Warp cell Factory

I proudly Present the Wydee-Design warp cell factory! The warp cell factory can produce 188 warp cells a day without any talents and goes up to 240. Put the ores on the input HUb on the control room at the entry of the factory and everything is being produced for you without any action to do. Everything is well designed inside and organized in a very clear industrial layout. We bring to you lean and visual management. Production behavior: - There is enough container storage to handle a complete week production - The consumption for a week is the following: - Bauxite ~48k - Hematite ~24k - Coal ~63k - Quartz ~91k - Malachite ~18k - Limestone ~35k - Natron ~14k - Pyrite ~12k - Petalite 2.6k - Acanthite ~14k The required schematics to make this run for a WEEK are the following: - Pure product schematics P2: ~1170 - Pure product schematics P3: ~ 500 - Product schematics P1: ~1750 - Product schematics P2: ~350 - Product schematics P3: ~ 210 - Warp cell schematics: ~ 1400 All those numbers are the minimum required (with a buffer included) to make the factory running for a week with: - no talents on speed increase for production - talents lvl 5 pure P1 - talents lvl 3/4 pure P2 - talents lvl 3/4 pure P3 - talents lvl 1/4 on basic products (polycarbonate / polycalcite / polysuflide / alloys (Al-Fe, Cu-Ca-Cu-Ag / Glass (basic, advanced, Ag-Li) If your talents are a bit high than this increase the capacity to make a full run for a week by 10%. Those numbers are mentionned on the screens inside the entry hall where the materials must be inserted in front of each Hubs and maintain rules are also mentionned. To deploy the factory the entrance is in front of you when you deploy it. For BP come to see me on Haven @ ::pos{2,27,27.7968,346.8901,40.2505} or contact me on discord JamesWydee (james78650)#9448 Token are not available for now: depending on the demand I will organize myself for make those available when my talents are going to be updated to LVL 5 (in one month would be available). Come to see the factory by VR @ Wydee_ShowRoom

Compact shuttle with comfortable interior, perfect for fast travel. XS Core low cost warp capable shuttle: 2 Warp cell - Madis 5 warp cell - Talemai Ship details: - Equiped with fuel monitoring - Equiped with Damage monitoring - Equiped with warp map - Atmo radar - Space radar - 6 passengers capable - Rez pod Fuel tanks accessible from the inside. Engines are military advanced For BP contact me via discord or come to see me on Haven on my location ::pos{0,27,28.3078,179.2059,24.5693} Come to see me via VR @ Wydee_ShowRoom
Star Discovery MK1

The Star Discovery perfectly stands for you if you are starting playing DU. This ship is dedicated to new players who wants to start to mine asteroid on safe zone exclusively as fast as possible in the game. Easy to build based on the blueprint as the required elements and materials are cheap, don't hesitate, this ship for a reasonable price will boost your capacity to make money! He is equipped with a single L container and an integrated DSAT. He can without any problem get in / out Alioth or Haven atmosphere at full cargo capacity in auto pilot mode. Scripts equiped: - Arch hud from Archeago - Ship info script from Krengus. Specification : 4 L basic atmo engine + 2M atmo basic engine 2 L basic space engine +4M space basic engine For BP come to see me on Haven @ ::pos{2,27,27.7968,346.8901,40.2505} or contact me on discord JamesWydee (james78650)#9448 Come to see ship by VR @ Wydee_ShowRoom
Star shaper MK1

After many months of working on it, I'm proud to present the STAR SHAPER MK 1.0. Before starting the description of the ship, all the statistics given on the page are done with the cargo capacity fulfilled @80% to not over states the presentation and to give a proper vision of the ship with cargo on it. And those stats are provided with LVL 5 talents for ship. SO once builded you need to upgrade the talents on it to 5. This ship is dedicated to mission / asteroid mining as it integrate a DSAT inside giving you the opportunity to fly from an asteroid to another one with a 4 L Containers capacity as main hub + 2 S Containers as secondary Hub for warp cells. The Star Shaper is perfectly balanced to provide the best flying experience to their users. Their is obviously an interior design with multiple rooms dedicated to game aspect apart a meeting room which is their for the roleplay. The Star Shaper is equipped with an anti gravity engine and a dock on the below part of the ship that can give access to a small pocket ship. With this setup you can stop on altitude where you want to go and just take your pocket ship to go down on surface staying in distance from your linked containers, which gives you the opportunity to go to market doing business without landing. The DSAT is accessible / can be monitored from the cockpit and is perfectly integrated into the ship to provide the best design / look & feel. The anti gravity engine is also monitored via the cockpit with a screen & a script that allow to setup the anti gravity altitude / set status of the AntiGrav (Active / Offline) The ship is equipped with the standard scripts: - Ship info - Archeo orbital HUD - Warp map - Anti gravity monitoring The Star Shaper as been tested multiple times / adjusted to reach the perfect balanced announced further. It can go to space from Allioth with 4KT cargo weight without any problems which is approx the max capacity of the cargo space with a mix of different T1 Ores. I didn't test it with full Emathite but due to the buffer of power the ship goes it will works without any problems. I hope this ship will satisfy your needs, and that the design will be appreciated by the DU players. For BP come to see me on Haven @ ::pos{2,27,27.7968,346.8901,40.2505} or contact me on discord JamesWydee (james78650)#9448 Token are not available for now: depending on the demand I will organize myself for make those available. Come to see the Star Shaper by VR @ Wydee_ShowRoom