United Astral Logistics
We provide some of the best small haulers with ship building experience from alpha to present, we optimise, we provide, we excel
Flatbed AG 3rd Edition
United Astral Logistics

Token Ready 8L boosted Containers AGG is included as standard The ship includes 10 Basic Atmo Engines and 2 Basic Space Engine Ls And Anti Grav The First Version And Second Version have had a lot of praise, and lots of happy buyers, this version is sure to impress and can be purchased with static containers on board or with a removable container pod with the same volume. Don't Wait, She Doesn't For token inquiries dm me on discord I recommend lifting 3kt if you're not experienced or want to play it safe
Oreweaver XS Pro
United Astral Logistics

Hello! Back again with the Oreweaver only this time, Cute, Small And Efficient, boasting only a single L Advanced Military atmo engine, complimented by 2 space Advanced Military Ms, but what about storage?? This little unit is host to 20XS Advanced Optimised containers yielding a total volume of 40kl, small I know but what did you expect?! She's good for running small missions, market runs, short mining trips, and collecting ground ore. Weight capability depends on talents, you can expect 150 to 300tons is my guess. she flys beautifully Custom Colour Options Available purchasable at the alioth exchange green wing g16 Viewable at VR: UAL Ships
United Astral Logistics

Don't take the joy out of flying, every ship should fly the way you expect it to, Joynought is the prime example of small, efficient, and pretty. She will do 350T in atmo with OK talents. 10S containers on a hub, 2S containers on hub for extra storage like scraps and fuel. upgrades available on tokens come with basic elements as standard with any upgrades available. Stats in Gs VR UAL Ships UPDATES:// 17/11/22 - Visual updates, more open cockpit design for 1st person, added light controls and covered space engines, container underglow
United Astral Logistics

Working out the token price finished! 450t out of atmo with good pilot skills (limited by basic engines) 990T out of atmo with upgrades to engines, then its a high altitude lift limit the ship comes with a damage report script and my custom revamp of the default flight script which hides docking and radar widgets and introduces a brake toggle. The Oreweaver uses basic elements but custom orders are available. Fuel Tank Locations in last picture as per requests :P BPS are available at alioth exchange green wing g16 Viewable At VR Astral Logistics
United Astral Logistics

Here we have a new addition to our XS core roster, the UAL Oberon is a hybrid light hauler designed to chase discovered asteroids she can do 300t with good piloting talents and full 5 boosts(free boosts on bps bought from me) in atmo with basic elements, this ship is thrust limited so upgrading engines yield better results. Designed to be cheap and nice to look at, good for mining runs. 1L Basic Atmospheric Engine L 4 Basic Space Engine M (+3 XS Downward Facing Engines For Space Landing) 1M Basic Container Basic Version 350k/2.5mil Basic Elements 300t out of atmo with good skills and talents Advanced Version 550k/5mil Advanced Military Engines 500t out of atmo with good skills and talents. VR to UAL Ships to view!