
Brute S-core Freighter


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NOTICE: Due to my dissatisfaction with this ship's performance and aesthetics, it is now retired. No further tokens will be sold. Cheap DRM-free BPs will be distributed through a soon-to-be-placed dispenser.

NOTICE: With some recent changes to obstruction calculation, the brute has lost about 15% of it's total atmo thrust due to the forward atmo engines being more obstructed. It can still do 2kt cargo, but I'm revising the advertised max to 1.75kt.
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The Brute S-core freighter is designed for short solo/duo mining trips and mid-range missions. It has a detailed interior and a shapely exterior with lots of personality.

Internal cargo capacity is 384kL(4M containers), with designated external attach points for three additional L containers, allowing expansion up to 996kL for carrying high-volume, low-mass loads such as bauxite. Max cargo mass is around 1.75kt.

The ship can also be used for safe zone asteroid mining. A spot has been cleared in the cargo bay to insert a DSAT at coords 0,0,-3.
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Single-use BP - N/A

Created 4 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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1 year ago

Armand Reed

So yeah all that happened.

1 year ago


aceman wish go there because l not going there to talk you will get a surpise trust me

1 year ago


alot fck karen

1 year ago


kid try to be man guy start this shit guess what 2 fckmother say anything fck y

1 year ago


aceman suck my ball gay fck fck yr gay mom fck cum

1 year ago


look you ass hole like to play that game ok waant fight bring on credence fck yr mother but she have gray puss fck off

1 year ago


First... Who TF is acemen? You arent even smart enough to copy/paste shit correctly. But, to settle the coward portion of that childish ignorance, heres my address. Im waiting ya little cunt
812 SW High Ave
Topeka Kansas 66606

Its getting late though, so hurry your illiterate little ass up

1 year ago


Says the guy that's leaving messages on Discord that make no sense then blocking poeple.

1 year ago


fck y @credence and @acemen chicken shit coward

1 year ago


In ONE sentence you...
1. Accused him of not selling the ship
2. Accused him of selling the ship
Make up your mind...

1 year ago | Edited 1 year ago


Someone get this child some translator lessons... and some Midol! Articulate as a 4 year old, and tantrum prone as a 47yo woman! WOW

1 year ago


taking down if you not selling keep selling it to people no refund

2 years ago


What happened to the "Cheap DRM-free BP's?", I'm interested.

2 years ago


Wana Buy <3

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


This thing looks really nice.. Plan to open sales any time soon? I love industrial aesthetics of that ship.

3 years ago


3-12-22 Bought this from an Org. buddy who had it for a year. Great ship. I have 0 Pilot skills and am able to run hauling missions between planets. Holds a ton for a new player to the game. Great ship!

3 years ago


Interested- message me in game please.

3 years ago


Just got this ship today. Lovely ship with design and character. Wonderful seller with a quick response time. 10/10 experience.

3 years ago

Achilles Primes

l bought that ship now the ship is overlapping try ask it to fix no answer

3 years ago


Picked up my Brute a couple of days ago and have been a very happy camper. It is a PERFECT fit for me running my missions and shuttling around some cargo and i love how it looks. I'll be keeping this one stock for my nice efficient runs and ordering another one with hopped up engines for some light mining operations in a short while :)

Thank you sir for such a wonderful little hauler

3 years ago


First ship I ever bought, still my go-to small core hauler. Tobi-wan, will you have an update of the Brute for Panacea?

3 years ago


Got a rare token of this ship a while back, its a great ship. cant fault it . a regularly used ship great comb work and highly recommended ship builder very well balanced . and makes a great market runner

3 years ago


Just found one that had plowed into the surface of Lacobus. Was a nice bit of salvage. Previous owner was considerate enough to leave Manganese scrap on board to get me started on repairs.

3 years ago


Very nice Hauler also like that design already nice support thanks

3 years ago


Everyone should have their own Brute. Not kidding. Its so reliable, so dynamic and so damn perfect in every way.
I bought a 40M ship after buying this, and finished 3 other ships with friends, and nothing is as all rounder and good as this one. Thanks Tobiwan for making this amazing ship.

3 years ago | Edited 3 years ago


Amazing ship, very fast delivery. Super happy. :) Highly recommended seller.

3 years ago


What a fantastic ship; 2nd purchase from TobiwanKenobi, and not my last. Outstanding service and one hell of fast delivery! Ship was delivered to my doorstep within 5 minutes of contact; it was rather cinematic and awesome to see this thing appear in the sky, barreling down on my position, coming in HOT! TobiwanKenobi pulled it out of it's steep dive, and did a rather quick and low circular pass around my factory floor before delicately setting it down beside the Squire I picked up a couple weeks back. It was EPIC!

TL:DR - Great product, showmanship, attention to detail and a prompt delivery with bonus impromptu airshow?? Shut up and take my quanta!

3 years ago


Still my favourite! In the meantime I did add 6x Airbrakes L more underneath cause with 3 L containers on top and 25% loaded the braking power is difficult. Maybe I will try more improvment when I have more experience handling this cool ship

3 years ago


Voila deuxième achat et toujours aussi satisfait. Une tuerie ce vaisseau. Encore Merci Tobi

3 years ago | Edited 3 years ago


This are one of the best ships in game. The brute is my second one from Tobi. Swift delivery, comes with instruction and ready to fly. Still considering the third option!!

3 years ago


It took me a few hours to assemble this beast from the BP. Since two days i really enjoy the industrial beauty of this ship. The navigation in the ship is very well tought, no obsctruction, rapid access in any direction, everything is at hand for the daily tasks of a miner / freighter.
This ship is very comfortable and fly like a dream, even for the poor pilot i am. And it's a beast, even overloaded with ore.
Summerized with three words: Strong, reliable and beautiful.
Now, with enthousiasm, i begin the second step: assembling Tobi's Lightskipper.
Oh ! A the last but important word: Tobiwan is a gentleman, very nice and very responsive.

3 years ago


Don't know where else to brag about this, but I just left Alioth with 2.5kt cargo in a brute. (3.1kt total ship mass) Don't try this at home. It took me 10 mins to get the proper escape attempt, and I have all level 4 pilot talents, including the altitude efficiency ones.

3 years ago


I too have all three by Tobi and all are great ships and daily drivers. Keep up the great work and top quality. Looking forward to what you cook up next ;-)

4 years ago


I love it. I now have all 3 ships by Tobi. He is a master craftsman. My org team mates are jealous.

4 years ago


Great ship , like Ive come to expect from Tobi'

4 years ago


One of the things I like about TobiwanKenobi's ships is that they look like they belong in Dual Universe. The Brute is a great value and its capabilities far exceed my own efforts to build an interplanetary hauler. This ship has more features not listed here. Worth taking a look.

4 years ago


Buyed the Brute BP this morning, takes some time to build but it was completely worth it.
Very detailed ship, great looking and amazing flight capacity :Worth every quantas.
TobiwanKenobi is a great builder as well as a true communicant, thank you for your time !

4 years ago


Amazing Ship! Amazing Builder! Buy one today! I love mine!

4 years ago


What a great ship. It sounds cliche, but this one is actually a pleasure to fly. Love it so much I bought a second one so I won’t have to share with my org partner! Can’t wait to see what Mr. Kenobi gives us next.

4 years ago


Love this ship. It's become my go to for small to medium mining runs. Flys amazing. Tobi-wan Kenobi was a pleasure to work with. Highly recommend this ship if your looking for a s core hauler.

4 years ago


Wonderful ship. It is a Brute!. Tossed 2 extra L
s on top, flew to market, handled well. It is heavy, that took some getting used to, but is a pleasure to fly.

4 years ago


ship is amazing, seller is very helpful even to a noob like me, came with full tanks, he even sorted out a few issues i had after buying, so aftersales support is also fantastic, I would definitely recommend. keep up the good work man, have also purchased his lightskipper model for hopping around the place when i don't need hauler, build quality is fantastic on that also.

4 years ago


Bought it. Love it.

4 years ago

[RMS] Emeraven

I get asked often what is a good Hauler to buy, especially for first time players who want to get serious. I point to this one every time. It's stable, highly detailed and can carry some serious loads. It is a joy to fly and about the best mid size hauler I have come across. A sure buy.

4 years ago


Great ships! The seller is very nice and delivers you with a full tank of fuel, it is not at all the sellers that we see that !!
I loaded this ship with 800T of ore + 2 scanners of territory + 1 parasitic rescue ship of 20T and no worries in atmosphere whatsoever to take off or land.
No worries to put a rescue vessel anchored on it, it holds up well and does not move, something that is a problem with other manufacturers!
To leave Alioth I tested with 1300T and full tanks and no worries we can put some more I'm sure and I have all my talent at level 4.
The interior and exterior are very well detailed and the vessel has a container in the cockpit to store scraps and reserve fuel.
For piloting we have several very useful scripts including the gunner post and other functional hud but also the automatic takeoff and landing which are really a plus especially when we are well loaded.
I can't wait to see what this builder will offer us next.

4 years ago


Love, Love, Love this thing! Tobiwan has really knocked it out of the park with this one. Definitely the best maneuvering and stylish 2 large container warp freighter out there right now. Looking forward to what he comes up with next!

4 years ago


Plenty of power and great adjustor placement makes maneuvering easy, and point to point flights in atmo are a breeze with the high lift and auto pilot. Sip fuel while cruising along much quicker than you'd think a ship with this cross section would (ty ailerons? Ailerons ftw?) Styling is fantastic, interior is great, very realistic. Greatly improved my gameplay having such an immersive ship! The craftsmanship must be noted as well, as the attention to detail and skill exhibited is top notch. Personally the coloring is perfect, and there's just enough empty space inside to add a couple cabins or whatever you'd like (although I stopped myself after obscuring a bit of the beautiful work already done). As a solo player its all I need, and I bet it'd be great for duos or small orgs. Fairly inexpensive, highly highly recommended!

4 years ago


as a proud owner of one of these ships..first of all I would just like to say the pictures do not do this ship any justice
next time you go to a market just spend a few minutes in VR and have a look around one,
it's a very economical well balanced ship

4 years ago


When its time to roll up your sleeve grab your mining tool and look that MegaNode dead in the face and yell, You Shall NOT Pass, its Big Brute standing behind you to back you up. Brute is not about the shiny things Brute about getting shit done.! The Hard way.

4 years ago | Edited 4 years ago


Handles a lot more than that. Pile that ore in! Most I've ever escaped atmo with was 1.25Kt - 250KL of iron ore. That was in the basic version and I had lvl 4 pilot skills. Pretty sure the military version could get out with 1.5Kt. Now, reentering with that amount into 1g without crashing? You better know what you're doing.

4 years ago | Edited 4 years ago


Great ship. Gets out of atmo fast and handles 500T with no issues. Highly recommended.

4 years ago


I am interested in buying this ship. toofses#3378 on discord, Gillimus in game. Thanks.

4 years ago


havent flied yet but i do love that ship :D excellent design :)

4 years ago


If you are looking for some BRUTE force this ship has it! Purchased today and delivered super fast was super excited to fuel up and embark on first journey and been amazed at how it flies. My newest choice for quick mining runs!

4 years ago | Edited 4 years ago


I may be interested

Tobi-wan Kenobi#2452
HAVEN - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016}


Dry Weight:

494 t

Cargo Space:

420 kL


Cargo Lift:

1,750 t

Max Speed:

1,400 km/h

Atmo Hover:

20 MN

Sustentation Speed:

225 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

25 MN

Atmo Brake:

136 MN

Wing Lift:

44 MN

Atmo Fuel:

16,000 kL


Space Thrust:

30 MN

Space Brake:

54 MN

Space Hover:

26 MN

Space Fuel:

12,800 kL

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Role
    • Hauler

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp