Friendly DU player. Summons alien ships. What a weirdo.
Giedi Prime I

fridaywitch, using her summoning circle, has found a way to pull ships from other galaxies and dimensions! Giedi Prime I 2.5 million for a blueprint 16 million for a token Giedi Prime S Add an additional 2.5 million for autopilot, featuring SAGA's Autopilot HUD. For her first finding, we bring you Giedi Prime. An imposing image of darkened aluminum, precision cut for a sleek look, this ship seems likely to have been used as a daily driver in another dimension. It seems to be quite well-rounded in performance and has two small drones to help with ship maneuvering. Around 200kL of storage, eight large engines (4 atmo, 4 space), and warp drive, this ship seems to be able to handle any job that's under 1-1.5 kilotons depending on talents and skills. Coming in at a dry weight of under 500 tons, it warps pretty inexpensively considering its size and power. Military atmospheric engines help you punch out of Alioth's grasp with ease, and the Safe space engines firing on twice as fast as maneuvers will make you feel like you're hitting the NOS in space. Giedi Prime has a little bit of space for some cozy living quarters, but it comes unfurnished as each person's needs differ and the alien world this came from is definitely not anything like ours here in the Helios system. The ship is on display at the Kosmos Showroom (you can VR there), and the blueprints are available there as well as at the Alioth Exchange in the green hall (just look for the giant tree!). If you're interested in a token, please contact fridaywitch#7850 on Discord or DM her in game at fridayxwitch. All blueprints and tokens are FULLY BUFFED to level 5 maximum on everything!

The Weatherlight A limited run S-Core Hybrid ship by 1K, fridaywitch, and robrocketpants. **WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING ORDERS FOR THIS SHIP** The Exotic edition costs 125 million for the token. The Rare edition costs 50 million for the token. the tl;dr will be placed at the end for those who can't be assed to read all this. 1K - Voxels and Design fridaywitch - Elements and Chassis robrocketpants - Piloting HUD This ship is an homage to Magic: The Gathering's artwork and history. The ten exotic models represent the ten strongest cards in M:TG history (the "Power 9" plus Library of Alexandria). Five of the rare ships represent five of 1K's favorite cards. Five of the rare ships represent five of fridaywitch's favorite cards. The remaining set of four rare ships represent four of the more widely used staple cards often seen played in many decks across M:TG history. It features 1K's unique voxel style. It's sleek, luxurious, and has top end performance and handling to easily handle any light loads and odd jobs. Performance: 2x Exotic/Rare Military Atmospheric Engine L 2x Rare Safe Space Engine L 2x Rare Military Engine M 2x Rare/Advanced Optimised Container M 8x Rare/Advanced Optimised Container S Warp Drive How to order: This is a limited edition ship. The order form will be open for one week, then it will be closed and not re-opened again. fridaywitch dislikes how people who are friends of the designer of limited ships always get the first choice (or sometimes the only choice) for these limited ships, and how often times by the time you hear about them they've already been sold out. So, this run will be handled a little differently from most others The Exotics are all unique. Only 10 will be made and sold. One per person. When the order form closes, we will randomize the list of Exotic buyers. The first ten buyers will get to choose which ships they want in that order, so the first name on the list gets their pick of any of them whereas the tenth person on the list gets the last remaining exotic edition. Any remaining exotic buyers will be offered first pick on the rare editions, and as long as supplies last, they'll be offered to have the engines/containers upgraded should they choose to pay the exotic ship pricing. There are 14 different Rare editions, 10 of which are unique. The list for rare buyers will also be randomized. The unique rare ships will be one per person. Should you want to buy more than 1 rare edition, you can order more than one of the four "staple" rare edition ships, known as the Ponder Edition, Lightning Edition, Wrath Edition, and Dismember Edition. Same deal on this one, we'll go down the list one by one which will be randomized. Randomization can feel bad and some people can get lucky, but I'd rather do it this way and give everyone a chance at something nice as opposed to it going only to my best friends. In regards to the pricing, here is how the three people are paid. fridaywitch - Only recovers the cost of the elements, no upcharge or profit to be had. robrocketpants - 5 million quanta per sale, for the HUD license. 1K - All remaining money goes to 1K. 1K is the person who chose the price of the tokens. Thanks for taking the time to read through, and happy travels! -=-=-=-=-= tl;dr Ship pretty. Limited run. Random pulls for who gets first picks. 1 exotic per person. 1 unique rare per person. There are 4 rare editions we will sell multiples of. 125m for exotic edition, 50m for rare edition. ** WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING ORDERS FOR THIS SHIP **