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Captain Harlock

All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server Old beta creation New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated and and have rgb Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated AGG installed AGG controler script Main power switch at the entrance that activates all the functions and screens Gunner seats and ammo containers installed (you may change the weapons and to different sizes) its for decorations now
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

Loadeds Industries presents the V-MAX 14,000 ton hauler This is a collaboration with tictaqjim and myself of a rework of my 7kt vhagar, this ship is much larger than the original vhagar and packs a punch just like the original, it will take a experienced heavy hauler pilot to handle this beast with 14kt of cargo, Fitted with 32 advanced atmos engines and 4 LX space uncommon military engines and 22 large containers onboard also fitted with large shield and plenty of room to add a DSAT and even a AGG if you wished, has low sustentation speed of 194km/h and all elements have tier 5 boosted skills when bought as token, fully tested and skills displayed with mostly lvl 3 and lvl 4 in most pilot skills, any questions please DM me on discord
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

“Prowler goes prrrrrrrrrrr!” These were the first words that the shipwrights of Captains Customs heard when they pried the doors open to Captain Miller’s inner sanctum. He had been in there for 10 days straight… What they found inside was enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most hardened criminal psychologist. Wall to wall pictures of engines and drafting plans of a new form of space ship… one that was …over-powered, aggressive…. Bestial. The Prowler was born! Some say it’s a giant space motorcycle. Some say it's an oversized bank of engines with a cockpit mounted on top. Others still think that Captain Miller has “collected” the genetic code of a space Jaguar to grow this ship… All we know for sure is that this ship is a monster! Indeed the engineers speak about it in hushed tones… and share stories of interns going missing after being sent to clean Captain’s first Prowler… With 40 Large Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines churning out 259MN of thrust, the power of the prowler is unrivaled. Capable of muscling 18KT in orbit, the Prowler is more than just a show pony. The Prowler is Captain Miller’s baby and he’s willing to share it with you. Eager actually! Desperate?... Look, frankly, the wrongful death lawsuits from the interns are piling up and people have stopped applying! So stop delaying, release your inner beast and buy a Prowler today. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast. Captain’s Customs – The quality justifies the quanta-ty!
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

There comes a time when reasoned words of appeasement are no longer enough. A time when a good person must decide whether to keep taking the hits or to stand up to oppression. When it is time to stand up, to choose freedom and prosperity, then they must be prepared to deal in malice and menace. To deal in violence. This moment calls for them to pick up the tools of war, and to prepare for battle. Then it is a time for the Megalodon! From the abyssal depths of Captain Miller’s mind arises this 120m long armored behemoth. It is an instrument of retribution. It has been created to let haulers, miners, and business people bite back at those who target them! It screams in an ancient, prehistoric, voice “stop hitting me Devon!..,” (Captain Miller has never confirmed who Devon is!). Born of political necessity when The Guild of Merchants and Haulers threatened to boycott delivery of ore and essential goods until their pilots were adequately protected. When word of this reached the ears of a conglomerate of Helios's finest leaders, known as the Council of Business And System Traversal Advisors, Regulators, and Directors, they knew they had to act! The Council quickly ruled out paying to establish a Helios Sector Police Force or restricting arms sales throughout the system – as both were deemed bad for business and potentially expensive! Instead, the Council awarded a multi-billion Quanta contract to Captain’s Customs for the development of Hauler capable of fighting its own battles! Once he was done counting the suitcases of Quanta, Captain sequestered himself into his design office, stared at an aquarium in the corner for a week, jumped up, and screamed “Shark!” What emerged from this process was a monstrosity – The Megalodon. With 7XL Expanded Containers and an M AGG, it is a hardcore hauler. With a fully protected "safe room", 4 Advanced Precision Large Railguns, and 10 Military XL Space Engines, it is a feature-complete war-ship designed to get you safely through any zero-security zone. If you are serious about hauling and want to cast off the fear of piracy, it's time to be the biggest, baddest thing in the ocean! It’s time to jump the shark and go Megalodon! Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast. Captain’s Customs Now Sponsoring Space Shark Week
Goliath 3
SNS Sentinels

Build by Ch3w8a (Shenluan#8552) M core 30 L container - can haul 12.5kT easily from alioth 30 uncommon atmo L military 4 XL uncommon space military 6 L uncommon space military 6 L uncommon maneuver fully equipped : agg - shield - warp - V.R station - V.R pod - res node + 3 screen in the cockpit where you can place the lua you want! all items are placed to be repairable this ship is designed to be one of the best optimised M cargo hauler with a little touch of design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQTGY3CbIYc
Inquisitor Apocalix

PvP Space hauler 10 kt+ 20 container L 100+brakes Battle Bridge + shield L
lift 10.000 tons Alioth without the AGG

large cargo civil fabriqué par Manwé (Valinor) de Penrose peut transporter 10.000 tonnes sous 1G sans le generateur de gravité. 10 container XXL expanded BP dispenser: ::pos{0,26,-2.4601,-77.7112,0.4765} VR: Sanctuaire Spaceboys n'achetez pas en VR !!! mis à jour le 15.01.2025
Atlas L Pro by Hadron

Hadron’s signature voxel work and Jeronimo’s feature packed JSE++ have come together to produce our series of tower free space elevators! Our elevators are tuned to provide lightning fast transportation of goods and personnel, to and from space, with minimal fuel consumption and effort. What sets our products apart from the competition is our elevators use a number of atmospheric and space brakes to slow the craft rather than using engines to do so which burn a lot of fuel. By using brakes, a huge amount of cargo can be brought safely down from space. Damage Report AR (augmented reality) for monitoring fuel and overall weight at a glance JSE++ elevator script for maximum control and performance tuning The JSE++ flight script provided by Jeronimo, offers a huge number of parameters for you to tune the elevator to your liking. Some notable features include: - Default++ windows system, draggable windows, interactable buttons - Up to 9 easily adjustable and renamable floors - Customisable orientations vectors for gravity elevators or shaft elevators - Various customizable engines settings, approach and travel speeds for empty or full cargo - Automatic engines power on/off - ECO Mode (uses gravity to accelerate the elevator back down to the planet) - Dynamic Augmented Reality floor selection interface - Hot keys for quick action (ALT + 1...9) - Admin list for allowing only certain people to adjust parameters - Blacklist to exclude certain people from using the elevator - Interface available in 3 languages: eng / fr / ger - Auto shutoff on endpoints with adjustable telemeter offsets. -100% autonomous docking in space with emitter / receiver. -All Elevators are desinged to fit in gates eg. XS ExpL or XL but will also work with sliding doors. To ensure optimal customer experience, we have developed a concept to provide you with an "all-in-one package". Our mission is a happy customer On your first ever Elevator you can only get an token or you provide the needed parts. Full Service Installation with one of us is required to make sure everything works 100% perfectly, and you are fully satisfied with our product. After your first setup you can buy blueprints and use our install guide or ask us questions any time. The on site install help for all elevators includes: Planning and setting up the ground cradle. Full explanation of all settings in discord with screenshare. After the ground setup we will fly together up and place your space station core. Placement and aligning our DRM free L Space core dock including optional Gates. Integration of the cradle in other space station BP´s. Cargo @1G (Alioth/Haven/Sanctuary) with (Uncommon Atmospheric Engines) and lvl5 Pilot talents: 10000t going up to space 15000t going down to surface Quick demo of the elevator (XS MAX): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIesj0XYORU Call us on discord for an personal tour: ryanpryde / midacre / mcxerxes Visit us in VR: Hadron HQ Alioth

"Valdez V2" Built as a Serious hauling Vessel. The ship has been created as a no-nonsense purpose-built work ship. There are no Deco elements, there are no fancy board rooms or lighting elements and plants and frilly things. Very easy to deploy with alternate color choices. The total element count is 512 as delivered. The Valdez uses 18 Advanced Optimized L containers for Cargo and 2 Advanced Optimized M containers for Scrap & Warp Cells. There are 24 Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines & 4 Advanced Safe Space Engines. It has been tested leaving Sanctuary with 10kt of Cargo (12.6 kt total ship mass). It will surely lift more from a 1g planet but 10kt it what it is being rated at. This is not a build for the Novice player, due to the expense of the elements, however it will fly well in the hands of any pilot. - AGG and Warp drive are built in. - ALL elements on the ship that can be boosted, are boosted to level 5 NON PvP skills. - All listed attributes were taken while in VR so they reflect zero pilot skills, and the ship was dry and empty. (Free post purchase element boosts can be accommodated) - 2 Command chairs, one with Archegeo HUD and one with Default HUD. - Atmospheric and Space radars included. - Atmospheric Brakes have been located to be compatible with the potential future brake changes. - Advanced Optimised Containers have been used to reduce weight and increase capacity - Includes "Shipinfo" LUA screens by Astco/Krengus Ship Showroom is being Moved! Tokens Sales: NA At this time. A large amount of credit goes to "Astelteyn" for the Hull inspiration. Build Sheet >> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JFGWecpnR6L7mDK6hN0NdP2GcMKfn4DLpuTy8qIQjCE/edit?usp=sharing
Halberd-class Destroyer ( HALO )

Here is the unfc Halberd-class destroyer from the HALO license. To see it in VR: UNSC Destroyer BP: ::pos{0,27,7.1508,20.1409,236.7263} and on sale in the ship. Token price adapted to the market price. It's a ship of size L that faithfully reproduces the dimensions of the original ship but obviously some parts have been adapted to make it viable for Dual universe. Thanks to its design it obtains a cruising speed in atmosphere of more than 1600 km per hour, this speed is possible thanks to its 18 atypical military atmospheric engines which allow to push the ship with a load of 10KT outside Haven without the help of the antigravity. To take over in space, the ship is equipped with 4 atypical maneuvering XL space engines and if you want to carry more load from a planet at 1g you will be able to rely on the agg elevator integrated in the antigravity. The ship is fully equipped inside to meet all the necessary needs of the players in terms of gameplay and RP but there are also large additional spaces to be equipped for the player's needs such as a huge interior hangar to store additional ships or containers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fr. Voici le unfc Halberd-class destroyer de la licence HALO. Pour le voir en VR: UNSC Destroyer. BP: ::pos{0,27,7.1508,20.1409,236.7263} et en vente dans le vaisseau. Prix du token adapté en fonction du prix du marché. C'est un vaisseau de taille L qui reproduit fidèlement les dimensions du vaisseau original mais bien évidemment certaines parties ont été adaptées pour le rendre viable pour Dual universe. Grâce à son design il obtient une vitesse de croisière en atmosphère de plus de 1600 km heure, cette vitesse est possible grâce à ses 18 moteurs atmosphérique atypique militaire qui permettent de pousser le vaisseau avec une charge de 10KT en dehors de Haven sans l'aide de l'antigravité. Pour prendre le relais dans l'espace, le vaisseau est équipé de 4 moteurs XL spatiaux maneuver atypique et si vous voulez emporter plus de charge à partir d'une planète à 1g vous pourrez vous appuyer sur l'ascenseur agg intégré dans l'antigravité. Le vaisseau est complètement aménagé à l'intérieur pour répondre à tous les besoins nécessaires des joueurs en termes de plaisir de jeu et de RP mais il y a aussi des larges espaces supplémentaires pour pouvoir être aménagé pour les besoins du joueur comme par exemple un immense hangar intérieur pour y ranger des vaisseaux ou des conteneurs supplémentaires.

A Classic from D4NKWORKS. Performance built with the beginner player in mind. Designed to easily handle 7.5kT to 12.5kT depending on skills, placements, and engines. Tested on Alioth to confirm capability anywhere in the solar system. Ship comes with Warp Drive and Scanner. Interior is completely detailed. Crew Cabin/Head/Airlock/Repair and Cargo Bays. VR= "D4NKWORKS SHOWROOM" BPs= ::pos{0,2,35.5383,104.9011,1.5245} Contact info: IGN: D4nkkn1ght Discord: Dank#9076 Twitch: D4nkkn1ght
The Whirlpool

Alien vessel that looks like "The Whirlpool" collectible or is it the other way around? Did someone make a collectible item after this amazing alien vessel? It's capable of anti-gravity hovering and has hidden elements, apart from AGG and top elevator that is sticking out a bit, so that you can go back inside! It's almost as long as L core allows, bit shorter, maybe 95% of L core lenght. 20x L atmo engines (8x freight, 12x maneuver) 3x XL space engines (2x maneuver, 1x freight) 20x L containers (room for many more!) most of interior is empty, so you can put whatever you like in there. you can hide entire dsat in the middle part, without it sticking out. aim it towards the engines, so bottom of dsat is against engines. however wings and engines will be problematic if you want to keep them hidden. Tested with 8kt and it had no problems lifting it, however low altitude lift was barely enough, so if you want to lift more than 8kt off the ground, then you need to add some hovers or replace some hovers with vboosters as they give more lift. it's not meant to pickup cargo from ground tho, that's why it has AGG for. If you want it to carry even more, then you can add downwards engines, there's plenty of room for that. you should be able to put at least 30 L-size downwards engines on it.
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

Take the next step towards becoming a Titan with the new Atlas hauler from Captains Customs. Coming with Four Million Litres of cargo capacity, AGG, Advanced engines, and the best seat in the house. You’ll feel confident bearing the weight of the stars on its shoulders. Lift more. Move more. Make more. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR
Horizon XL
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

The Horizon XL Bigger, Better, Meaner Success is a terrible burden. The Horizon is the benchmark. The Ship that all others are measured against. Since it rolled off the production line, it has defined a generation of haulers and occupied the fevered dreams of a would-be industrialist from Sinnen to Feli. How do you improve on that?.... Well... you do the same thing again but bigger, better, and meaner. More engines, more containers, more guns! And add an AGG and a Safe Room. You release the Horizon XL. Legend has it that upon awaking from a Warp Ale fueled catatonia, Captain Miller stumbled into Captain’s Customs design suite, pointed at the Horizon’s schematics, and screamed “it needs more cowbell!”. Once Captain’s shipwrights had calmed him down and worked out what the heck he was talking about – the project to upgrade the Horizon was born. The equation is simple, really. Take the Horizon and make it more... Horizon-y?. The result. A ship that will take 13+ KTs to orbit without breaking a sweat. A ship that will burst the eardrums as the engines spool up. A ship that will give those pesky pirates a really, really bad day if they look at it funny. This is the Horizon XL, and it means Business. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast. Captain Customs – Just Fly It
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

“And he strode forth unto the field, atop a white steed. Clad in shining mail, brandishing a burning sword, The men who had been busy at the work of war, Quieted themselves and began to quake in fear... For Death lurked among them... And he had come to teach them a lesson in battle.” Famed Aliothian Poet Implausible, in the dedication of his Vanguard. The Vanguard... What you see when you examine this ship for the first time is 160 meters of artistry. Of nuanced corners, elegantly placed artwork, detailed flying buttresses... What you come to realize over time, however, is that this ship is no show pony. It’s a Warhorse. One that has clad in mail, smacked in the face and fed a diet of high protein milkshakes and amphetamines. This Warhorse is pissed off and means business! With an armored core and safe room, two flight decks and a landing pad, and kilotons of armor, the Vanguard is the foundation of your navy. The rock on which to build your church. Your heavily militarized church... The Vanguard began life as a custom order. When a pair of slightly deranged ship buyers looked at the Valiant Battle Carrier and thought “..... you know what...that battleship needs more guns and armor...”. After he stopped crying, Master-shipwright Dragosphere stammered “...they’re right... the crazy bastards are right....” and proceeded to extend the Valiant in every dimension. The result... more than just a war machine of horrifying destructive power, more than just a statement or status symbol... He crafted the technological embodiment of a God of War! Come see it in person at Captain’s showroom 9km SouthWest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,20.6263,110.9953,106.1835} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Captain’s Customs – Personifying Deities on demand!