Stellar Forge



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The Stellarwing is an exercise in minimalism. Available in both cargo and warp versions. Its fitted with a few chairs if you care to take your alts or friends along with you. For those using it as an alt carrier, you can easily fit a res node inside the ship covering the upper hatch. She also has minimal cross-section, so even when using rare militaries, has good fuel consumption.

We won't lie the warp version is far from the fastest, but by using only medium engines, it has exceptional fuel consumption. She warps from Alioth to Teoma on 14 warp cells fully fueled, which isn't bad for something a little more brash than a warp drive with wings and a few engines. She also has storage to store a warp drive in the cargo and will make it to space with decent skills and a patient pilot in this configuration (3's should do it).

In cargo mode, she has 4 xs containers and 2 s. More than enough for whipping around to the market and small pick-ups. She'll easily carry 100t, with 200 not being out of the question with a patient pilot. She'll cruise at over 2000 with altitude without popping components.

Blueprints are available for 1,000,000 quanta and we can make tokens available on request. But it will take us a short while to cook the engines up for you.

Pop along to Stellar Forge | VR: "Stellar Forge" and see her for yourself.

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Note: If you fly with ARCH or any other autopiloting type HUD, due to how optimised this ship is, it may show as overweight when loaded with some cargo in it. It may also overshoot its braking point. The ship has been well balanced and has no nasty handling characteristics if you are flying manually, it is also capable of carrying weight. However, It is purely designed as a warp shuttle, it is not really made to carry anything more than you and full tanks. If you want to carry anything mroe significant than 10-20t or blueprints, the Rouen may be a better choice. (or the new WIP shuttle which will be released soon, which sits between the Rouen and the StellarWing).

Created 1 year ago
Updated 1 year ago

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1 year ago


For anyone looking to buy the StellarWing, some of the elements are Advanced / Rare and can be quite tricky to get from the market. We are looking at facilitating Tokens over the next month or so, but in the mean time the containers are relatively easy to place with basics. Or if you'd rather, i can create you a BP with Basic components swapped out.

Stellar Forge
Fat Rillos
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