Here we have a new addition to our XS core roster, the UAL Oberon is a hybrid light hauler designed to chase discovered asteroids she can do 300t with good piloting talents and full 5 boosts(free boosts on bps bought from me) in atmo with basic elements, this ship is thrust limited so upgrading engines yield better results.
Designed to be cheap and nice to look at, good for mining runs.
1L Basic Atmospheric Engine L
4 Basic Space Engine M (+3 XS Downward Facing Engines For Space Landing)
1M Basic Container
Basic Version 350k/2.5mil Basic Elements 300t out of atmo with good skills and talents
Advanced Version 550k/5mil Advanced Military Engines 500t out of atmo with good skills and talents.
VR to UAL Ships to view!
1 year ago
11 months ago
United Astral Logistics
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