Head Engineer, Seawing Hypersonics. Nice to meet you!

Welcome. You found the ship, or did it find you? Blazing in atmosphere, brisk in space, the Tiger represents Seawing Hypersonics' pursuit of the highest performance level at the lowest price point possible! Featuring an all T1 loadout leaving ample room for upgrades, the Tiger's carefully tuned layout and minimized cross section achieves (with placement buffs and talents) a top speed of 2,500km/h in atmosphere. The ship comes with a modular XL cargo pod consisting of 3 L containers, which enables the ship to handle 1.8kt delivery missions. Like all our ships, the X50 prototype was subjected to over 300+ high speed burn stress flights, with adjustments made after every single flight to reduce burning of its functional elements. The cumulative results of this work is a very high degree of heat resistance baked into the hull design, enabling it to shrug off and push through flames that would have long melted rival ships. The Tiger sits in an ideal middle ground for daily driving. Light enough to handle like a nimble bird when empty, yet with the muscle to move all the ore you'd need to on a daily basis. Its modest tonnage allows for warps that, while not so cheap as a shuttle, won't break the bank either! The Tiger comes fully fitted with a cozy space-maximizing interior featuring: -Functional cockpit switches -Copilot seat with a full set of controls -Gunnery station (the ship can easily mount an M shield generator between the front forks for conversion into PvP capability) -Dedicated server rack to run all your scripts -Surrogate pad -VR pod -Resurrection node -Pilot quarters -Restroom -Kitchenette -Dining/lounge area -Excellent exterior views -Top and Bottom hatch ingress/egress If you've been looking for your 'Millenium Falcon', try a Tiger today! Visit the ship in VR under 'X50 TIGER' For Heat Shield activation instructions, and hypersonic flight instruction contact Seawing Ingame! Hotkey guide: Alt-1: Parking Brake Alt-3: Hypersonic control mode (use this to prevent overloading the heat shield during speeds > 1800km/h) Alt-4: Standard control mode (the default it starts in) Alt-5: Performance mode (maximum pitch/roll rates, do not use during high speed flight, you will overload the heat shield) ++Update 1.14.23++ Voxel art on the top plate completed! You can customize the stripe color during deployment by replacing Glossy Steel voxel. To hide the stripes, simply use Glossy Aluminium.
P2 Scout

The P2 Scout has been scrambled into production to meet the alien threat encroaching upon our skies! Armed with 7 magazines worth of cannon ammunition, this long range scout skirmisher has the endurance to keep battling it out mission after mission without needing to return to a carrier or base. Lightweight construction ensures performance, yet its armored top plate uses high grade 5 titanium allowing it to tank hits should it become necessary to vent the shield! Unlike many space-only competitors, the P2 may operate from ground bases, removing the need for time consuming ship transfers! It is capable of launching to orbit from the ground on its rocket afterburner, as well as gliding back to a safe landing like the space shuttles of ancient history. Initial UEF combat reports show the P2 has proven itself capable of dominating in encounters with alien advance scouting parties, with over 90% of sorties reporting swift victory and only moderate damage to shields which did not require the use of a single vent cycle!
Seawing S20

The Seawing S20 is an Old-Earth Hybrid Heavy Lift Long Range Transport Aircraft. Predating the founding of Seawing Hypersonics, the S20 takes a different philosophy to moving payloads to space. Whether empty or hauling a kiloton the massive amalgam wing's custom tuned aerodynamics do all of the work, enabling a steady climb even with the nose NOT raised above the horizon. The wing itself is capable of safely deorbiting payloads up to 3,500t, providing almost 48MN of lifting force. The ship remains highly agile even while hauling its recommended payload of 800t. Designed as a platform for various modules, the dorsal docking port on the S20 supports the attachment of additional cargo pods, the S10 or S32 Scout ships, a DSAT module, or a Tri Scanner. Featuring two crew positions and two jumpseats, the S20 interior is designed to be cozy and make the most of a minimal floorplan with a workhorse aesthetic. The cockpit view is good to excellent, with effort made in ensuring good visibility at all head angles. Modern S20's have been refit with Moltres™ shield technology, enabling them to withstand reentry and atmospheric cruising speeds that would destroy all but the most advanced of its peers. With the refit shield in place, they are capable of hypersonic cruising speeds of 8000+km/h in atmosphere.
M10 Maintenance Module

The M10 Maintenance Module is designed to pair with the R10 Reliant, but can easily serve on any S core+ ship to add modular repair/salvage capability on the go! The M10 may be left to disassemble salvage finds while the mothership moves on in search of other loot! M10 maintenance unit bps are included in the purchase of R10 Reliants!
P6 Patroller

P6 Patroller corvettes serve as UEF Navy picket ships, screening larger combat vessels from attack with their agile rapid cannon fire. Atypical of most space-only combat vessels, P6s may be launched from ground stations to orbit on as little as 15% of their rocket fuel, allowing for 75 seconds worth of additional afterburner fuel for combat scenarios. Upon return they are equipped for gliding landings back to their home bases.
R10 Reliant

Built with industrial ruggedness, Reliant class support ships are renowned for their ample overhead of hover, lift, and braking power, padding even the heaviest loads with a generous margin of safety, ideal for newer pilots while giving veterans the power to push the airframe to its limits. Exceptional fuel range, Healthy onboard storage room, and a configurable technical sub-deck allow Reliants to be configured to their owner's mission, with room for shielding, warp drives, weaponry and more! The Reliant also features a rear flight deck with room for two xs craft and has been designed specially to operate with the P2 fighter (pictured above). BPs are available at the Seawing Hypersonics store! On the VR network as Seawing Hypersonics(But don't buy in VR!)
MX1E MiniCat

Seawing Hypersonics proudly presents our offering in the pocket ship market, the MX1 MiniCat! 3000+ km/h Speed, 30G turns, and our proprietary heat shield combine into a pocket hoverboard for two of unrivaled agility. Whether you're making a quick market run, or feel like shredding the mountain valleys, the Minicat thrives in the turn n' burn world. Low build cost, extreme performance. Ask the seller about heat shield activation! Check out the Minicat in VR at Seawing Hypersonics! Demo rides free if you catch Seawing online :D Alt+1: Parking Brake Alt+2: Blank Alt+3: Low Control Sensitivity (good for maximizing speed in turns) Alt+4: Normal Control Sensitivity Alt+5: High Control Sensitivity Trick Mode (for styling. Beware, twitchy!) NOTICE:: I have received a report of the middle engine not operating after first time blueprint deployment. If this issue occurs, simply compactify and redeploy the ship to permanently clear the error.
Scan Module

Simple, modular, cheap! Why carry 200 tons of scanner around when you don't need it? With our modular tri-scanner, simply dock the unit to your ship when you want to do some scanning, and leave it at home when you're out doing other things! Built on a S core dynamic for docking to M cores and above. BP available at Seawing Hypersonics located at ::pos{0,2,35.3369,59.6272,0.4394}
S12 Spincat

Seawing Hypersonics is proud to release the S12 Spincat to the starter ship market! Built to maximize performance out of a 500k build budget, These small scouts can be quickly assembled for new org mates, new players, or longtime vets looking for a nimble market runner. But just because the S12 is a starter doesn't mean it's slow or lacking in power and endurance! Basic engines push the Spincat to 1500km/h(after placement buffs and talents), and the ship has been built with easy-engine-swap voxel mounts making replacement with higher tier engines doable in under a minute! A Medium space fuel tank provides nearly 600,000km/h of delta V, easily taking this ship on several asteroid or interplanetary trips before refueling becomes necessary! It is fitted with full 3D maneuvering thrusters for operating from space platforms or low/zero G environs. The Spincat is also ready for external cargo loads! Due to using an S core, the Spincat can easily piggyback additional cargo, or xs core ships <500 tons. Armed with a single xs cannon, S12 Scouts can also serve as training platforms for new pilots to learn the fundamentals of gunnery. If that wasn't enough, the S12 features a robust heat protection system, allowing the ship to cruise around Alioth at 4000-8000km/h in upper atmosphere, and withstand reentries at 6000+km/h with minimal or no damage, making it far and away one of the speediest starters on the market.

If you loved the games, I think you'll love this dragster sled. 2400km/h at sea level. Moltres Shield™. Embrace the flame! Contact seller for details and setup instructions for the Moltres™.
S32 Wavesplitter

Seawing Hypersonics presents the S32 WAVESPLITTER. An ultra-light ultra-affordable Mach 8 hauler/market/mission runner designed to be the fastest point-to-point transport on Alioth. Fall in love with flying over Alioth all over again with a wavesplitter at your command~ All stats shown in the attributes are with lv0 talents. Lv4 Talent performance shown in screenshot. The S32 was and is the test platform for our flagship Moltres Shield™ technology. Specialized flight instruction recommended for new owners, contact seller. Find us on VR at 'Seawing Hypersonics'! //UPDATE Dec 1, 2022// New H model available with added third S container and two additional Hover M's, more than doubling the payload capacity to 250t! //UPDATE Dec 4, 2022// S32 cargo pod now developed, tripling the original ship's capacity to 90kL! Free bps included with the S32

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//!WARNING!// //You are accessing a UEF Government authorized information system, which includes (1) this computer, (2) this computer network, (3) all computers connected to this network, (4) all devices and storage media attached to this network or to a computer on this network, and (5) all cloud services and hosting environments supporting this information system. This information system is provided for UEF Government-authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action, as well as civil and criminal penalties. By logging in and using this information system, you understand and consent to the following: -You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding communications or data transiting or stored on this information system. -At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, communication between the user and this information system, data transiting to/from the system, or stored on this system is subject to monitoring, interception, and search. -Any communications or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose. //Acknowledge?// Y //User ID: *********** //Password: ************************** ... //Welcome, submit query// Crow Feathers //1 File Match// Download //!WARNING!// //Clearance required. Authenticate// Whiskey-Sierra-Four-Four-Tango //Access Granted// //File Copy in Progress// //Ventral...............................Done //Quarter.............................Done //Performance...................Done //FlightTest......... //!WARNING!// //UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS// //Link Terminated//

The completion of the Moltres heat shield project has allowed new designs that would previously have destroyed themselves seconds after opening up the throttle. The result is a dragster muscle ship that (with lv4 piloting talents) can hit 3000km/h at sea level using only basic engines, has 19Gs of high altitude lift with full fuel, can withstand the fires of a 5000km/h reentry, and can comfortably haul 500t anywhere in the system while maintaining a low starter-friendly build cost. It is certified for hypersonic flight up to 10,000km/h in upper atmosphere! Moltres™ heat shield equipped. Contact the seller after your purchase for free hypersonic flight tips, and activation instructions on the Moltres shield!
PX70 Aznable Tiger

"Three times faster" WIP Hypermaneuver Prototype from Seawing Hypersonics. The sequel to the X50 Tiger. Built with basic parts, lv5 placements(some 3's) and lv 4-5 piloting talents.