Titan Aerospace
Badger Starter Dropship
Titan Aerospace

DISCONTINUED: PLEASE SEE THE CURRENT BADGER FULL RELEASE This is the starter version of the Badger, all black aluminium honeycomb to help with printing. It can be spawned without things like windows and doors if you don't have them. Basic engines. Its been tested to take a DSAT from Haven with no problems. Anyone that buys this starter version can upgrade to the full version for 500k (1.5m full BP price) once I have them up and running. I upgraded this version for more thrust, lift and brakes to help in early game so those changes need to be retrofitted to the full version once i can print one. The stats listed are for the original badger.
Titan Aerospace

The Hemera is an all in one home cruiser, with all the luxury and living space you need for long deep space missions and 14 Large cargo containers for hauling large loads. Some small extra crew containers are positioned in crew quarters and can be configured individually. Various picture screens and boards are located around the ship for you to add LUA,scripts and displays as you like, giving a custom feel to the ship. I revised the original Hemera from 2 XL engines to 4. This increases cross section slightly which means you'll need to push through atmo a little harder, but when the XL's take over the transition into space is much easier which compensates for the slight atmo speed loss. It also makes space hauling easier, I found that the 2 XL's were stressed when carrying heavy loads. The focus on this ship was utility. There is room in the forward deck for either a large shield or DSAT and room in the cockpit to add 2 crew seats for either DSAT management (the DSAT is accessible from one of the optional crew seats in the ceiling just outside the bridge) or to add 2 gunner chairs. Space for ammo containers is available in the cockpit. The ship can also be flown from one of the crew seats for solo piloting and DSAT management. Hauling from atmo is good, up to around 5-6kt (I would stay around 4-5kt since they nerfed adjustors) depending on engines and talents and 4 XL engines make space trucking a breeze. A captains quarters and 2 crew quarters are located near the bridge. On the top deck there is a landing pad for a speeder or warp shuttle. Contact me for help with configuring seats etc and i'll boost for free. VR to TITAN SHIPYARDS TO VIEW.
Titan Aerospace

Deliverance from Titan Aerospace is the Flagship of our line-up. Note: The LUA will need to be set up to your prefered flight scripts etc as it still has some older LUA on which im not sure still works. I've not been able to test this ship since launch because of the spawn cost, but im happy to help with any issues should you find any. With 19 Expanded XL cargo containers its designed to move significant volumes of cargo in comfort. The 4 spacious crew cabins have an un-paralleled view of the system with privacy shutters for those, personal, moments. The front multi purpose mounts (shown with rails placed) can take a weapon or an EX XL container, allowing for 2 extra containers to be placed for even more storage. Placements have been made available for 2 gunner positions (although a 3rd could be added giving 10 lasers and 3 rails), allowing for a defensive system of lasers and rail guns. From the captain’s chair emergency lights can be activated, as well as the lights for the 2 landing pads towards the rear of the ship, one with a retractable landing area. The 2 landing pads have an L container each, so RDMS can be set up for guests to refuel, rearm or repair without needing to access the main containers. For those that wish to fly first person a small roof bridge is accessible from the combat bridge. There are 2 maintenance access doors leading to the core and inner workings of the ship to allow for internal repairs. The BP provided is set up with weapons and T3 engines.
Titan Aerospace

The Raven was originally built as a S core, with a low cross section to ensure performance was the best possible. Now moved to an M core, it retains all of its S core performance but adds the ability to dock XS and S ships to it, plus it gave the much needed room at the front of the core to finish the design in the way it was meant to be. The result is a ship that you'll find yourself using time and again, a real daily driver, with just the right blend of every day hauling ability, fuel efficiency and practicality. Lift: 11G of High-altitude lift means the cargo weight is really only limited by the amount you want to spend on engines (and can fit in the 4 L containers). With Advanced military engines close to 3KT is possible, depending on talents and pilot skill. Fuel: A L space tank and L Atmo tank are provided, with a M space tank included for some of the vertical boosters. There is a modest interior with room to make it your own and space at the front to place a warp drive. In the cargo hold, there is room for 1 more L container or other utility items should you need it. Stats listed are with basic engines. I will boost any printed BP's free. ENGINE POSITIONS. Space. 1. X:32.0, Y:-66.0, Z:-0.5 (laid on its side) 2. X:32.0, Y:-66.0, Z:-10.5 (laid on its side) 3. X:44.0, Y:-72.5, Z:-5.5 (upright) Atmo. 1. X:0.0, Y:-73.0, Z:6.5. 2. X:0.0, Y:-73.0, Z:-8.0 Left and right engines placed either side.
Badger - Dropship
Titan Aerospace

Overview: The Badger is a multi role dropship, well suited to mining and light haulage. It packs a lot of ability in its relatively small frame. Cargo Lift: The lift generated from the wings is good enough for around 2kt depending on talents and pilot skill. Depending on the engines you chose cargo lift ranges from 1KT up to the maximum of the wings. Containers: There are 2 M and 2 S containers pre-loaded. There is room for a L container in the main hold, placed across the ship behind the hub. The Hub centralises the ships mass and also provides a good indicator of where to place the container. This gives just over 400kL of cargo at max boost. Engines: There are 4 advanced maneuverer engines as standard but these can be easily replaced for more power and cargo handling. The ship can run in a 2, 3 or 4 engine configuration depending what your uses are for the ship and how much weight matters to you. Engine positions for changing out the atmo engines. top left. x -9.0 y -51.0 z 2.5. top right x 9.0, y -51.0 z. 2.5. then the bottom ones directly below Brakes: The M airbrakes in the front grill can be increased in number by re-laying them without any spaces. This will increase braking power but I preferred the grill type look. Fuel: There are 2 atmo M fuel tanks and 4 space M fuel tanks, one tank for each space engine. Cockpit: All lights (Forward, rear and beacon) can be controlled from the cockpit. There is a res node and surrogate station onboard. If you want to place the warp drive later, the coords are: X:0.0 Y:4.0 Z:-6.0 laid across the ship
Inter City One
Titan Aerospace

Inter City One by Titan Aerospace is a fun pocket speeder, driven by 3 medium atmo engines for maximum thrust and compactible with a full fuel tank. Even on basic engines top speed is over 1,200 km/h, depending on talents. Built for speed and agility its great to fly and means you'll never be stranded. The engines can be upgraded for even higher speeds.
Apollo Cruiser
Titan Aerospace

The Apollo is a highly efficient and versatile cruiser. The narrow cross section (455m2) enables a larger payload because of less atmo drag. Capable of 5kt cargo lift depending on engines installed, talents and pilot skill. Ensure a soft, plane like landing to avoid overloading the vertical boosters if landing heavy. There is a spacious cargo area that can be outfitted to suit the mission. The standard loadout is 7 L containers, 3 more can be added alongside a M shield to fill the hub capacity if required. The interior is spacious and has crew quarters for the captain, a dedicated resurrection chamber and passenger seating. A landing pad is available at the rear of the ship for shuttles or fighter escorts, as the Apollo is an M core, up to S core size can be docked. The Apollo is designed for everyday use, it has a playful flight profile, is efficient enough to pop to the market for a few items but powerful enough to make those large mission runs or asteroid trips too.
Titan Aerospace Mongoose
Titan Aerospace

The Mongoose is an M core Rail boat. It has a warp drive to help get around the system, making it a great patrol boat. I've made the BP for the Mongoose very cheap (500k) to help encourage new people into PVP and for training. PVP in DU can be a lot of fun, dont worry about dying, just have fun. NOTE: Replace the Aged Maraging Steel for your armour of choice.
Titan Aerospace

The Ocelot is an M core cannon boat. Designed for closer range combat, its maneuverable and relatively heavily armoured (60.5m CCS). Replacing the iron honeycomb (and the steel if you would like higher resists) for a higher tier will increase the armour rating VR to Titan Aerospace Citadel to view and head to the pvp ship platform.
Titan Lynx
Titan Aerospace

The Lynx is an L core pvp ship, suited to rails or laser loadouts. Lasers are the default but the pods will also take 2 rails each. The lightweight carbon fibre body helps keep the weight low for manuverability. There is an armoured cockpit area and armoured weapons pod layout. Armour has been placed around adjustor and retro brake hardpoints. A warp drive is included to give the Lynx long range patrol and support abilities.