full with boats, so that you're all able to enjoy this new kind of construct. Features: - accurate simulation of wind, waves and the sea - sails settable by "G" key in 4 levels Shift+G reduces Sail surface by 1/4 - 2 steering options either you can steer with a non centering rudder or with A/D controls similar to how other constructs are being steered. Switch during operation by pressing "Alt+1" - engine limited to marina use (when sails are down). thrust Limit applies(max 10%) - extensively tested on the seas of Alioth (other planets might require adjustments, contact me for assistance) - Wind (&Rudder) Indicator (visible for the helmsman) - configurable sail texts & colors (see LUA parameters) - HoverEngine Technology allows almost infinite fuel autonomy - the Levante is compactable, so take it on your next vacation by the sea ;-) Blueprint Instructions: - there is one manual step required after setting the BP. go to build mode and right click the backward facing hover engine. under Advanced=>"disable thrust along gravity" has to be selected for the backward facing hover engine - if you want to have the original light colors, set back left to "255,0,0" and back right to "0,255,0" front light: enable blinking and set on duration to 0.1 This could be used for Regattas as well, as the speed is defined by the skills of the skipper and his/her ability to find the best course for maximum performance Some "sailing tips": - the speed you can reach depends on your angle towards the wind. the faster you go the more "heel" you will get and the more active correction of your course will be required to stay on a straight line. - It is not possible to sail directly into the wind. To sail against the wind direction you have to "cross". - to moor at your pier the auxiliary engine can be used, but only when the sail is down. It is limited to 10% of max thrust. - if you do not have a proper pier yet, you can hover up a bit using the space bar to get the boat on your plattform... (better build yourself a small marina & pier) - the ECU should always be activated/armed. when you leave the helm, this will keep the boat from sinking to the ground. After jumping on your pier, quickly touch the boat to moore it to the pier. - if you find that the boat is unable to stay on the water surface, this is usually some physic bug in the client. just get out of the seat and try again (maybe after maneuvering the boat a bit) BP's will be made available again soon(TM)
Hagboard Pro

The Hagboard Pro Sometimes even a "classic" ship needs some more love... Since Alpha i am giving away Hagboard BP's for free or BP creation costs, now finally i make the Hagboard Pro available. It has my personal HUD with all the features i use myself daily when flying around. - Full Auto-level - Altitude Hold - Underwater mode -Home waypoint via hotkey. ( position can be entered in LUA Parameters) I tried keeping my HUD close to default flying config, so if you can fly with default, just hop on and start enjoying. but if you want those extra features, they are just one key combo away. Most needed keys are being explained in the HUD, and there is an inbuilt help screen available via Shift+Alt+1. This brings the Hagboard to the next level. With it's rare military engines it has that extra "punch" when you want it and with it's redone voxelwork is has a slick fast look to it. The underwater mode that automatically activate when getting on underwater ( or using alt+6 ) allows to fly underwater as if you would be in atmosphere. Perfect for that scanning trip on Jago ;-) Even if it has Auto-level on by default, just hold left shift key to disable auto-level whilst holding that key to do those aerobatic tricks when you need it. If you enjoyed he Hagboard, you're going to love the Hagboard Pro available via a dispenser at my marina or contact me via discord ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} for only 1.5m quanta Due to a bug in Dual Universe the max speed displayed in build mode for any construct with a really small frontal cross section can not be reached most of the time.. but the Hagboard Pro is still fast enough to have a blast ;-)
The Poseidon - Superyacht

The Poseidon - luxury superyacht try saying "i don't want this" 3 times. The great voxelwork on this ship was made by Yobbou The Poseidon is a statement of who you are and what you've achieved. Pure luxury with a super elegant streamlined design and helipad on deck (even a dancing pole included) The Poseidon is now available again in DU. we want to keep it limited, so price starts at 55m for a token with each sold copy, the price will increase by 2m. i will keep the token price in this page up to date It has built in motorboat physic simulation so can be driven only over the water and reacts and drives like a real boat. No big cargo containers, not space capable and not an atmo flyer... well of course, this is a yacht! Only available as a token.
HAG Pyro 2

HAG Pyro is THE best pocket ship in game Built for Speed,Usability and Speed. Fully compactable >2000 kmh Max Speed using 1x Advanced Military S Atmo and 1x XS Atmo BP Dispenser in Alioth Marina: ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} This ship is the best thing you can get as a compact-able all purpose ship. Enough acceleration to fly with "burn speed".. Speed Limiter saves you from real damage. Can VTOL and be used as a rescue ship in Atmo., has full auto level which saved my ship quite a lot of times already after small market like collisions;-) - VTOL & mobile work platform - change to VTOL orientation leave the seat mid air, the construct stops and hold position. Use all your tools to capture/repair/rescue ships at high alt. - Full Auto level on pitch&roll -Speed Limiter function to save you from burning too often (can be disabled via Hotkey) -Underwater Mode to "fly" like a submarine in the sea -Hover Pilot seat , and one additional passenger seat and more..... Some Tips for using the Pyro: - if you plan to get out of your seat in VTOL orientation, make sure that the ECU is armed and you entered the seat from e.g. the front hover engine ( need to be in a straight line in front of the pilot seat! ) This assures that when you exit the seat in vtol position, you land on the force field. - you can temp. disable the autolevel by holding left shift key whilst flying. as long as you hold shift, the autolevel is suppressed. This helps in doing some quick maneuvers. - you can enter your home coordinates in the LUA parameters. when piloting you can then press Shift+Alt*2 to set your homebase as the target destination quickly. - Update 2021.01.03 now all my ships have one more great function. Auto Altitude.. Just fly to the required alt and hit alt+2 to enable altitude hold. use alt3/Shift Alt 3 to increase/decrease target altitude by 100m. If you bought a Pyro from me, and want a free update, contact me on discord. Update 2021.01.29 there is now a Blueprint dispenser at my showroom for the Pyro 1R1P (still i recommend to buy a token, as you can have a test flight with full introduction and explanation of all the features then)
Rebellion Evo II adv. by Chewie and Hagbard

The Rebellion EVO II is the next generation of the popular rebellion. Tokens available for the "T3 Advanced" version BP's are the same price with 6m Quanta. Token Prices: Rebellion EVO II Advanced 17.25M Quanta We tried to make the token prices really competitive. They should match the prices for the full parts at the markets (+BP Price), so unless you build your own parts and have good talents, you will probably not be able to buy it cheaper on the markets today. contact Hagbard#8837 on discord for a token. The dispensers are in the Alioth Marina at this location: ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} Tokens will be made available asap. The Rebellion EVO II is a ship created by Hagbard and Chewie_1. It's predecessor was one of the most popular ships during Beta. It can be build without having to invest a fortune and is an ideal ship for new and experienced pilots. The ship technology and Lua was done by Hagbard with efficiency and performance in mind The great High Quality Voxelwork was done by Chewie_1. It included a warp drive, 2x uncommon or advanced Atmo engines, 2x uncommon or advanced Space engines. Free Boost to my placement skills if you visit Hagbard on Alioth. - Atmo/Space/Warp capable - 300-1000 tons of cargo depending on pilot and placement talents - fast, light and designed to be as efficient and easy to fly as possible - Features Hagbard's flight control script with brake assistant Alt hold and tons of other useful features Important Note: The Lua on this ship was designed for Input Scheme Keyboard and any Mouse controlled input scheme is NOT supported! ==== Some features for the included HUD ==== - Full Autolevel in space and Atmo -- In Space choose to autloevel based on nearest planet gravity or choose your own "reference" by pressing a key combination and keep the current leveling -- when entering the pilot seat in space, the current orientation will automatically be used for autoleveling - Altitude Hold/Orbit Hold seamless transition from alt Hold to orbit Hold just by changing target Altitude -- Fully Automatic re-entry from space to atmo - Adaptive engine thrust. By default fly with ultra fuel efficient Maneuver engine and hovers. When needed (or manually activated), additional military engine and vertical boosters will be activated automatically - Collision avoidance -- when in AltHold and ground is detected, target Alt will be adjusted automatically -- when falling towards ground and descend speed is too high in the last 100m, brakes and vertical boosters will be used automatically to slow down descend speed - Can be "flown" underwater. - Speed Limiter saves you from heat damage automatically - can be flown by using A/D,W/S and throttle controls only. The ship will control the roll axis (Q/E keys) automatically to avoid sideways drift and allow smooth cornering - Non obtrusive HUD avoids visual on-screen clutter -- optionally press Shift Alt 4 to display all HUD Widgets when needed - Vertical Boosters present but will not consume any space fuel in low load situations, Boosters will be activated automatically when high descend speeds are detected near ground - Display of brake distance to make your space travel easier The rebellion was build to make it up-gradable. - The 4 main engines can be exchanged with higher tier variants easily. Just make sure that those engines which should be "off" by default get an engine tag "2nd" == Waypoint Mgmt System == The Rebellion 1f has >120 built in waypoints included in the Lua. Press Alt & Cursor Up/Down to access the Waypoint selection The wapoints are organized in groups. Skip to the next group using Alt & Cursor-Left to go one group forward or Shift additionally for backwards. == Using custom Waypoints == you can create a small Lua file on your PC to define your own wapyoints in the HUD. The file has to be placed in <Dual Universe Install Dir>\game\data\lua\ Filename has to be poilist.lua Here is the a sample file content: -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- local poilist = { version = "Poilist 1" } MaxRotatingWaypoints=3 function poilist.loadLocations() p = {{}} p[1] = {"DCA","Marina Hagbard He", "::pos{0,2,38.3979,62.9920,62.5495}"} p[#p+1] = {"DCA","Alioth Market 6", "::pos{0,2,36.0044,101.3503,220.0897}"} p[#p+1] = {"DCA","Haven tile near M20", "::pos{0,27,-24.1271,63.9619,64.4522}"} return p end return poilist -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- Use that as a template to create your own POI list. Fell free to add more POIs as needed. The parameter Order is: "group","Name","POSstring" The display name in the UI will be "Group"-"Name"
Rebellion by Chewie and Hagbard

=== Rebellion === "When an affordable ship actually performs better then most expensive ships out there, it might be a Rebellion... " The Rebellion is a ship created by Hagbard and Chewie_1. It was one of the most popular ships during Beta. It can be build without having to invest a fortune and is an ideal ship for new and experienced pilots. The ship technology and Lua was done by Hagbard with efficiency and performance in mind The great High Quality Voxelwork was done by Chewie_1 using the 2d voxelplaner gifted to the community by jaylebreak. It has includes a warp drive, uncommon Atmo engines and a Shield S. Free Boost to my placement skills if you visit Hagbard on Alioth. - Atmo/Space/Warp capable - 300-1000 tons of cargo depending on pilot and placement talents - fast, light and designed to be as efficient and easy to fly as possible - Features Hagbard's flight control script with brake assistant Alt hold and tons of other usefull features Oct. 20th 22: The DU Player Kukacha created a parts list to help player have an easy overview on which parts to get: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SC6omX1ykK6Aef5Pq0dxvJCkHTPk-JDOBHxrO-BM-_c/edit#gid=0 Update Rebellion 2b ( Oct 14th 22) ==> Updated for DU Release version. No overlapping elements, fully equipped BP, so that you can decide when placing which elements to actually include. You can place it without Warp,Shield,Canopies,Lights,encampment chairs, screens,Lua Board, Database,landing gears to save time and quanta if you prefer. For now we cannot offer this BP for free anymore, so we tried to make it affordable and are offering a "release discount" of only 1.5m Quanta for a limited time. Important Note: The Lua on this ship was designed for Input Scheme Keyboard and any Mouse controlled input scheme is NOT supported! ==== Some features for the included HUD ==== - Full Autolevel in space and Atmo -- In Space choose to autloevel based on nearest planet gravity or choose your own "reference" by pressing a key combination and keep the current leveling -- when entering the pilot seat in space, the current orienation will automatically be used for autoleveling - Altitude Hold/Orbit Hold seamless transition from alt Hold to orbit Hold just by changing target Altitude -- Fully Automatic re-entry from space to atmo - Adaptive engine thrust. By default fly with ultra fuel efficient Maneuver engine and hovers. When needed (or manually activated), additional military engine and vertical boosters will be activated automatically - Collision avoidance -- when in AltHold and ground is detected, target Alt will be adjusted automatically -- when falling towards ground and descend speed is too high in the last 100m, brakes and vertical boosters will be used automatically to slow down descend speed - Can be "flown" underwater. - Speed Limiter saves you from heat damage automatically - can be flown by using A/D,W/S and throttle controls only. The ship will control the roll axis (Q/E keys) automatically to avoid sideways drift and allow smooth cornering - Non obtrusive HUD avoids visual on screen clutter -- optionally press Shift Alt 4 to display all HUD Widgets when needed - Vertical Boosters present but will not consume any space fuel in low load situations, Boosters will be activated automatically when high descend speeds are detected near ground - Display of brake distance to make your space travel easier The rebellion was build to make it upgradeable. - The 4 main engines can be exchanged with higher tier variants easily. Just make sure that those engines which should be "off" by default get an engine tag "2nd" - The rebellion has space reserved for a shield generator s == Waypoint Mgmt System ( since 1f) == The Rebellion 1f has >180 built in waypoints included in the LUA. Press Alt & Cursor Up/Down to access the Waypoint selection The wapoints are organised in groups. Skrip to the next group using Alt & CursorLeft to go one group forward or Shift additionally for backwards. == Using custom your own Waypoints == you can create a small Lua file on your PC to define your own wapyoints in the HUD. The file has to be placed in <Dual Universe Install Dir>\game\data\lua\ Filename has to be poilist.lua Here is the a sample file content: -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- local poilist = { version = "Poilist 1" } function poilist.loadLocations() p = {{}} p[1] = {"Hagbard","Showroom", "::pos{0,2,37.9534,63.5323,7.9565}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Chewie Base", "::pos{0,2,9.4456,45.4257,108.8897}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Yobbous Base(must see)", "::pos{0,2,39.3317,21.6829,87.5876}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Hedronic Library Teoma", "::pos{0,8,1.5059,133.7962,99.1187}"} return p end return poilist -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- Use that as a template to create your own POI list. Fell free to add more POIs as needed. The parameter Order is "group","Name","POSstring" The display name in the UI will be Group-Name BP's will be made available again soon(TM)
Defiance by Chewie & Hagbard

We gave the Defiance an update for Release. She is a true agile fun to fly little warp shuttle. if you tried her you will compare most other ships in terms of agility to this one.... BP 4m Quanta. Dispensers are in the Alioth Marina VR: "Alioth Marina" ( do NOT buy Blueprints in VR!) Tokens available. ask Hagbard#8837 on discord
Kurgan's speedboat

This is a Speedboat created by The Kurgan from IC. I added all my boat tech to it to make it "feel" like like a real boat.