Titan Aerospace



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Deliverance from Titan Aerospace is the Flagship of our line-up.

Note: The LUA will need to be set up to your prefered flight scripts etc as it still has some older LUA on which im not sure still works. I've not been able to test this ship since launch because of the spawn cost, but im happy to help with any issues should you find any.

With 19 Expanded XL cargo containers its designed to move significant volumes of cargo in comfort. The 4 spacious crew cabins have an un-paralleled view of the system with privacy shutters for those, personal, moments.

The front multi purpose mounts (shown with rails placed) can take a weapon or an EX XL container, allowing for 2 extra containers to be placed for even more storage.

Placements have been made available for 2 gunner positions (although a 3rd could be added giving 10 lasers and 3 rails), allowing for a defensive system of lasers and rail guns.
From the captain’s chair emergency lights can be activated, as well as the lights for the 2 landing pads towards the rear of the ship, one with a retractable landing area.

The 2 landing pads have an L container each, so RDMS can be set up for guests to refuel, rearm or repair without needing to access the main containers.

For those that wish to fly first person a small roof bridge is accessible from the combat bridge.

There are 2 maintenance access doors leading to the core and inner workings of the ship to allow for internal repairs.

The BP provided is set up with weapons and T3 engines.

Created 3 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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1 year ago

Leo Cora

Hi Briggenti. There is 179KL of fuel capacity and a spare hub near the bridge for a lot more fuel. The Deliverance is designed for heavy haulage, let me know if I can help at all with boosting your ship to max out the tank capacity.

1 year ago


Has great capacity and maneuverability, just needs more fuel capacity if used as a heavy hauler, which I realize is not its intended purpose.

2 years ago

Leo Cora

Thanks for the feedback Balko..really happy you like it. Feel free to send me any feedback suggestions to incorporate into future builds.

2 years ago


Now I could test the ship a bit. It is a fantastic piece of work. I have been looking for a ship where I can relax a bit on my long journeys. After some adjustments it has now fully met my taste. But the basic base is more than good. A very good design combined with decent thrust. Which of course you also need with more than 16Kt total weight with the cargo I constantly transport. Good work Leo and keep it up.

3 years ago

Leo Cora

Thanks Tictaq, :)

3 years ago


Nice job Leo

3 years ago

Leo Cora

Hi. Thanks. The HUD is SAGA. I delivered 2 to someone yesterday and they changed it to ArchHuD. As for G. It obviously depends on the engines. I have 2 im delivering today that have 4 XL advanced maneuver engines on the sides and the rest are advanced military. Thats 12G dry. I quite like this engine config so will do a BP with and without weapons.

3 years ago


nice work! may i ask a few questions: 1. whats the G's of thrust at dry weight, and what is her default Hud?

thank you! :D

Titan Aerospace
Leo Cora#5984
Titan Aerospace. Sanctuary. ::pos{0,26,27.7603,-36.2298,0.0000}


Dry Weight:

5,587 t

Cargo Space:

13,824 kL


Space Thrust:

612 MN

Space Brake:

1,497 MN

Space Hover:

30.38 MN

Space Fuel:

179 kL

  • Core
    • L

  • Env
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Token
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Weapons
    • Warp
    • Shield