I try to make the best ships I can in DU.
As of May 2024 I will be quitting DU. But my designs will remain available at my Haven showroom.
TobiwanKenobi DU Exports

FILES: ---------- Here's all of my work in DU; four years of voxelmancy, 28 unique designs. These files can be imported into your myDU servers. It's been a pleasure making things for you all. o7 ---------- I'm releasing these designs to the community for free, but if you'd like to thank me, you can: - Tip me through ko-fi --- - Buy my ships on the main server at my Haven showroom at VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" - Give me a crisp high five. ---------- Note: Please do not reupload these files elsewhere. I'd like this listing remain the sole source of my designs.

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} To view in person, visit VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" The Beltalowda is an optimized space-only roid runner, built for cheapness, speed, and endurance. Unburdened by the useless mass of atmo elements, it has a solid ~7g of space thrust and a max speed of about 39,000kmh, which lets it race to asteroids quickly to beat the competition. It comes with only two M containers inside, but there are eight racks on the exterior to attach extra containers - giving it a storage volume of up to 1.7ML. These racks are also a good place to attach other elements, such as a shield. The DSAT is built into the BP, but it's easy to remove and reinsert at will with an indicator for precise placement. There's also a slot for a warp drive at the tail of the ship, but it's optional. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES: • The Beltalowda comes with a DRM-free BP of a XS space station so that you can have a place to park the ship when not in use. You'll need another atmo-capable ship to haul the ore down to dirt. • For obvious reasons, don't spawn the Beltalowda in atmosphere. First place a XS space platform or two, then spawn the ship. The platform is DRM free, so you can make a core BP of it after spawning to make more of them. • If you want to convert the Beltalowda into a regular hauler, just remove the DSAT and replace it with 6 L containers, for a total of up to 14 L containers(2.7ML). Recommended max cargo mass is 2000t to keep the thrust above 1g. Listed stats are with level 4 technician/piloting talents and basic elements.
Squire - XS Starter Hauler

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} To view in person, visit VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" The Squire is an inexpensive starter hauler and market runner. Capable of escaping 1g with 200t of cargo - even with zero piloting talents - it's suitable for a new player who wants to kick-start their progress. It also has surplus high altitude lift and braking power to make it easier to fly. With maxed technician and piloting talents the Squire can escape 1g with up to 500t and carry up to 700t in atmo. With an optional warp drive, plenty of fuel, and a cozy interior, the Squire has only one notable drawback: If you intend to use the Squire for mission running, keep in mind that the cargo is only 120kL. This means that you won't be able to carry the 125kL mission package. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Listed stats are with maxed talents. If you're spawning from BP without good technician and piloting talents, it will be weaker.

The Scissorswift Courier is a light personal transport made for speed and aesthetics. Built around a medium rocket, it can bust out some serious acceleration and speed for as long as your xeron lasts. It can carry a little bit of cargo if you need to pick up a few things from market(33kL). The 'Scout' version is a space-only patrol ship with 18-22g accel (space thrust - no rocket) and 48,000kmh max speed. With only a XS shield, a couple of S cannons, and a S stasis weapon, it's not going to be winning any fights. But it could pop a XS miner no problem. ;) BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016}
Lightskipper Courier

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} To view in person, visit VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" The Lightskipper Courier is a shuttle designed to get you and a handful of cargo anywhere fast. It used to be a warp shuttle - there's a slot where a warp drive can be placed - but balance changes in beta left it too weak to easily carry the now heavier warp drive. It still works well for small market and mission runs, and as a starter ship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The entire outer hull of the vessel can be repainted, divided into four sections. You will also be able to easily repaint it yourself using a BP tool I provide with every sale.
Vector Voyager

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} The Vector Voyager is a sleek and capable multirole hauler. A colossal amount of work went into making it - about 600 hours - most of it spent on voxels (back when we didn't have the vertex precision tool and we had to modify voxels through arcane methods called 'Voxelmancy'). It has a detailed and pleasant interior and a carefully sculpted outer hull. The Vector also has excellent engineering. It's narrow; less that 400m² forward cross section, allowing it to reach speeds greater than 1600kmh in atmo (if you don't mind a few things exploding). It can haul a substantial amount of cargo; designer testing has achieved 1g escape with 5kt of cargo in the standard basic engines model (with maxed buffs and piloting talents). With higher tier military engines, it can lift up to 8kt for a skilled pilot. Volume capacity is 2.3ML(12 L containers), with external attach points for six additional L containers, allowing expansion up to 3.45ML with only a minor increase in forward cross section. The ship also has a strong and balanced adjustor profile, a small hangar for speeders, and a spacious tech bay to add role-specific elements such as a DSAT, large shield, or AGG. I tried to make the best M-core I possibly could, and I'm proud of the Vector. Thanks for taking the time to look at my cool internet spaceship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Video showcase and review by NeoCrypter: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PURCHASING Dispenser here - ::pos{0,27,6.0299,-73.5286,270.5689} PRICES: Single-use BP - 10M NOTES: •The blue hull plates can also be painted any color/material. You can recolor them when you spawn it by swapping the polished light blue steel for any other material. Or you can repaint it later with a repaint tool BP that will be provided with the ship BP. •Listed stats are with maxed technician and piloting talents. •The Vector can become imbalanced if you place heavy elements in the tech bay. See the info button near the warp drive for instructions on how to rebalance the ship.

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} To view in person, visit VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" The Outrider is a small core light hauler, built for efficiency and elegance. It's powerful enough to carry a modest load, but light enough that warp and fuel costs will also be modest. It can haul a maximum of 300-1000t out of 1g, depending on technician buffs, pilot talents, and engine selection. It has a max cargo volume of 144-216kL as standard. With a small internal tech bay it can house a few additional role-specific elements, such as a M shield, M rocket fuel tank and M rocket engine, or up to three extra M containers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES: • When you spawn the Outrider from BP, to change the color of the blue hull plates, replace the 'Polished Light Blue Steel' and the 'Galvanized Light Blue Steel' materials. The former is the main hull plate material, and the latter is the stripes material. The Outrider will also come with an extra BP for a repainting tool, named 'Outrider Paint Tool' that will allow you to change the color of the ship later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Listed stats are with low talents and basic elements.
Brute S-core Freighter

SALES HALTED. NOTICE: Due to my dissatisfaction with this ship's performance and aesthetics, it is now retired. No further tokens will be sold. Cheap DRM-free BPs will be distributed through a soon-to-be-placed dispenser. NOTICE: With some recent changes to obstruction calculation, the brute has lost about 15% of it's total atmo thrust due to the forward atmo engines being more obstructed. It can still do 2kt cargo, but I'm revising the advertised max to 1.75kt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Brute S-core freighter is designed for short solo/duo mining trips and mid-range missions. It has a detailed interior and a shapely exterior with lots of personality. Internal cargo capacity is 384kL(4M containers), with designated external attach points for three additional L containers, allowing expansion up to 996kL for carrying high-volume, low-mass loads such as bauxite. Max cargo mass is around 1.75kt. The ship can also be used for safe zone asteroid mining. A spot has been cleared in the cargo bay to insert a DSAT at coords 0,0,-3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PURCHASING Unavailable. PRICES: Single-use BP - N/A