
Giedi Prime I


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fridaywitch, using her summoning circle, has found a way to pull ships from other galaxies and dimensions!

Giedi Prime I
2.5 million for a blueprint
16 million for a token

Giedi Prime S
Add an additional 2.5 million for autopilot, featuring SAGA's Autopilot HUD.

For her first finding, we bring you Giedi Prime. An imposing image of darkened aluminum, precision cut for a sleek look, this ship seems likely to have been used as a daily driver in another dimension. It seems to be quite well-rounded in performance and has two small drones to help with ship maneuvering. Around 200kL of storage, eight large engines (4 atmo, 4 space), and warp drive, this ship seems to be able to handle any job that's under 1-1.5 kilotons depending on talents and skills. Coming in at a dry weight of under 500 tons, it warps pretty inexpensively considering its size and power.

Military atmospheric engines help you punch out of Alioth's grasp with ease, and the Safe space engines firing on twice as fast as maneuvers will make you feel like you're hitting the NOS in space.

Giedi Prime has a little bit of space for some cozy living quarters, but it comes unfurnished as each person's needs differ and the alien world this came from is definitely not anything like ours here in the Helios system.

The ship is on display at the Kosmos Showroom (you can VR there), and the blueprints are available there as well as at the Alioth Exchange in the green hall (just look for the giant tree!). If you're interested in a token, please contact fridaywitch#7850 on Discord or DM her in game at fridayxwitch.

All blueprints and tokens are FULLY BUFFED to level 5 maximum on everything!

Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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1 year ago


Fantastik skip :)

1 year ago | Edited 1 year ago


SAGA version Flies very nicely, Well Done! I will probably add some burn points to the front of mine.

2 years ago


Amazing ship and service from Friday! I love this ship!!

2 years ago


Excellent ship built by Master at voxelmancy. Can not wait to get one.

Not given


Dry Weight:

469 t

Cargo Space:

192 kL


Cargo Lift:

1,000 t

Atmo Hover:

17.5 MN

Atmo Thrust:

22.4 MN

Atmo Brake:

147 MN

Wing Lift:

30.2 MN

Atmo Fuel:

6,400 kL


Space Thrust:

24.9 MN

Space Brake:

106 MN

Space Hover:

17.5 MN

Space Fuel:

7,200 kL

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