Stellar Forge

Stellavator S


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An elevator as elegant in design as it is in operation.
This is a beautifully crafted elevator which can lift 5kt.

It can be set up to follow a path perpendicular to the construct from which it was launched. This will allow elevators on the same, or adjacent, aligned cores to travel parallel paths to space, and arrive in the same relative locations in space as they hold on the ground.

It does not use breadcrumbs, neither does it stop to correct deviation, as deviation is continually corrected while in flight.

It maintains the same flight axis at all times, so does not become confused if it gets nearer to another celestial body than whence it started.

Automatic docking is standard, with an extremely simple and reliable circuit.

There are two setup modes, a simple one intended for first time deployment or testing, and a precise one, which uses a programming board, intended for parallel axes use, and after moving an elevator to a new location.

VR to Stellar Forge Showroom to view.
Blueprints are now available at the base of the Stellar Forge tower: ::pos{0,2,40.5746,92.2619,4.9188}

Both the docking circuit and the position finding programming board code are non-drm, not secret, and available to any purchaser on request.

Created 1 year ago
Updated 11 months ago

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1 year ago


As for the set-up. It's super simple and super precise. We've managed to fit the elevator in docks with less than 1/6 voxel gap on each side. We have a PDF guide on the discord (including pics of our projects) and one of us will be more than happy to talk you through it should you struggle. If there's enough demand, i might even throw a short video together.

Also, we "might" be offering tokens, depending on if there is demand for it.

1 year ago


We are currently working on an L-Core, which is the size of an M-Core. (There is an XS and an L planned, but not an M (No point, may as well use an L) and we will be pricing the bp similarly. No point gouging you, we'd rather you saved your quanta to use on fancy materials and engines.

As for the lift of the L-Core... In it's current mock up, we've done 10kt comfortably, but not stretched it just yet as it meets our needs. It has however, been designed for users to add more engines with little pain and i'll prob make a BP for "full" engines also. I imagine it would probably be in the 20+kt range on Alioth (and much more coming back down). If you have a number to aim for, give me a shout on our discord and we could work something out for you.

1 year ago

Armand Reed

How much would you think your L core elevator could lift? And yes I would need help with setup and installation. I don't think I could get it to land/dock correctly without some professional help.

1 year ago

Stellar Forge

We intend to produce an M core size elevator but with an L core. Also DIY cores. We can help with setup.

1 year ago

Armand Reed

Do you have bigger ones? And would you help set it up?

Stellar Forge
Fat Rillos


Dry Weight:

1,280 t

Cargo Space:

648.96 kL


Cargo Lift:

5,000 t

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint