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Voxel Sets
Lua Scripts

Beach House



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This construct was a build featured by NQ on the Dual Universe Twitter in 2020! A luxury beach house for low-key private parties with close friends, or time away from the hustle and bustle of Alioth's busy marketplaces! Includes "Blue Mesa" & "Stone Desert" artwork by RL Cody Rauh ( aka. Creator in DU )

BP: 1 Mħ

Loadeds showroom factory and more

Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)


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50% off blueprint price at the moment on dispenser NEW LOCATION FOR FULL RELEASE ::pos{0,2,35.9865,105.7206,-47.7959} FEW TILES AWAY FROM MARKET 6 Maybe your new home ? this large core standing 82 meters tall with ground floor showroom with factory/office/living space and roof top landing pad might just be for you it has it all at a bargain price. you can also copy and paste the container racks to make more if needed. its a must visit you can visit in vr search: loaded industries, make sure you check all elevators and vist all floors, and can purchase a bp at the location near the front enterance any questions please dm me on discord.

BP: 10 Mħ

NoxCorp Bacterium 2



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Showroom and BP dispenser on Alioth (near Market 17) ::pos{0,2,36.4289,57.9012,22.7369} Surrogate VR: NoxCorp Showroom NoxCorp Bacterium is a pet simulator game and stylish aquarium for your ship or base. Grow up to 4 pets at a time, each with unique appearance and characteristics. Each one will evolve multiple times during its life. The lifespan of a bacteria is up to 100 days, you should feed them at least twice a week. Bacterium 2 is a complete rewrite using the LUA screen API. The graphics are much sharper and run at a higher framerate. The screens are very efficient (500k render cost per screen) so will not give you performance/lag problems. The programming board on the right of Bacterium has many LUA params you can customise. You can change the colours and show/hide different elements. The programming board on the left is for the lighting inside Bacterium. I have added a simple DRM free script which can be used to set the lights. LUA updates in development including: ✓ New evolutions and appearances [Completed Oct 2022] - Fighting - Breeding - Transferring pets between units Bacterium 2 comes on a DRM protected dynamic core XS which allows easy repositioning on your ship or base. Custom install direct into your construct is possible but costs more. Contact me for details. Dimensions: Width: 500cm (20 voxels) Height: 375cm (15 voxels) Depth: 150cm (6 voxels) Screen size: Transparent Screen L Need a custom install or tweaks? Contact nekranox#6279 for more information. Readme file provided with full instructions for use: https://noxcorp.tech/b2-readme.txt

Token: 3 Mħ
BP: 1 Mħ


Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)


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50% off blueprint price at the moment on dispenser Loaded industries presents the latest large static OUTPOST 22 you can visit in VR search for loaded industries, Give your tile a style that it deserves with the outpost 22, Large core static building that can be use as anything you like, plenty of space for being used as a factory or a build box with viewing balcony or just store your small ships or medium ship in the lower floor with with second floor space and landing pad on top this building requires around 39k of honeycomb mostly plastic which if you have full talents for making plastic will be around 330k of ore to make and at current ore prices will cost you around 5 million in ore 25% off for the rest of november on dispenser at our location 7.5 million

BP: 10 Mħ

Phalanx Station



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An L-Core Space station with 5 landing pads a Small Hangar Bay and Dry Dock for all your Building Projects. The Lower Level is open for Storage and some industry.

BP: 2.5 Mħ

DIA Omnifactory - Expanded



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DIA is very pleased to introduce the 'Omnifactory', the one stop manufactury for all your element needs. The Omnifactory is able to produce any and every T1-T4 element in the game, to support those who seek a factory setup that is completely and easily adaptable to the trends of the market. Designed for diversity of production over outright capacity, the Omnifactory is the ultimate flexible manufacturing hub - whilst still allowing significant expansion of capacity if desired. It also incorporated DIAs custom written all-in-one LUA script for Industry, Storage and Schematics monitoring, viewable on a single screen and with touch control to switch between functions and scroll screen pages. Customise your screens with the multiple settings available. With designated landing pads on the roof (sized to be able to accommodate a mid-sized elevator from either SVEA or Hadron), significant additional space for more storage in the lower level and a blank canvas on the top level for creating your dream office, apartment, or just even more storage! This is the 'Expanded' version, the full on entry into the Omnifactory with all industry, transfer and storage elements configured for ease of expansion. This configuration uses 'double transfer storage' - each machine has its own primary input and output storage containers, with transfer units linking to secondary storage containers to accommodate for the onward link numbers required. Additional transfer units then feed to the primary storage of the next machines in the manufacturing sequence. Expanding the capacity of this factory is as simple as placing the new industry machine, linking the primary input and output containers and setting the machine to run the component desired, the 'racking' configuration allowing this to be accomplished with minimal effort. When thinking about purchasing and deploying this Omnifactory, do bare in mind this is a pricy investment - using over 1800 transfer units alone and requiring 7.2Mlitres of storage to deploy! It CANNOT be deployed with any particular elements deselected, as this would break the transfer system. Be warned :) BP dispenser is set up in front the Omnifactory at the DIA Plaza for a extremely reasonable price of 50Mq ! VR either to the DIA Plaza or directly to DIA Omnifactory to view (but remember - don't buy in VR!)

BP: 50 Mħ

2001 Monolith Excavation Site



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THE MONOLITH During ground works for our base, we have unearthened a strange artifact of possible alien orign. None of our instruments was able to penetrate this object or to get any data. You can see it first-hand, when VRing to "Tropico". We decided, to make this artifact available to you all, in hope that your technologies can retrieve the deep secrets it bears within. INSTRUCTIONS The dispenseris on location, as part of the excavation site. There are two blueprints - one for the monolith (MON) and one for the excavation site (SIT). At your own location, find an area that is as flat as possible. If there are small elevations, the center of SIT should be at the lowest area. Sink it into the ground, but make sure that somewhere a little bit of the upper wall remains above ground. Look how it is done at our location. After it has been placed, use your digging tool (2) to create a small tunnel downwards, along a wall. Each wall contains 5 sections, one above each other. Stop the tunnel when you have reached the lowest of those 5 sections. Now use tool 5 to create a flat floor inside the four walls. Then remove the soil that is still above your head inside the walls, avoid removing soil outside the walls. Use now the Smooth Voxel tool along the walls to raise the floor unevenly along the wals, especially at the four corners. Do some landscaping to make the floor a bit uneven. Important: you must not see any of the steel honeycombs. Do not yet create the small "hill" in the center. Now place the MON slightly above the floor. Now create the small "hill" below it to hide the core. Finally, do some additional work on the surrounding area, to make it looking perfect. When you're done, post "My god, it's full of stars" in the general ingame chat! :-D HURRY, THERE ARE ONLY 10 BLUEPRINTS!

BP: 7.5 Mħ

Space Factory



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Full L core space station perfect for your space factory. With 4 landing places (M cores) that perfect Align with the main factory. I can help install everything. The inside is empty. Discount if u buy more 2 for 15 mill 3 for 20 mill 4 for 25 mill Blueprints at ::pos{0,0,13909484.7964,7394236.0528,-249278.5554} VR: Space station Shop

BP: 10 Mħ

Outpost Miner Mini -ADMI

Gray (GrayLeader)


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Will be updating store location for release in weekish atm emladra#8532 is available if you wish to purchase anything. Hoping to be setup with new store on madis in a week possibly 2 depending on resources lol. ( X2 blueprints per purchase!) A small core version of my outpost miner this one is the mini! is a small core design that has room for easy 10 large containers in building the bp only has 2 placed and only 1 basic L autominer placed. Has 6 slots total for the autominers in case you wish to add more later uses just 970m of voxels so easy to construct all aluminum so as to be easy to build and quick to place. the skirt around the edge is rather tall to help place it on uneven terrain and still look right. The 1.5 mil buys you 2 of the mining units bps so just in case you mess up placing one you still have another! thanks for looking and let me know if you have questions about it! emladra#8532 all of my stuff is available on madis at cords- ::pos{0,1,-53.2259,-47.4236,827.1160}

BP: 1.5 Mħ

Space Storage



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Looking voor Flexibel Space Storage? You've found it! A space station to place nearby the planet(s) where you collect the Ore from your Mining Units. You can adjust the number of containers you need by yourself. Just add or remove some. A complete fuel industry 'in-house' is present in the station. All containers and fuel are accessible through a Container Hub in the operating room downstairs. Don't worry, you don't have to walk. Elevators bring you up and down. At the bottom of the space station you find 4 small landing pads to accommodate a drop off point for your small planet surface haulers. Your 'L-core-slow-boot-Freighter' can land on top of the station to pick-up the ore. Wanna have a look at the station? Very easy, visit the Space Station Shop in VR: DSGI Allioth Space Storage Wanna buy a blue print? Located at ::pos{0,0,217810.3365,173069.0911,-75076.1042} you can have a real life view and buy the blue prints. !!! Don't buy the Blue print when you are in VR !!!!

BP: 10 Mħ

SWG Tatooine Trading Post v2.0



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Back in beta I began piecing together a static L-core for my large Tatooine city project based on Star Wars Galaxies/Battlefront - Now you can enjoy it as well! Everything is an original version or elaboration based on the old school style. FEATURES: • Main trading hub building • 3 Custom workshops/houses • Speeder/podracer parking • Two XS-sized landing pads • Negotiator's Patio/Lounge • Junkyard • Defense Turret (Has 1 M, 2 S containers within) • Unique decorations: moisture vaporators, display carts full of commodities, (Entry sign reads 'Trading Post' in Aurebesh-font) • Space for additional buildings, alleys, yard decorations, the possibilities are endless! ***SWAPPABLE DYNAMIC PIECES: Blueprint includes most everything shown in the sample pictures but the central 'City Shuttleport', 'Bazaar', and 'Vehicle Garage' are optional sold-separate dynamic (or static) cores. This gives you even greater power over your city as you can change out the look/feel of different areas on the fly without having to copy/paste things. ***Screen images, Art, Logos -Hutt Clan Logo assets.prod.novaquark.com/54643/5f222890-c181-4cb6-8e41-921b6e3fa1a3.png -Flag of Tatooine (twin suns) assets.prod.novaquark.com/54643/897fa331-4dd1-4635-9f97-1803b38385c6.jpg *Blueprint will include extra 'fluff' details on the carts, dispensers, or additional polishes as they're added. I can't remove dispensers from main hub due to a bug NQ is trying to fix so for now what I have is what everyone else gets but you can choose to not spawn dispensers in now with the optional system.

BP: 4.5 Mħ

Portal Crane



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Decorative Element drm free VR "Alioth Marina"

BP: 1 Mħ

Fantasy Building Kit



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If you're like me, you love Dual Universe and the amazing freedom it gives us to build whatever we want. However, some of us are more inclined to fantasy settings over Sci-fi. Others might just want a change of scenery for some of their buildings. If this is you, then check out Stormsteel's Fantasy Building Kit. This kit uses almost entirely t1 honeycomb by default, with the tiniest bit of lumi glass. The Fantasy building kit includes pillars and several wall stylings to build a castle or cathedral-like structure. Various doors and windows allow you to differ your indoor vs. outdoor styling or just have a nice variation all around. The kit also includes several decorative voxel pieces such as crystals and hanging banners. This Kit will continue to be updated, and as it improves the price may rise. However, once you own it, you will never have to pay more to receive the updated versions. See below for current version and Changelog. VR to "Stormhold" to see the Fantasy Building Kit in person, as well as Stormsteel's personal hanger build with it. Blueprints can be purchased via Dispenser at ::pos{0,2,51.3456,99.1264,-0.0000} - BPs can also be delivered to you at any of the District Markets (especially 6). The BP dispenser at the entrance of the hangar. At the top of the stairs pictured above. Current Version: 1.1 Change Log: 1.1 -Basic Blue Ceiling Added (inluding diagonal section) -Added floor tiles to go over diagonal wall peices -Added parapets to go on top of pillars

BP: 2.5 Mħ

Market Replica



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Last few months I have been working on this Market Replica. It worked out pretty well. Just check it out in VR. (Market Replica East and Market Replica West) Note: No market machines included. ;-) Place your dispensers there or do what you like. Beneath the base there is a ton of space to make a factory or anything you like. Currently available @ Drack shipshow. Later available @ Kosmos showroom.

BP: 25 Mħ

All Uncommon Engine Factory

VO Industries - theOmega28


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VR: "VO Factory Sales" This will produce all Uncommon Engines 24 Hour Production with no talents Uncommon Military Atmospheric Engine XS - x240 Uncommon Military Atmospheric Engine S - x60 Uncommon Military Atmospheric Engine M - x15 Uncommon Military Atmospheric Engine L - x3.75 Uncommon Military Space Engine XS - x240 Uncommon Military Space Engine S - x60 Uncommon Military Space Engine M - x15 Uncommon Military Space Engine L - x3.75 Uncommon Military Space Engine XL - x1.8 Uncommon Military Hover Engine S - x63.8 Uncommon Military Hover Engine M - x15 Uncommon Military Hover Engine L - x3.9 Uncommon Military Flat Hover Engine L - x3.9 Uncommon Military Vertical Booster M - x15 Uncommon Military Vertical Booster XS - x254.8 Uncommon Military Vertical Booster S - x63.8 Uncommon Military Vertical Booster L - x3.9

BP: 12 Mħ
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