Stellar Forge
Stellar Forge: Experience Optimal Ship Design. Where Precision meets Performance.
Rouen V2
Stellar Forge

The Rouen V2 is a high performance S core warp shuttle from Stellar Forge. She's the perfect tool for exploring or collecting from those lower yield off world flowers. Equipped with inertia damping software she is agile, precise and powerful. Due to a decently small cross-section, in testing she made 1400kms in atmosphere without damaging components. The components are mainly advanced, with upgrades to Rare where warranted. Twin Rare Military Space engines ensures she gets to warp altitude quickly (a little under 8g of space thrust) and the 6 optimised containers means she can pack a decent load while doing so. In testing the Rouen was easily able to handle 500t of cargo and with a little care will easily take 1kt (Level 5 boosts and 4 Piloting skills). Fully fueled she will make the trip from Alioth to Teoma on 40 warp cells, with the warp cells stored separately to not impact your carrying capacity. She also has rockets for that little extra punch if required. Those not requiring rockets can either deploy the Rouen without them, or remove them later on. Alongside the class leading performance, the Rouen has a shuttle bay. This is sized to fit most common work platforms or smaller pocketable ships. Blue prints are available for 5,000,000 quanta and tokens may be available on request. Pop along to Stellar Forge | VR: "Stellar Forge" and see her for yourself. Join our discord for updates and news from the org.
Stellar Forge

In a joint effort with our friends at ODY we are proud to bring you the Sleek and clean light hauler. Vanguard. With room for AGG if you want to upgrade the containers to advanced optimized for more carry capacity. This ship is optimized for multiple tiers of upgrades. Tested to 1.5 kt with lvl 3 pilot. Many upgrade options available. Ask us in our discord about options. Token sales soon. BP sales at ODY Showroom ::pos{0,2,23.6496,73.9653,18.3156}
Stellar Forge

A small core with big ambition. The Ridgeback is agile very maneuverable and capable. Tested to 1.5kt off of Alioth with good skills. Small hangar for your pocketables. VR: Stellar Forge
DHP (Darths handy platform)
Stellar Forge

New Product by DarthShelL in association with Stellar Forge Rapid ongoing development DHP v.1 A little taste of what's to come ask in our creators page about options and upcoming features. VR: Stellar Forge
DHP hybrid
Stellar Forge

New Product by DarthShelL in association with Stellar Forge Rapid ongoing development DHP hybrid v.1 A little taste of what's to come ask in our creators page about options and upcoming features. VR: Stellar Forge
Short Bus
Stellar Forge

Small, fast and balanced market runner. Made for those quick runs to get those little bits. Atmo only version available. VR: Stellar Forge
Stellar Forge

The Stellarwing is an exercise in minimalism. Available in both cargo and warp versions. Its fitted with a few chairs if you care to take your alts or friends along with you. For those using it as an alt carrier, you can easily fit a res node inside the ship covering the upper hatch. She also has minimal cross-section, so even when using rare militaries, has good fuel consumption. We won't lie the warp version is far from the fastest, but by using only medium engines, it has exceptional fuel consumption. She warps from Alioth to Teoma on 14 warp cells fully fueled, which isn't bad for something a little more brash than a warp drive with wings and a few engines. She also has storage to store a warp drive in the cargo and will make it to space with decent skills and a patient pilot in this configuration (3's should do it). In cargo mode, she has 4 xs containers and 2 s. More than enough for whipping around to the market and small pick-ups. She'll easily carry 100t, with 200 not being out of the question with a patient pilot. She'll cruise at over 2000 with altitude without popping components. Blueprints are available for 1,000,000 quanta and we can make tokens available on request. But it will take us a short while to cook the engines up for you. Pop along to Stellar Forge | VR: "Stellar Forge" and see her for yourself. Join our discord for updates and news from the org. Note: If you fly with ARCH or any other autopiloting type HUD, due to how optimised this ship is, it may show as overweight when loaded with some cargo in it. It may also overshoot its braking point. The ship has been well balanced and has no nasty handling characteristics if you are flying manually, it is also capable of carrying weight. However, It is purely designed as a warp shuttle, it is not really made to carry anything more than you and full tanks. If you want to carry anything mroe significant than 10-20t or blueprints, the Rouen may be a better choice. (or the new WIP shuttle which will be released soon, which sits between the Rouen and the StellarWing).
Stellavator S
Stellar Forge

An elevator as elegant in design as it is in operation. This is a beautifully crafted elevator which can lift 5kt. It can be set up to follow a path perpendicular to the construct from which it was launched. This will allow elevators on the same, or adjacent, aligned cores to travel parallel paths to space, and arrive in the same relative locations in space as they hold on the ground. It does not use breadcrumbs, neither does it stop to correct deviation, as deviation is continually corrected while in flight. It maintains the same flight axis at all times, so does not become confused if it gets nearer to another celestial body than whence it started. Automatic docking is standard, with an extremely simple and reliable circuit. There are two setup modes, a simple one intended for first time deployment or testing, and a precise one, which uses a programming board, intended for parallel axes use, and after moving an elevator to a new location. VR to Stellar Forge Showroom to view. Blueprints are now available at the base of the Stellar Forge tower: ::pos{0,2,40.5746,92.2619,4.9188} Both the docking circuit and the position finding programming board code are non-drm, not secret, and available to any purchaser on request.