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Dream Designs by Ristlin

Dominus is an L core space freighter designed for station-to-station heavy cargo hauling with 120 L containers of dedicated cargo, 12 XL space engines, 3-axis thrust. Features centralized storage hub, three access to points to each hub, forward utility section (weapons, small-craft landing pad, RP mining drill), two lateral airlocks for docking M cores, four engineering sections, medical bay, and command deck. Dominus is currently using basic space engines and costs125m based on prices as of 1/30/2023. **LUA** Orbital HUD Damage Report Cargo Monitor Updated Pricing for Launch
Dragonfly MKI By BDC

The DragonFly MK1 Modeled from STAR CITIZENS DRAKEs Dragonfly. This hybrid is perfect for light market runs. This lil guy cruises @ 1700 kph with 5% atmo and 1300 kph on ground level. Will travel and work well on a Moon. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BooNDocK Customs" @ Infinity Corporation Spaceport ::pos{0,2,7.8000,80.4210,89.9976} ****OR**** VR Station name "BooNDocK Main Showroom" ::pos{0,2,-25.9879,106.3613,5.8710} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta.
Dragonfly PR(Pocket Rocket) By BDC

The DragonFly PR **POCKET ROCKET** Modeled from STAR CITIZENS DRAKEs Dragonfly. This Pocket Rocket is made to save your arse. This lil guy cruises @ 1100 kph on ground level. Extremely agile. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BooNDocK Customs" @ Infinity Corporation Spaceport ::pos{0,2,7.8000,80.4210,89.9976} ****OR**** VR Station name "BooNDocK Main Showroom" ::pos{0,2,-25.9879,106.3613,5.8710} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta.
LiftOff 190E

When travelling the stars, the journey is just as important as the destination. Enjoy the comforts of home as you traverse the stars, or haul light cargo in style. Features include: - Warp Drive - 250t cargo lift to space in 1G - Seating for 4 passengers - Surrogate VR Station - Resurrection Node - Pilot controlled door and ramp for easy on/off-boarding - Full element access in case repairs are needed, including intake hatches to access hidden elements.
The Twister
Deep Space Corporation

Deep Space Corp - Presents "The Twister" The Ultimate M Core Hauler !! With 32x Boosted Large Containers, has a carry capacity of nearly 6000 KL. 3x10 Large Containers for moving what ever is required 1x2 Large Container for storing the Fuel / Warp Cells / Scraps Lifts off from 0 to 1000m on Alioth with 11 KT of total weight. AGG S will assist you in loading more once parked at above 1000M if you need to load up more. The 24x L Military Grade Atmospheric Engine along with 130x Large Atmospheric Brake ensures that you do not stumble when lifting off from any planet. Warp Drive Enables you to haul what ever you have mined or commissioned to the edge of the galaxy. No fancy interiors or bedrooms, as this ship is made for pure hauling and hardcore miners. But has enough space on the inside to decorate it how you want if required. Pure industrial finish & ultra low Dry Weight **Does Not Come With Full Tank Of Fuel** Token Price varies on ressource costs VR & Check it out at: DECO
HAG Pyro 2

HAG Pyro is THE best pocket ship in game Built for Speed,Usability and Speed. Fully compactable >2000 kmh Max Speed using 1x Advanced Military S Atmo and 1x XS Atmo BP Dispenser in Alioth Marina: ::pos{0,2,38.3028,62.7694,34.7477} This ship is the best thing you can get as a compact-able all purpose ship. Enough acceleration to fly with "burn speed".. Speed Limiter saves you from real damage. Can VTOL and be used as a rescue ship in Atmo., has full auto level which saved my ship quite a lot of times already after small market like collisions;-) - VTOL & mobile work platform - change to VTOL orientation leave the seat mid air, the construct stops and hold position. Use all your tools to capture/repair/rescue ships at high alt. - Full Auto level on pitch&roll -Speed Limiter function to save you from burning too often (can be disabled via Hotkey) -Underwater Mode to "fly" like a submarine in the sea -Hover Pilot seat , and one additional passenger seat and more..... Some Tips for using the Pyro: - if you plan to get out of your seat in VTOL orientation, make sure that the ECU is armed and you entered the seat from e.g. the front hover engine ( need to be in a straight line in front of the pilot seat! ) This assures that when you exit the seat in vtol position, you land on the force field. - you can temp. disable the autolevel by holding left shift key whilst flying. as long as you hold shift, the autolevel is suppressed. This helps in doing some quick maneuvers. - you can enter your home coordinates in the LUA parameters. when piloting you can then press Shift+Alt*2 to set your homebase as the target destination quickly. - Update 2021.01.03 now all my ships have one more great function. Auto Altitude.. Just fly to the required alt and hit alt+2 to enable altitude hold. use alt3/Shift Alt 3 to increase/decrease target altitude by 100m. If you bought a Pyro from me, and want a free update, contact me on discord. Update 2021.01.29 there is now a Blueprint dispenser at my showroom for the Pyro 1R1P (still i recommend to buy a token, as you can have a test flight with full introduction and explanation of all the features then)

Introducing the Silverback from Liftoff. This small hauler can carry up to 800 tons off of Alioth with seating for 2 passengers. It also has both space and atmospheric radar for those interplanetary trips. With it's sleek design you'll be sure to draw eyes as you haul in style. The warp version of the Silverback will be available soon! If you already own a Silverback and would like a warp drive added, you can simply bring a warp drive with you and receive the upgrade for no additional charge.
Flappy Bird

FLAPPY BIRD! With built in highscores. Come check it out at the Underdun Arcade (VR) ::pos{0,2,38.0744,106.5346,114.9047}

A very fast podracer I built during beta and have revised slightly since the reset. This is an atmosphere-only ship though you may wish to add a space brake for those pesky accidental takeoffs. This should be considered a novelty ship that is not intended to haul. There is no storage built into the ship itself. With appropriate talents, and basic tier flight elements, you can easily reach 1500 kmh in atmosphere. Without talents, you can still likely reach 1500 kmh, but the ship will likely start to burn up.
The Eclipse
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

The Eclipse Large Core Hauler - 7680KL Cargo Capacity 25+ KT Cargo off Alioth with 45.5 G's of atmo brake power (so that you can land that heavy load easily) Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.
"Carrion" MKI Warp Variant By BDC

Elite Dangerous fans I have one for you. I squeezed what should have been a S core into an XS build box. Packed in neatly and made Purdy. This is perfect to jump systems for light shopping off planet or easy dock to a Space Station. 6 Warp Cells to Madis 24 KL of Storage Ship is using Custom Albatross Hud for cockpit. TOKEN** comes with all LVL 4 ENGINE/ LVL 4/5 Elements 1 L Warp Core 1 S Container 6 XS Container 1 LG Military Atmo ENG 2 M Military Atmo ENG 2 M Space ENG 6 XS Maneuvering Space ENG 2 M Fuel Tanks: 1 Space, 1 Atmo 1 S Space Fuel Tank Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta. **FREE** POCKETABLE SHIP BP With Purchase of a Token 10M+.
The Wedge V2
Deep Space Corporation

Introducing - The Wedge V2 New Version of the "Workhorse". The Cargo lift depends on the configuration (e.g. basic/uncommon/advanced Atmos) The Ship inherits 12x L Container - 10x for Cargo & 2x for misc items. There is room for an S Antigrav and an M Shield. Ship is fired by 18X L Atmo Engine and 2X XL Space Engine If you need a different Engine configuration we can support you by doing so. All Engines can be changed easy. The measures are with uncommon military atmos and basic space engines. We are located on Alioth at Market 19 Check it on VR: DECO
"Carrion" MK II H "Hauler" Variant By BDC

"Carrion" MK II Hauler Elite Dangerous fans I have one for you. I squeezed what should have been a S core into an XS build box. Packed in neatly and made Purdy. This is perfect Market runner or easy dock on a Space Station. She got a new facelift and some Bling after Launch. Ship is over Engineered and flys fantastic. It is my Personal runner with the way it handles and what it carries. I've placed 320 T in boxes and parachute landed. I've left atmo w/ my lvl 3 skills @ 250T **TOKEN** Will need time to gather all parts. Contact me for more details. 2 S Container 8 XS Container 1 LG Military Atmo ENG 2 M Military Atmo ENG 2 M Space ENG 8 XS Maneuvering Space ENG 2 M Fuel Tanks: 1 Space, 1 Atmo 1 S Space Fuel Tank Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta. **FREE** POCKETABLE SHIP BP With Purchase of 10M Quanta or more.
Destiny I
Dream Designs by Ristlin

Destiny I shuttle is an XS light hauler featuring 40 KL of container space and 140 t lift capacity. The shuttle is powered by an atmospheric engine L for quick access to space, and two rare military space engine M to cruise your way to your next destination. Features: - Space and Atmospheric radar - Resurrection node - 3-axis space movement - M fuel tanks. - Warp version: 6.5m Blueprint Locations: Max speed: 46,300 km/h delta V: 261,143 km/h Update Log: 11/8/22 - Upgraded volume with 4 S and 4XS containers, space engines to rare military. Tweaked interior layout and balance.
Corvette Reaper

*** Built in Beta, was working fine up until the wipe*** Introducing the Reaper Corvette, dedicated pvp ship for a crew of 3. Designed for that solo pirate life or for a wolfpack hunting down its prey, either way this little beast is super fun to fly. Its cheap cost means you wont be backing down from many fights which means more fun for all. Packing 6 medium rails guns and armoured with meters of steel and gold, there wont be much around this size that you wont be able to take on. Location Alioth: ::pos{0,2,28.7970,80.7528,532.2103} https://media.giphy.com/media/3oUkfoGwZyEeorAgwf/giphy.gif *** Built in Beta, was working fine up until the wipe - not tested, previous cost 10M BP***